Wednesday, September 22, 2010

109 Documented Successful Uses for Colloidal Silver Before the Advent of Prescription Antibiotic Drugs

The following is a list of pathogens and conditions successfully treated with colloidal silver, as documented in medical texts prior to the advent of prescription antibiotic drugs in the 1940's.

Many of these citations are from the following books: The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease (1919) by Alfred B. Searle; Colloids in Biology and Medicine (1919) by H. Bechhold; and Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General’s Office United States Army (1931) U.S. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

The more I discover different ways colloidal silver was successfully used before the advent of prescription antibiotics, the more convinced I am that the only reason it is denigrated by medical bureaucrats now is to protect pharmaceutical company profits from competition by effective natural supplements.

After all, if people discover the fact that in many cases they can cure their own infections and diseases with a few dollars worth of safe, natural colloidal silver, they will abandon Big Pharma and their toxic prescription medicines in droves.

Consider the following list of citations, and see if you can figure out any better reason than sheer greed why medical bureaucrats now claim there’s no evidence for the effectiveness of colloidal silver.

[Spelling as cited in the old medical texts. See Bibliography below for specific citation references.]

1. Adenovirus 5 (23)
2. Anthrax Bacilli (2,3)
3. Appendicitis (3)
4. Asper Gillus Niger (18)
5. Axillae and blind boils of the neck (10)
6. B. Coli (3)
7. B. Coli Communis (7)
8. B. Dysenteria (2)
9. B. Tuberculosis (7)
10. Bacilliary Dysentry (4)
11. Bacillius Typhosus (21)
12. Bladder Irritation (12)
13. Blepharitis (13)
14.Bovine Rotovirus (23)
15. Boils (10)
16. Bromidrosis in axillae (12)
17. Bromidrosis in Feet (10)
18. Burns and wounds of the cornea (13)
19. Candida Albicans (18)
20. Cerebrospinal Meningitis (3, 9)
21. Chronic Cystitis (10)
22. Chronic Eczema of anterior nares (10)
23. Chronic Eczema of metus of ear (10)
24. Colitis (4)
25. Cystitis (8)
26. Dacryocystitis (13)
27. Dermatitis suggestive of toxaemia (4)
28. Diarrhoea (4) Diptheria (3)
29. Dysentry (3, 6)
30. Ear Affections (5)
31. Endamoeba Histolytica (cysts) (24)
32. Enlarged Prostate (12)
33. Epiditymitis (12)
34. Erysipelas (3)
35. Endamoeba Histolytica (cysts) (24)
36. Eustachian tubes (potency restored) (8)
37. Follicular Tonsilitis (10)
38. Furunculosis (3)
39. Gonococcus (7)
40. Gonorrhoea (10)
41. Gonorrheal Conjuctivitis (10)
42. Gonorrheal Opthalimia (13)
43. Gonorrheal Prostratic Gleet (11)
44. Haemorrhoids (12)
45. Hypopyon Ulcer (13)
46. Impetigo (10)
47. Infantile Disease (16)
48. Infected Ulcers of the cornea (13)
49. Inflammatory Rheumatism (3)
50. Influenze (11)
51. Interstitial Keratitis (13)
52. Intestinal troubles (6)
53. Legionella Pneumophila (17)
54. Lesion Healing (12)
55. Leucorrhoea (8)
56. Menier's Symptoms (8)
57. Nasal Catarrh (5)
58. Nasopharyngeal Catarrh (reduced) (8)
59. Oedematous enlargement of turbinates without true hyperplasia (9)
60. Offensive discharge of chronic suppuration Otitis Media (10)
61. Ophthalmological uses (3, 12)
62. Para-Typhoid (3)
63. Paracmecium (1)
64. Perineal Eczema (12)
65. Phlegmons (3)
66. Phlyctenular Conjunctivitus (10)
67. Pneumococci (2)
68. Poliovirus 1 (Sabin strain) (23)
69. Pruritis Aani (12)
70. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (17, 18)
71. Puerperal Septicaemia (15)
72. Purulent Ophthalmia of infants (13)
73. Pustular Eczema of scalp (10)
74. Pyorrhoea Alveolaris (Riggs disease) (8)
75. Quinsies (8)
76. Rhinitis (9)
77. Ringworm of the body (10)
78. Salmonella (22)
79. Scarlatina (3)
80. Sepsis (16)
81. Septic Tonsilitis (10)
82. Septic Ulcers of the legs (10)
83. Septicaemia (5, 8)
84. Shingles (8)
85. Soft sores (10)
86. Spore-forming Bacteria (24)
87. Spring Catarrh (10)
88. Sprue (6)
89. Staphyloclysin (inhibits) (2)
90. Staphylococcus Aureus (17)
91. Staphylococcus Pyogenea (7)
92. Staphylococcus Pyogens Albus (2)
93. Staphylococcus Pyogens Aureus (2)
94. Streptococci (7)
95. Streptococcus Faecalis (17)
96. Subdues inflammation (12)
97. Suppurative Apendicitis (post-op) (10)
98. Tinea Versicolor (10)
99. Tonsilitis (8)
100. Typhoid (3)
101. Typhoid Bacillus (14)
102. Ulcerative Urticaria (4)
103. Urticaria suggestive of toxemia (12)
104. Valsava's inflammation (8)
105. Vegetative B. Cereus cells (24)
106. Vincent's Angina (10)
107. Vorticella (1)
108. Warts (12)
109. Whooping Cough (8)

Bibliographic Footnotes

1.Bechold, H. (1919). Colloids in biology and medicine, translated by J.G.M. Bullow. D. Van Nostrand Company: New York, p. 367.
2. Ibid., p. 368.
3. Ibid., p. 376.
4. Searle, A.B. (1919). The use of colloids in health and disease. (Quoting from the British Medical Journal, May 12, 1917).
E.P. Dutton and Company: New York, p. 82.
5. Ibid., (Quoting from the British Medical Journal, Jan. 15, 1917), p.83.
6. Ibid., (Quoting from Sir James Cantlie in the British Medical Journal, Nov. 15, 1913), P. 83.
7. Ibid., (Quoting Henry Crooks), p. 70.
8. Ibid., (Quoting J. Mark Hovell in the British Medical Journal, Dec. 15, 1917), p. 86.
9. Ibid., (Quoting B. Seymour Jones), p. 86.
10. Ibid., (Quoting C.E.A. MacLeod in Lancet, Feb.3, 1912), p. 83.
11. Ibid., (Quoting J. MacMunn in the British Medical Journal, I, 1917), p. 86
12. Ibid., (Quoting Sir Malcom Morris in the British Medical Journal, May, 1917), p. 85.
13. Ibid., (Quoting A. Legge Roe in the British Medical Journal, Jan. 16, 1915), p. 83.
14. Ibid., (Quoting W.J. Simpson in Lancet, Dec. 12, 1914). pp71-72.
15. Ibid., (Quoting T.H. Anderson Wells in Lancet, Feb. 16, 1918), p. 85.
16. Index-catalogue of the library of the Surgeon General's office United States Army, United States Government Printing Office: Washington, v. IX, p. 628. (1931)
17. Moyasar, T.Y.: Landeen, L.K.; Messina, M.C.; Kutz, S.M.; Shulze, R; and Gerba, C.P. (1990). Disinfection of bacteria in water systems by using electrolytically generated copper:silver and reduced levels of free chlorine. Found in Canadian Journal of Microbiology. The National Research Council of Canada: Ottawa, Ont. Canada, pp. 109-116.
18. Simonetti, N.; Simonetti, G; Bougnot, F.; and Scalzo, M. (1992). Electrochemical Ag+ for preservative use. Article found in Applied and Environmental Microbiology. American Society for Microbiology: Washington, V. 58, 12, pp. 3834-3836.
19. Slawson, R.M.; Van Dyke, M.I.; Lee, H.; and Trevors, J.T. (1992) Germanium and silver resistance, accumulations, and toxicity in microorganisms. Article found in Plasmid. Academic Press, Inc.: San Diego, v. 27, 1, pp. 73-79.
20. Thurman, R.B. and Gerba, C.P. (1989). The molecular mechanisms of copper and silver ion disinfection of bacteria and viruses. A paper presented in the First International PharmacologyConference on Gold and Silver in Medicine. The Silver Institute: Washington, v. 18, 4, p. 295.
21. Ibid., p. 299. 22. Ibid., p. 300. 23. Ibid., p. 301. 24. Ibid., p. 302.
Source: The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, Life & Health Research Group, LLC, Copyright 2009.

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