Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where to Learn More About Successful Colloidal Silver Usage - Absolutely FREE!

Would you like to learn more about successful colloidal silver usage...absolutely FREE?

Here's the first step:

If you haven't done so already, please join with me and over 2,500 other avid colloidal silver users on the Colloidal Silver Secrets Group on Facebook...

...where you can ask and answer questions about colloidal silver and its usage... participate in ongoing Discussion threads...learn about the latest studies...learn new and effective ways to use colloidal silver...

...and tell your favorite colloidal silver success stories, too!

If you're looking for THE place on the internet to interact with other experienced colloidal silver users, and learn more about colloidal silver usage than you ever imagined, the Colloidal Silver Secrets Group on Facebook is it!

And best of all, it's absolutely FREE - brought to you by http://www.TheSilverEdge.com/!

Over 100 FREE Articles
About Colloidal Silver and Its Usage!

Another great place to learn about colloidal silver and its usage is the Colloidal Silver Update page on The Silver Edge web site.

This great resource boasts over 100 articles on colloidal silver - including articles on diseases and dosages...new medical studies on colloidal silver...insights from famous colloidal silver researchers...latest news on the bureaucratic attempts to ban colloidal silver...and much more!

It’s a comprehensive resource with more rock-solid information on colloidal silver than you’ll find anywhere online.

And again, it’s absolutely FREE!

Learn Even More About Colloidal Silver
From Dozens of Experienced Users!

Over the years, I've learned more about colloidal silver usage from experienced users than I've ever learned from the so-called experts.

That's why I asked readers of my bestselling book, The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, to write -- in their own words – about their most successful colloidal silver experiences.

Dozens of experienced colloidal silver users responded, each one explaining exactly what type of health challenges they've used colloidal silver for, and precisely how they used colloidal silver to conquer the challenge.

And they're all documented for you on the brand new Colloidal Silver Success Stories web site.

  • You'll learn about a doctor with a deadly MRSA infection, who was sent home from the hospital to die - until his wife learned about colloidal silver and started giving it to him behind the backs of the hospital staff!
  • You'll learn about hunter with a deep knife wound in his leg, all of the way to the bone, who simply wrapped the wound in colloidal silver-soaked bandages until he got back from his hunting trip three days later, only to find the potentially lethal wound healing so well he didn't even need surgery!
  • You'll learn about the elderly gentleman with skin cancer who was scheduled for a surgical process called electro-desiccation, only to have his doctor cancel the procedure after the colloidal silver treatments he had embarked on brought about phenomenal healing of the cancerous lesions (see the photos at the above link).
· You'll learn about the natural health advocate who's helped nearly numerous cancer victims enjoy complete recoveries from their cancer, using colloidal silver along with a powerful herbal and nutritional program!

  • And you'll discover dozens more such true, first-person accounts directly from the pens of experienced colloidal silver users around the world, including the exact dosage amounts they've used, the lengths of treatments and the often unbelievable results they've experienced!
So visit http://www.ColloidalSilverSuccessStories.com/ today, and learn straight from the voice of experience how colloidal silver is being used today to increase health and well-being, boost immunity, eradicate infections and disease, and even heal serious illnesses and diseases the orthodox medical community all-too-often can't even touch!

Once again, it’s all FREE!

Expert Quotes!

If you have friends of family who are challenging your decision to use colloidal silver, let them know what the bona-fide experts are saying about colloidal silver usage.

Just go to the Expert Quotes page at The Silver Edge web site, where you can read dozens of quotes about colloidal silver usage from medical authorities, natural health experts, clinical researchers, health authors and more.

Again, it’s FREE, and you’re guaranteed to learn a lot you probably never knew about colloidal silver!

Your FREE Colloidal Silver Safe Dosage Report!

People are always telling me they're worried about "overdosing" on colloidal silver.

They've seen all of the sensationalistic news stories about the one or two people who drank literally huge amounts of colloidal silver daily for years on end, and ended up with skin graying.

That's why I've put together a FREE Colloidal Silver Safe Dosage Report, which you can obtain by email in just minutes by going to http://www.TheSilverEdge.com/ and clicking the turquoise-colored link in the upper, left-hand corner of the home page.

This FREE 16-page report explains how to calculate your precise daily dosage rate, using your body weight.

The calculations are based upon Environmental Protection Agency figures for maximum safe ingestion of silver over a lifetime, and represent a truly conservative estimate for how much colloidal silver you can take daily, for the rest of your life, without causing any harm whatsoever.

Stay Informed by Following the Colloidal Silver Secrets Blog!

Never before in history has so much new and beneficial information about colloidal silver been available.

And it seems as if more new information comes out every week!

That's why it's also important for you to follow the Colloidal Silver Secrets blog, where I routinely log all of the new information I come across, including information on new medical studies...new ways to use colloidal silver...interviews with experts...and much, much more!

As usual, it’s FREE. So dive right in and learn more and more about colloidal silver – the world’s most powerful natural antibiotic!

One Final Thought...

Finally, be sure to forward a copy of this article to your friends and family members who might also be interested in learning more about colloidal silver and its many wondrous benefits.

You can bet they'll appreciate your consideration.

And who knows? You just may help someone heal a serious illness, or even save a life!

P.S. Here's some more great links to rock-solid information on colloidal silver and its usage I believe you'll find to be extremely helpful and interesting:

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