Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Is Colloidal Silver Toxic to Human Sperm?

Is colloidal silver toxic to human sperm or harmful to human reproduction?

Let's just say that like anything else the radical anti-silver environmentalists come up with, these charges are highly exaggerated. Here’s the straight scoop…

I continue to have articles forwarded to me about the study from September 2010 being touted by anti-silver environmental groups as proof that silver nanoparticles are "toxic" to human sperm, or even harmful to human reproduction.

These anti-silver environmental groups warn that using commercial products containing colloidal silver or silver nanoparticles should now be considered a dangerous practice for men because the silver could negatively affect their sperm count if enough is absorbed into their bodies.

This in turn could curtail human reproduction, the anti-silver environmentalists claim, causing a catastrophic worldwide decline in births.

Oh, my!

In the study being touted, human sperm were basically soaked in increasingly higher concentrations of silver nanoparticles. And it was later found that the sperm stopped growing once the concentration of silver nanoparticles reached a whopping 10 micrograms per milliliter (μg/ml).


Of course, any claim that this study proves silver-based products are harmful to human sperm and human reproduction is complete b.s.

You could produce the same effect soaking sperm cells in high concentrations of just about any essential mineral, including iron, copper, selenium, chromium, even calcium or others.

But that doesn’t make it even remotely unsafe for men (or women) to ingest these natural substances in the form of nutritional supplements.

Indeed, colloidal silver and products containing silver nanoparticles have now been used widely by the public -- worldwide -- for over 100 years. And there’s been no decline in population growth!

Silver is even used in public and private swimming pools, in place of caustic chemicals like chlorine, to keep bacterial growth from exploding.

Yet the worldwide birth rate continues to grow. Earth’s population continues to expand. And not a single study on the face of the earth has shown that silver curtails human reproduction.

No Harm, No Foul…

One of the most profound proofs that there’s no harm to sperm in using small to moderate amounts of antimicrobial silver is the fact that silver is now used as a preservative in boar semen to prevent bacterial spoilage during storage, before the semen is used to impregnate female boars.

That pretty much proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that silver isn't harmful to sperm at levels that prevent bacterial contamination.

So soaking human sperm in excessively high concentrations of silver nanoparticles and then trying to scare men into thinking they won't be able to produce sperm if they use a silver-based product…

…is the worst form of exaggeration, deception and chicanery – particularly when it’s done in the name of science.

But what do you expect from the radical environmentalists at this point? After all, they even claim silver-impregnated stockings are “killing the planet” and causing global warming!

The Bottom Line…

The bottom line is this: Anything you saturate in a highly concentrated metal or mineral solution is going to be negatively affected at some concentration.

And guys, listen up:

The study showed that for sperm to be affected, it would have to be exposed to 10 micrograms per milliliter (μg/ml) of silver nanoparticles.

Your common sense alone should tell you that you'd be hard pressed to get that much silver into your testicles. You'd have to inject it with a syringe, or drink gallons of it at a time.

As for the contention by anti-silver environmentalists that silver is harmful to human reproduction, here's an article I did on this subject some time back:

Silver Not Harmful to Human Reproduction
And here's another interesting article about several different couples who were having trouble getting pregnant, yet they finally got pregnant after they started using colloidal silver:

A Tale of Two Pregnancies

As you'll see when you read these two articles, the insinuation that normal doses of colloidal silver (or mere contact with commercial silver-based products) can be "toxic" to human sperm or harmful to human reproduction is pretty far-fetched -- just like the rest of the environmentalist's wild charges against silver.

So relax. Take a deep breath. And use your colloidal silver in moderation, without fear. If you’re concerned, check with your doctor first.

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Important Note and Disclaimer: The contents of this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof. The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics. He is not a doctor. Therefore, nothing stated in this article should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this article meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage. Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution. Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein. All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional. Readers are solely responsible for their choices. The author and publisher disclaim responsibility or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this article.

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