Friday, November 5, 2010

Reason #1 to Make Your Own Colloidal Silver: You Can Make It So Inexpensively You Can Literally Afford to Bathe In It!

That’s right. When you make your own colloidal silver, you’ll never get ripped off again by greedy colloidal silver vendors.

A typical 4-oz. bottle of colloidal silver contains only about 6 to 12 cents worth of actual silver particles. Yet they charge you up to $30 for that tiny bottle. That's a 25,000% mark-up on every bottle!

But when you make your own colloidal silver you can do so for literally a few pennies per quart.

Your only real costs are the distilled water (about a dollar a gallon at Wal-Mart), and once each year or two you’ll probably have to spend somewhere around $25 to replace the set of pure, .999 fine silver wire that usually comes with your generator when you buy one.

Yet with a high-quality colloidal silver generator, a single set of pure silver wire costing you about $25 will allow you to produce over $24,000 worth of colloidal silver (no kidding!) over the course of a year, based on typical health food store prices of up to $30 for a tiny four-ounce bottle!

So when you factor in the cost of the silver wire, the tiny amount of electricity needed to run the generator (which is generally less than what’s required to run a tiny Christmas tree light bulb) and the cost of the distilled water, it comes out to about 36 cents a quart or less to make a high-quality colloidal silver solution that just blows away the conventional, commercially prepared brands.

That’s about as close to producing colloidal silver for “free” as you can get!

Compare that to commercial brands of colloidal silver costing up to $30 for a tiny four-ounce bottle, and you’ll see why we say that when you make your own colloidal silver, you can literally afford to bathe in it.

In fact, all you have to do is brew up a one-quart batch (total cost: 36 cents) and toss it into your bathwater before bathing. Its soothing and invigorating effects on the skin are legendary – and you’ll notice the difference in skin tone and smoothness almost immediately!

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