Friday, November 5, 2010

Reason #6 to Make Your Own Colloidal Silver: You’re Not Dependent Upon the Manufacturer to Control the Silver Particle Size!

When you purchase colloidal silver from a health food store or through an internet vendor, you have no way of knowing what the silver particle size is.

Sure, there will probably be some label claims regarding particle size. But if nearly half of the commercial colloidal silver brands tested had lower concentrations than what was stated on the label (see Reason #2, above), then how many of those companies are also lying about the particle size?

The truth is, even when the particle size is listed on the label, it is often an arbitrary, or even completely exaggerated figure.

In fact, in one recent case we discovered a company selling bottled colloidal silver that included a label claim of a .0007 micron particle size. Now that’s an unusually small particle size. And some very special equipment is required in order to make silver particles that small.

So when we ran across this company at a health food show, we questioned them about the equipment used to make their bottled colloidal silver product. And guess what we found out? They didn’t know what equipment was used!

That’s right. They were buying their colloidal silver in bulk in 55 gallon drums from a manufacturer on the east coast, and didn’t have a clue as to how it was made. In other words, they were simply making up their label claim in regards to the size of their silver particles.

When we asked “How do you know the silver particles in your product are .0007 microns?” they answered, “We don’t. But you know how things are in the colloidal silver business. You have to tell the customers what they want to hear.”


That’s one more good reason why it’s so important to own a high-quality colloidal silver generator, i.e., you can control all of the factors that determine particle size:

First of all, you control the water quality. By using only pure steam-distilled water when you make colloidal silver (available inexpensively at just about any Wal-Mart or large chain supermarket), you’ll dramatically reduce your particle size.

That’s because any other form of water, including filtered water, alkaline water, structured water and even R/O (i.e., reverse osmosis) water all contain varying degrees of mineral content that will cause silver particles to agglomerate (i.e., electrically bond together) into larger particle clusters.

By using only pure steam-distilled water, your silver particles won’t cluster or bond excessively into larger particle agglomerates.

Secondly, as mentioned in Reason #4 above, you control the additives. If you want the smallest silver particles possible, you should never use any additives when making colloidal silver. This includes salt, MSM, cayenne pepper, aloe vera, flavor enhancers, color enhancers, or any of the other popular additives that have been used by various commercial colloidal silver vendors.

This is a very simple yet vital maxim: Additives cause the formation of larger silver particles and particle clusters.

By making your own colloidal silver, you can eliminate all additives and thereby dramatically reduce the production of larger silver particles and particle agglomerates!

Third, by making your own colloidal silver you are in control of the electrical current and therefore you control the rate and size at which silver particles leave the silver electrodes and enter the solution.

Generally speaking, commercial colloidal silver manufacturers are all about speed-to-market. In other words, the quicker they can get their product made and get it to market, the faster they can make money.

Therefore, they frequently use excessively high electrical currents that “blow” silver particles off the silver electrodes quickly, often resulting in overly large particles.

But by making your own colloidal silver with a high-quality, low-voltage DC colloidal silver generator such as the new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from, the silver particles trickle slowly and gently off the silver electrodes over a period of hours rather than being “blown” quickly off of the electrodes by excessive electrical current.

And this allows you incredible control over the size of your silver particles.

The bottom line is that overly high electrical currents can create colloidal silver quickly, but they also produce overly-large, chunk-like particles of silver. But a low, gentle electrical current produces extremely small silver particles that the body can absorb, utilize and excrete afterwards with amazing efficiency and effectiveness.

And finally, you can control the electrolysis, which means the build-up of electrical current in the water over time as more and more silver particles enter the solution.

Excessive electrolysis presents a two-fold problem: One, it causes silver particles to bond together into large clusters. And two, it causes silver particles to be “pulled” (for lack of a better word) from the silver electrodes at a faster pace and a larger particle size.

So you’d think commercial vendors would do everything possible to limit electrolysis when making colloidal silver. But most don’t. Why?

Again, it’s because commercial vendors are all about speed-to-market. They don’t bother to limit electrolysis because it dramatically slows down the colloidal silver-making process.

But it’s simply the right thing to do if you are concerned about controlling the particle size in your colloidal silver solution.

That’s why we recommend making your own colloidal silver with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator has been specifically been designed to automatically limit electrolysis during the entire colloidal silver-making process.

In fact, it comes with a built-in “bubbler” that thoroughly aerates the solution during the colloidal silver-making process. You see, air is one of nature’s least electrically conductive substances. By thoroughly aerating your solution during the colloidal silver-making process, you dramatically reduce electrolytic buildup in the water, and thereby prevent the formation of excessively large silver particles and particle clusters.

Yes, it takes a little longer to make a good batch of colloidal silver (about three hours, with a high-quality Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator), but it is well worth the wait!

Unfortunately, we have not found a single commercial manufacturer of colloidal silver that aerates their solutions during the colloidal silver-making process. Just goes to show: If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.

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