Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Debunking the Claim Colloidal Silver Can’t Stop Viruses

 Learn how colloidal silver kills viruses at www.TheSilverEdge.com
In the midst of the so-called “Ebola crisis,” some people on the internet are claiming that colloidal silver has no effectiveness whatsoever against viruses.

Of course, you’d think if colloidal silver were indeed effective against viruses, there’d be plenty of clinical studies backing it up, right?

Well, there are.  Lots of them.  

And I’ve posted links to over a dozen of them below, so you can pass them along to your friends when they read the nonsense on the internet and try to tell you silver has no effect whatsoever against viruses. 

Here’s what you need to know, if you’d like to help set the record straight…

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for The Silver Edge

A gentleman calling himself “Jim Stone Freelance Journalist” has made quite a splash on the internet over the last few weeks, ever since the so-called “Ebola crisis” started.

He states that while colloidal silver is “great stuff,” it has no effects whatsoever against viruses.

Therefore, he concludes that “a HUGE psy op is underway” and that its purpose is to “fake colloidal silver as a cure for viruses.”

He goes on to say that “…colloidal silver will do nothing against viruses, and huge lies are being hatched right now to misguide people to a false Ebola cure and the alternative media is lapping it up.” 

Stone further asserts that colloidal silver readily “binds with oxygen carriers in bacteria” which has the result of “causing bacteria to quickly die from oxygen starvation.”

But, he warns, “viruses have no metabolic process which require an oxygen carrier, and therefore colloidal silver will be completely ineffective against Ebola.”

Finally, he warns, “Do not let the misinformed in the alternative media fool you by saying colloidal silver is effective against viruses in any way.”

“Bowel Tolerance”

Stone goes on to say that the actual “cure for Ebola” has been passed along to him by an “anonymous doctor.”  And that it’s Vitamin C – extremely large doses of Vitamin C up to 500,000 mg. per day “to reach bowel tolerance.” 

Uh…first of all, I GUARANTEE you that if you take 500,000 mg. of vitamin C in a single day, you’re going to reach “bowel tolerance” rather quickly.

In fact, you’ll be lucky if you have anything left in your bowels at all, as the resulting diarrhea would be rather horrendous. 

And frankly, I’ve just about “reached bowel tolerance” myself, with Mr. Stone’s wild claims.  So maybe I won’t need any vitamin C, at all this week.

Casting aside Mr. Stone’s recommendation for taking such ungodly amounts of Vitamin C, and casting aside the fact that Mr. Stone’s information comes from an “anonymous doctor,” I’ll deal here only with Mr. Stone’s erroneous contention that colloidal silver is not effective against viruses.

Numerous Clinical Studies Showing
Colloidal Silver to Be Effective Against Viruses

Here are just a few of the studies you’ll find on the Clinical Studies page of TheSilverEdge.com website, demonstrating close to 60 year’s worth of research into the effectiveness of antimicrobial silver against a wide variety of viruses:

For those who might still not be convinced that colloidal silver has repeatedly been demonstrated to be effective against viruses, you might want to take a look at some of the documentation on the Colloidal Silver Kills Viruses website.

All Wet

The bottom line is that these clinical studies and clinical overviews clearly demonstrate that the contentions of “Jim Stone Freelance Journalist” are pretty much all wet. 

He claims that because colloidal silver works against pathogens by smothering their respiration, it can’t kill viruses because viruses don't have a respiratory system. 

Sounds good.  But it’s lop-sided logic.  It cleverly skips over the fact that colloidal silver has a completely different mode of operation in viruses, i.e., it penetrates the virus, attaches to its DNA and destroys its ability to replicate.  You can read more about that in my article “Silver Prevents Replication of Viruses.”  

The Real “Psy Ops” Campaign is Ebola,
Not Colloidal Silver

Stone’s website claims the use of colloidal silver for Ebola is a "psy op" (i.e., psychological operations campaign). 

I can only ask, are all of the above studies demonstrating silver’s effectiveness against viruses "psy ops" campaigns as well? 

The only "psy op" going on is the entire Ebola scare, which is based on pure hysteria and gross sensationalism and which is perpetuated by people on the internet selling fear. 

As I stated in my original Colloidal Silver and the Ebola Hysteria article, and again in my article Ebola Mania:  Round II, this entire "Ebola crisis" has been manufactured and designed specifically to allow the federal government to sign into law more regulations allowing the detainment of American citizens for any reason they want, under the guise of a "national health emergency." 

For a disease that has killed an average of only 57 people a year, in a population of 250 million people, over a period of 38 years, to be cast as an earth-shattering crisis that now threatens the entire world, is pure nonsense.

But people will ignore the facts, and listen to the hysteria being promulgated by the government/news media axis and their hysteria machine. 

And meanwhile, they’ll stock up on Vitamin C on the advice of some mysterious “anonymous doctor.” And ignore the powerful antiviral qualities of colloidal silver, because “Jim Stone Freelance Journalist” told them to.

Will Colloidal Silver Really Work Against Ebola?

So is colloidal silver really effective against Ebola? 

As I pointed out in my article on Colloidal Silver and the Ebola Hysteria, the evidence so far looks pretty darned good.

Here’s what I revealed:

Back in 2008, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) in conjunction with several other federal agencies quietly conducted clinical research into the use of silver nanoparticles against Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses. 

And what they found was astonishing.  They discovered that silver nanoparticles were highly effective against these deadly viruses, including the Ebola virus.

They later presented their findings to federal health regulators and other national health authorities.  But it was all kept top secret.  The presentation was called “Silver Nanoparticles Neutralize Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses.” 

And the gist of the presentation was that silver nanoparticles displayed “powerful neutralizing effects against hemorrhagic fever viruses,” including Arenavirus and Filovirus (i.e., Ebola).

That clinical presentation, made to federal regulators and national health authorities, was later summarized in a printed document, de-classified, and cleared for public release. 

What Researchers Discovered

The researchers tested silver nanoparticles of several different sizes and concentrations on infected cells in vitro (meaning, in the test tube). 

And they concluded that silver nanoparticles were able to neutralize hemorrhagic fever viruses inside the cells by “decreasing S segment gene expression and concomitantly decreasing progeny virus production.”

Translation:  Silver stops the Ebola virus and related hemorrhagic fever viruses from replicating inside the cells.  And when there’s no viral replication inside the cells, there’s no spread of infection!

The researchers had discovered the holy grail Ebola treatments.  But they also discovered that neutralization of the virus by silver occurs during theearly phases of viral replication.

Therefore, they pointed out that for antimicrobial silver to be effective against Ebola and other hemorrhagic fever viruses, the treatment would have to be administered PRIOR to viral infection or at least within the first few hours after initial exposure to the virus. 

In other words, for antimicrobial silver to be effective, an exposed person would need to have already been taking it, or at the very least would have to start taking it within a few short hours of exposure to an infected individual. 

Another interesting thing the researchers discovered is that while an enzymatic protein called Cathepsin B has been shown to play an essential role in Ebola virus replication, silver nanoparticles work to decrease cathepsin activity, thus further limiting viral replication in the cell and subsequent spread of the virus to other cells. 

And by far the most interesting thing the researchers discovered (at least, to me) is that only very low concentrations of silver nanoparticles were necessary to prevent replication of the virus.

Indeed, low concentrations of 10 ppm nanosilver appears to have worked better than higher concentrations of 25 ppm or 50 ppm nanosilver.  This means there’s no need for overly high silver concentrations. 

What’s more, the smallest silver particles tested by the researchers worked far better than the larger silver particles tested.

This demonstrates once more that the use of very small silver particles is far more important than the “ppm” or concentration of the colloidal silver solution one is using. 

Simply put, smaller silver particles penetrate cells and tissues easier, and are therefore better able to get to the point of infection before the virus spreads.   

Here's a link to the printed version of the DOD clinical presentation, so you can scroll through it and read it for yourself.  It’s technical.  But if you take your time it’s relatively understandable.   

Thinking Out Loud:
Here’s What I’d Do in Case of Ebola

People have written to ask me, “Steve, how much colloidal silver would you have to take in order to protect yourself from an Ebola infection?”

And of course, the answer is, no one knows for sure.  As I mentioned, the DOD research discussed above was in vitro (i.e., laboratory test tube) research. 

And while it demonstrated that very small particles of silver at surprisingly low concentrations could stop the Ebola virus in infected cells from replicating and spreading, it in no way gives us so much as a clue as to how much colloidal silver a living human being would have to take in order to achieve the same results. 

Now I know that’s probably not what you want to hear.  But just as I refuse to join in with all of the doom-and-gloom hype about the supposed coming worldwide Ebola apocalypse, in like manner I also refuse to join in with those making blanket statements that colloidal silver is the sure-fire “cure” for Ebola. 

Under real-life conditions, it might, or might not prove to be effective. 

And if colloidal silver did prove to be effective, the research seems to indicate it would depend upon getting the right dose of very small silver particles into your body, early enough in the infective process to stop viral replication. 

Indeed, it appears that to have the very best chance of protection, utilizing colloidal silver in small amounts on a daily basis would be the way to go.

In other words, based on the DOD study, daily prophylactic dosing with colloidal silver before exposure to the Ebola virus would appear to provide better protection than dosing after exposure.

This is just one reason why I continue to take my usual one-ounce per day dosage of colloidal silver, which is just about right for my body weight.

(See “How Much Colloidal Silver Can You Take Safely Each Day?” to learn the simple formula for determining your safe daily colloidal silver dosage, based on your body weight and the ppm of the colloidal silver solution you’re using.)

But again, since there’s been no in vivo testing that we know of (i.e., no testing of colloidal silver usage in a real-life human being infected with Ebola) there’s simply no way to know for an absolute certainty if regular oral use of colloidal silver would provide an adequate amount of protection upon exposure to the Ebola virus.

Nebulizing Colloidal Silver

Some people have pointed out that in the event of exposure to the Ebola virus, immediately nebulizing with colloidal silver (i.e., inhaling an atomized mist of colloidal silver into the lungs, using a device called a medical nebulizer) would be a potentially effective way to get colloidal silver into the bloodstream, cells and tissues of the human body quickly and effectively. 

And that’s a very good possibility.  Why?  Because just about anything inhaled into the lungs has a far better chance of making it into the bloodstream, cells and tissues of the body faster than oral ingestion. 

Indeed, were I to suspect that I’d just been exposed to a person infected with Ebola, probably the first thing I’d do would be to high-tail it back home, break out my medical nebulizer, fill the little basin with very small particle size colloidal silver of 10 ppm concentration, turn the machine on and inhale the colloidal silver mist into my lungs for five or six minutes. 

And I’d probably repeat the process every few hours for up to five or six times.   

(See “Using Colloidal Silver With a Nebulizer” to learn what the experts say about nebulizing colloidal silver, including a brief video demonstration of how easy it is to use a medical nebulizer.)

After that, if the colloidal silver didn’t work, it would be too late anyway, as the viral replication kicks into high gear after several hours, and antimicrobial silver only works during the first few hours according to the DOD report.

Now all of that is pure layman’s speculation on my part in terms of what might work. I'm just talking off the top of my head.  I'm no doctor.  And I'm not "prescribing" for anyone else, of course.  

After all, nobody’s ever had to do this before.  So use of oral doses of colloidal silver for Ebola is an unknown factor in terms of knowing how much to use, how to use it effectively, and when to use it. 

But based on the DOD research, it would seem to me that the key would be quick action utilizing 10 ppm colloidal silver with a very small particle size, and getting it into the cells and tissues of the body as quickly as possible. 

Even more preferable, the research suggests, would be to take a small amount of colloidal silver prophylactically (i.e., before the fact), on a daily basis, so it’s already in the body in the event of exposure to Ebola. 

One More Interesting Thought

My good friend Skip W. wrote to say that if he were in an area where Ebola virus outbreaks were taking place, one thing he’d do is wear a protective face mask any time he had to go out into the public, such as to the supermarket or mall. 

I believe he’s talking about the white surgical face masks, for example, like those you see doctors wearing in the surgical ward.  These light-weight surgical masks are often available on various survivalist-oriented or “prepper” websites. 

In fact, I just now went to Amazon.com, and using their search engine I typed in the search terms “surgical face mask” and “antimicrobial face mask.”  Those two search terms brought up an amazing array of such masks, at fairly reasonable prices. 

Skip also pointed out that he’d saturate the mask on both sides with a fine mist of colloidal silver and allow it to air dry before putting it on to go out into the public.  

And he said he’d also lightly spray his hands and face with colloidal silver at the same time, and allow it to air dry, as well.

Skip explained “I'm asthmatic, and I've done this before as a precautionary measure when going out into the public during flu outbreaks, for example. I may look a bit strange but I seldom ever get the flu.”

Obviously, Skip is a forward thinker.  And it’s probably not a bad idea to take such precautions should the situation ever truly warrant it.  At this point in time, however, it does not. 

In Conclusion

To sum up, at this point in time (August 2014) in the United States the so-called “Ebola crisis” is the modern-day equivalent of Shakespeare’s “Much ado about nothing.” 

While Ebola is a very real danger should one become exposed to the disease, the threat of exposure is not yet very realistic.  In fact, the threat is pretty much nil here in the U.S. where all of the unnecessary panic is nevertheless taking place. 

The only thing this manufactured panic will serve at this point is the very real threat of the federal government stepping in and using the panic to institute even greater restrictions on our fundamental freedoms and liberties.  

As Obama’s old mentor Rahm Emanuel so famously stated, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”  The federal government is certainly following that advice.

Compared to the very realistic threat of acquiring a superbug infection such as MRSA, the threat of Ebola pales in comparison.

Nevertheless, should Ebola ever become an actual threat in this country the DOD report described above gives us some very good hope that colloidal silver could be a bona-fide first-line of defense if used quickly enough at 10 ppm concentration, and in very small particle size.  

·       To learn more about why it’s so important to utilize the smallest colloidal silver particles possible for maximum effectiveness, rather than high concentrations of colloidal silver, see the article “Why Higher PPM Is Not Always Better.”  

·       To learn how to make your own high-quality colloidal silver, quickly and easily, with the smallest silver particles possible, for less than 36 cents a quart, see the article “How the World’s #1 Best-Selling Colloidal Silver Generator Compares to All the Rest.” 

Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver….

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Helpful Links:
Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2014 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

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