Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Colloidal Silver and the Bubonic Plague

 Learn more about the astonishing infection-fighting qualities of colloidal silver at
So now the deadliest form of bubonic plague – the airborne, aerosol form that’s breathed into the lungs -- has infected a man near Denver, Colorado.  And he apparently got it from his dog, which later died. 

What's more, news reports say three more plague cases have been found in Colorado since then.

Which, of course, brings up the question, "Can colloidal silver kill the bubonic plague pathogen?" 

While the evidence for colloidal silver’s effectiveness against the bubonic plague pathogen is still circumstantial, it’s indeed quite interesting. Here’s what I can tell you, so far…

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for The Silver Edge

According to a news article on, a Denver, Colorado man has contracted a rare form of the bubonic plague.


“The man, who hasn’t been identified, is infected with pneumonic plague, an inhaled form of the disease, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said July 9 in a statement.

It’s the first case of pneumonic plague seen in the state since 2004, said Jennifer House, a spokeswoman for the department. The man may have been exposed in Adams County near Denver, the department said.

The disease occurs when a bacterium named Yersinia pestis infects the body, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The difference between the pneumonic and bubonic varieties is that the bacteria take hold in the lungs in the first case, rather than underneath the skin through insect bites.”

In a follow-up news story, also from, we learn of three more deaths in Colorado from the plague:

"Three more cases were found in Colorado, a week after the first infection of the deadliest form of the disease was reported in the state in a decade.

Two of the new cases also had pneumonic plague, while the third had a milder form."

Those are, of course, some very disconcerting news reports.  Especially when you consider the fact that the plague killed off nearly one-third of Europe back in the 14th century.

Is Colloidal Silver Effective?

Unfortunately, there's no modern-day clinical evidence that colloidal silver is effective against a bubonic plague infection in humans. 

But we've all heard the story that during the 14th century bubonic plague outbreak in Europe, which killed an estimated 1.5 million people and was also known as the Black Death, the young children of wealthy families were instructed to suck on silver spoons each day to preserve their health. 

In hindsight, modern commentators say the tiny amounts of silver ingested from sucking on the silver spoons boosted immunity and helped killed infectious microorganisms, thus preventing many cases of bubonic plague among those who could afford to eat from real silver utensils.

As the story goes, this is how the phrase, "Born with a silver spoon in his mouth" came about.  

The Modern-Day Evidence

Whether or not the story is apocryphal is still up for debate. 

But modern-day evidence for colloidal silver’s effectiveness against the bubonic plague pathogen is weak.  Nevertheless, it’s very interesting.

For example, a company called American Biotech manufacturers a colloidal silver-based topical disinfectant spray product called ASAP-AGX-32.  This product is widely used in hospitals, labs, public schools, gymnasiums, etc. to decrease concentrations of germs on surfaces such as countertops.

American Biotech claims extensive lab testing they had conducted by an independent laboratory demonstrates their colloidal silver-based disinfectant spray kills the bubonic plague pathogen.  In a press release, they wrote:

“Y. pestis is the bacterium that causes Bubonic Plague, which can kill 60% of untreated victims in three to five days.

We wanted to test the limits of our product's capability, and we are delighted with the results.

A normal in vitro (test tube) bacterial test uses a load of 500,000 bacteria per milliliter. The level of plague causing bacteria in our sample was 160 times that normal amount.

The ASAP-AGX-32 silver-based disinfectant killed the bacteria in less than two minutes."

Wow…that’ pretty darned amazing, I think you’ll agree!

American Biotech even took out a patent on the process for using their colloidal silver disinfectant spray to kill the bubonic plague pathogen, Yersinia pestis, as well as a number of other potentially deadly pathogens. In part, here’s what the patent states: 

“By performing a standard kill-time assay using a Y. pestis suspension, it is demonstrated that silver compositions of the present invention are effective even against the bubonic plague bacteria.”

But…the laboratory study conducted on this colloidal silver product was strictly a test tube study.  It was not in vivo testing, i.e., inside the human body testing. 

So this doesn’t prove colloidal silver would work against a bubonic plague infection in the human body.  It only demonstrates that it works against the pathogen in a test tube or on an open surface. 

Nevertheless, it’s a significant indication that colloidal silver could indeed work against an infection caused by the bubonic plague pathogen. 

Many more clinical studies would need to be conducted in order to determine whether or not colloidal silver would work against a bubonic plague infection in humans, and what the proper effective dosage would be.

One More Interesting Piece of Evidence

The only other evidence I've been able to find for colloidal silver’s potential effectiveness against bubonic plague is from former CIA microbiologist Larry Wayne Harris.

Harris claims to have tested colloidal silver against both the anthrax and bubonic plague pathogens while he was with the CIA, and again afterwards.  He claims to have found silver to be highly effective. 

Indeed, when asked on national television whether there were any natural substances that could protect the population against anthrax, bubonic plague and other serious pathogens, Harris, who is author of Bacteriological Warfare: a Major Threat to North America, What You and Your Family Can Do Before and After, responded:

"The only natural substance I know of that is effective against these microbes is colloidal silver. I tested that myself when I was with the CIA, and found it effective against both anthrax and the bubonic plague pathogens."

However, Harris also stated:

“In the event of outbreaks of biological plagues, those who have already been taking sufficient levels of colloidal silver will have an automatic resistance in their bodies…

If, however, a person has not been taking colloidal silver for 30 to 50 days prior to exposure to a plague, silver will have little effect. 

This is because invading bacteria can kill within several days, while it takes weeks for colloidal silver to be spread through your entire body’s trillions of cells.”

That poses quite a dilemma. 

While many people, including myself, have taken small amounts of colloidal silver daily for years, or even decades, many others only use it periodically -- for example, if they feel a nasty cold coming on, or a bout of food poisoning, or some other infection that they want to deal with quickly, safely and naturally.

So for a good number of colloidal silver users, the idea that colloidal silver would only work against the plague if you've already been using it daily for one to two months before being exposed is not a very appealing one.

Is There a Way to Get Colloidal Silver
Into the Body, Quickly and Effectively?

Fortunately, there is a way to get colloidal silver into the bloodstream and the body’s cells and tissues quickly, easily and effectively, even if you haven’t been using colloidal silver regularly. 

Though this has never been tested against the bubonic plague, of course, it’s certainly worth knowing about just in case.  And we have the prestigious Health Sciences Institute (HSI) to thank for bringing this to our attention.

You see, HSI addressed this very topic in an e-alert to their members, back in October 2001, when they reported on a medical symposium that had been held after the 9-11 terror attacks to address dealing with germ-warfare agents like anthrax, the bubonic plague and others. 

As the HSI pointed out at the time, one of their well-known health symposium panelists, Dr. Marcial-Vega, had discovered while dealing with pneumonia patients the fact that colloidal silver can be quickly and easily carried into the human blood stream and from there into the body’s cells and tissues, simply by nebulizing it into the lungs.

Nebulizing is a process by which colloidal silver is run through a small medical device called a nebulizer (inexpensively available on e-Bay) which turns the liquid colloidal silver solution into a fine atomized mist. 

This atomized mist can easily be breathed into the lungs as it’s produced by the nebulizer. And from the lungs the body can efficiently and effectively distribute the colloidal silver straight into the blood stream, cells and tissues.

Since the form of bubonic plague which recently infected the man in Denver was the dreaded aerosol form, which causes infection when it’s breathed into the lungs, this information would seem to be all the more important.

Dr. Marcial-Vega’s Recommendation

Here then, in part, is what the Health Sciences Institute told their members, based on Dr. Marcial-Vega’s experience treating bacterial lung infections such as pneumnia:

“Just in his last decade of medical practice, Dr. Marcial-Vega has treated hundreds of people with a variety of viral, fungal, and bacterial pneumonias. And of all the available treatments, he has seen the greatest success with nebulizer treatments using a colloidal silver preparation.

Silver has long been known for its anti-bacterial properties, and the nebulizer allows the mineral to reach the lungs and kill harmful bacteria.

'We are constantly filtering all kinds of bacteria through our lungs,' explained Dr. Marcial-Vega. Normally, a healthy body is able to kill off any dangerous bacteria on its own. But in the case of illness, like pneumonia, or an especially lethal bacteria, the body may need some extra help.

For a lung infection with a potentially deadly airborne pathogen, he recommends a daily nebulizer treatment with 4 cc's of colloidal silver.”

Dr. Marcial-Vega went on to say he has used the colloidal silver nebulizer treatments on infants, the elderly, and AIDS patients with pneumonia and has seen great results. All have responded quickly to the treatment even when no other approach seemed to help, and no one reported any adverse reactions.

Nebulizers are widely used to treat asthma, and are readily available at drug stores nationwide (or frequently on eBay). The cost generally runs between $50 and $120 for the machine, depending upon quality.

If you’re interested, you can read a more recent article explaining how to nebulize colloidal silver into the lungs with a nebulizer.  There’s even a short video demonstrating the technique. 

No Clinical Evidence, But

Again, there’s no solid clinical evidence that colloidal silver would work in the human body against a bubonic plague infection.  The evidence is strictly anecdotal, or based upon lab testing that was in vitro testing (i.e., outside the human body) rather than in vivo testing (i.e., inside the human body).

What’s more, nebulizing colloidal silver into the lungs is only a theoretical method of dealing with such a serious airborne infection. 

Nevertheless, the historical, anecdotal and laboratory evidence to date is quite interesting, and arguably further clinical testing should be conducted.

After all, colloidal silver has been demonstrated anecdotally to beat many forms of serious infectious illness and disease.  For example:

·       Colloidal silver has been demonstrated – dozens of times now, anecdotally – to be effective against the deadly MRSA pathogen.

·       And colloidal silver has been demonstrated to be effective against other deadly pathogens as well, including these seven

·       What’s more, colloidal silver has been demonstrated to be effective against numerous fungal pathogens as well. 

·       And it’s also been demonstrated to be effective against serious viral pathogens, as well as cold and flu viruses, the shingles virus and many others.

·       Colloidal silver has even been used to beat serious cases of food poisoning.

For those reasons alone it’s worth keeping colloidal silver on hand for emergencies when conventional medical care might not be available, or might be ineffective. 

Make Your Own Colloidal Silver

And the best way to do that is by owning a high-quality colloidal silver generator so you can make all of the colloidal silver you could ever need, quickly and easily, any time you need it, in the comfort and privacy of your own home for less than 36 cents a quart.

After all, why pay exorbitant health food store prices of $7 or $8 an ounce for colloidal silver, when you can make your own high-quality colloidal silver for just a little bit over a penny per ounce

If you love colloidal silver like I do, and have experienced its profound effectiveness, there’s just no reason to continue paying the 60,000% mark-up being charged on commercial brands – in which $20 or $30 is being charged for just a few pennies worth of silver and distilled water in a tiny, four-ounce bottle. 

Instead, you can make all of the high-quality colloidal silver you want, any time you want, “at cost” instead.  Indeed, it’s just pennies per batch when you make your own colloidal silver!

Learn how you can make absolutely awesome, therapeutic-quality colloidal silver for less than 36 cents a quart with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge.  That’s a tiny bit over a penny per ounce, compared to health food store prices of $7 or $8 per ounce!

Discover why the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge has been the #1 best-selling colloidal silver generator in the world for over seven years now, simply by clicking this link.

Read what regular users of the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge are saying about their experiences, here

And learn how to save $100 on a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator at this link (next 15 days only).

Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver….

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

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Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2014 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

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