Thursday, July 14, 2011

Colloidal Silver and Pain – A Surprising Look!

A recent article on claims that over 100 million people in America suffer from long-lasting pain.
What’s more, that chronic pain costs the nation anywhere from $560 billion to $635 billion a year in medical bills, sick days and lost productivity.
Surprisingly, numerous anecdotal accounts demonstrate that safe, natural colloidal silver is sometimes extremely effective against pain (and for just pennies)!
Hi, Steve Barwick here, for
Believe it or not, sometimes colloidal silver works wonderfully for pain.
I’ll never forget the housekeeper we had once, who complained about suffering for years from crippling pains in her forearms that frequently prevented her from running her housekeeping business.
We gave her a 16 ounce bottle of colloidal silver and asked her to try it. The next week when she came back to our house, she claimed it was the first pain-free week she’d had in 15 years.
Why? We have no idea.
Perhaps she had an underlying infection that was causing painful inflammation in her joints, and when the infection was healed the painful inflammation subsided.
Or perhaps it was some other as-yet-unidentified mode of action from the colloidal silver.
It’s Not Unusual…
Dr. Aundrea Adams, Ph.D, CTN, says it’s not unusual for colloidal silver to heal pain:
“Many people are skeptical of claims that colloidal silver can take away pain and accelerate healing.
Nevertheless, these impressive attributes are firmly grounded in medical science.
Pain is caused by an interruption of the electrical current that normally flows throughout the body at 50 to 70 millivolts.
At the point of injury, the current drops towards zero millivolts.
This lack of electrical energy also impedes healing.
Silver is a superconductor that bridges the electrical gap and restores healthy current flow.
You can prove this to yourself by placing a silver coin on a burn and experiencing instant pain relief.
In clinical trials at an FDA-approved laboratory, even silver-coated bandages were proven to have analgesic and regenerative properties.”
And as Gabriel Cousens, M.D., author of Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini has stated:
"Occasionally people with muscle aches, pains, and backaches are improved with silver, probably because these are associated with viral or bacterial infections in the spinal fluid, which traditional antibiotics or colloidal silver cannot reach."
Regardless of the mechanism, many colloidal silver users swear to the pain relief they’ve experienced after they’ve begun using colloidal silver.
Here are some examples of a wide variety of types of pain being apparently healed by colloidal silver:
“Horrendous” Cancer Pain Gone After Using Colloidal Silver!
‎"I just wanted to drop a note to let you know how great this stuff is!!!!
I have cancer (leiomyosarcoma). VERY RARE FORM OF CANCER. It started in the uterus as a uterine fibroid. I’ve had major surgery 3 years ago and now have stints in both kidneys.
I’ve been fighting this cancer for 3 years now. Lost 2 brothers to cancer that had chemo and radiation. They passed within a year. I chose not to go that route.
My tumors are now inoperable (doc says too close to artery). I’ve been in extreme pain. I would lay and cry it hurt so bad. I compare the pain to labor pains, as I have had 5 children and can relate to this pain. No infection detected at ER or doctor visit (doc sent me a letter to contact Hospice for pain management after an ER visit in December).
I received my Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator in the mail on Jan. 6, 2011. I immediately started making my colloidal silver and taking it that same day. Been drinking a quart a day.
I am now thankful to say that the colloidal silver has taken the pain completely away!!! Thank God!!!! I have not had to take any pain medication at all!!!!
I can't say that it has taken away the cancer, as I have not had another scan yet. But the pain is gone and to have a pain-free day is GREAT!!!!
My doctor was a bit shocked I think to know that I am not taking or needing pain medication!!! I told him that I bought the machine and drinking the colloidal silver.
I really think this needs to be prescribed for cancer patients. It really takes the pain away quickly!! And that type of pain is horrendous. Thanks again for making the machine affordable and all the research to help others!!!!
-- Melanie H., Navarre, FL
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Pain Gone After Trying Colloidal Silver!
"My wife Martha, who orally takes an ounce of colloidal silver daily, has an even more amazing story.
In her own words: 'Fifteen years ago I [Martha] was diagnosed with lower lumbar spinal stenosis. I was in constant pain.
The doctor gave me a cortisone shot, the effect of which lasted about six months. The pain came back. I was told surgery was my only option.
I lived with the pain until a year ago I discovered the colloidal silver. I have been almost pain free since.'
-- Jerry C., Haltom City, Texas
Painful Tooth Infection Healed By Colloidal Silver
"Several years ago I had an infection in my tooth that hurt so bad that I couldn't touch it without pain. I just used about a teaspoon of silver twice a day. In a day or two the pain had lessened. Not only did the pain go away but I was able to save the tooth."

-- M. Jansen, Scottsdale, AZ
Burn Pain Healed By Colloidal Silver
"I sprayed Colloidal Silver on a burn that I received from my oven and was really amazed how the pain quickly subsided. I sprayed the burn 2-3 times a day."
-- Diane L., Erie, MI
Lyme Disease Pain “Practically Gone, Thanks to Colloidal Silver!”
“I know my pain from Lyme Disease is practically gone, thanks to CS. Also, I know people w/fibromyalgia that are experiencing less pain due to the colloidal silver!”
-- Shelley Know-Lyme
Painful Peritoneal Infection Healed By Colloidal Silver; All Pain Gone In One Day!
‎"Steve, I read your emails all the time about ways to use Colloidal Silver. Well, I thought I’d relate a way I’ve never seen before. I used it starting last Friday evening.
I do what is called peritoneal dialysis. Some people might recognize it as ‘at home’ dialysis.
It involves having a tube placed in your abdomen and it penetrates the peritoneal lining of your belly region. It’s a very sterile place and prone to life threatening infections if it is compromised, as is the case with this type of dialysis.
You have a constant ‘hole’ in that lining making peritonitis very possible all the time. It can become very dangerous and even life threatening if not dealt with as soon as it’s diagnosed. I realized I had contracted peritonitis and the pain was easily a 9 on a scale of 1-10. It hurt to breathe!!
I began drinking 8 ounces of colloidal silver late Friday evening Saturday morning. Within 4 hours, the pain had dropped to a tolerable 3 out of 10! By Sunday, the pain was gone. I will continue using 8 ounces 3 times daily for two weeks to make sure the infection is gone.
Please, anyone reading this, I AM ONLY USING THIS AMOUNT DURING A TWO WEEK PERIOD FOR A SPECIAL REASON. It should NOT be used in this amount on a regular basis! Use the recommended amount."
-- Randall F.
Painful Fungal Infection Healed By Colloidal Silver
"My 25 yr old daughter had been treating a foot fungus with many different over the counter products, with no luck in clearing up the fungus.
She had suffered with the pain and itching for almost a month. I encouraged her to dab on some silver water. She did and immediately the itching stopped.
I sent her home with a small bottle. The next day she called me....she had applied it several times that day.
The pain was gone and the deep redness had changed to a pale pink. In 3 days after first application.....fungus was gone!! I am no longer skeptical about it."
-- Nancy S. Topeka, KS
Pain From Cracked Infected Tooth Healed By Colloidal Silver!
‎"I had and still have a back tooth that I cracked some years ago and food particles would get in there and create my bad breath. Having a fear of the dentist, I just couldn't get myself to get it fixed and the reality was, it was just getting worse and it was starting to hurt.
Since using the colloidal silver the pain has gone away, the bad breath has gone away, but unfortunately the tooth is still there, but with no pain and bacteria to give me bad breath.
I know eventually I will have to go get it repaired, but in the mean time, I will ALWAYS be a faithful user of Colloidal Silver."
-- Dale Paquette, WA
“Horrifying” Pain From Dry Socket Infection Gone in 30 Minutes After Using Colloidal Silver!
"I had a dry socket in my mouth after having a tooth pulled. An infection set in and nothing was working. The pain was horrifying.
My friend brought me some of the colloidal silver. I put in my mouth and let it stay for a few moments and spit it out.
Within 30 minutes my fever was gone and so was the pain.
I put drops from a syringe directly on the tooth every 20 minutes for 2 hours and never looked back. I was now a believer in Colloidal Silver."
-- Alton from Mississippi
Deep Aches and Pains from Fibromyalgia Gone After Using Colloidal Silver!
"I’m a two-time cancer survivor and had (notice the past tense) fibromyalgia after the initial chemotherapy round in 1995.
I purchased your manual, then the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, just prior to the second round of cancer/chemo.
Once I finished chemo, I treated myself for fibromyalgia as per the manual. I am convinced the fibromyalgia has at least regressed.
I still have sleep issues that go along with the fibromyalgia diagnosis, but I no longer have the deep aches and pains that affected my daily life before this."
-- C.R., Highland, Utah
“Unbearable” Shingles Nerve Pain GONE in 15 Minutes After Applying Colloidal Silver!
“I’ve had the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator for some years now and have found many uses for the silver water, ranging from flyblown sheep, to toe fungus, to of course the usual cold, flu treatments.
But the most dramatic use I have found was for a case of shingles I had two and a half years ago.
It started with nerve pain in my back. When the little red spots appeared, I went to the doctor, got it diagnosed, and came away with prescriptions for $250 worth of salve, pain pills, antibiotic pills, and a warning from the doctor that in all likelihood I would have to come back for more.
Two days later the pain had increased to the point that it was unbearable.
Knowing that something other than the doctor's prescriptions was needed, I had my wife pour colloidal silver in her hand and literally wash my back with it.
Fifteen minutes later the pain was gone. Not just diminished, but GONE!
And it never came back. Also, the outbreak, the little red spots, never got any worse than if they were pimples, did not scab, and soon disappeared.”
-- A. D. Robinson, UT
Pain From Sore Throat or Upset Stomach Gone Within “Seconds or Minutes” After Using Colloidal Silver!
“I’ve been drinking colloidal silver for approximately 10 yrs.
A friend’s brother was making the machines and I purchased one. That machine was ok, but the particles were not .0008 microns. It would turn golden when making the colloidal silver water. The Silver Edge Machine makes a finer and more pure solution.
My personal experience is when I’ve had a sore throat or upset stomach the pain goes away within seconds or minutes."
-- Bob L., Napa, CA
Shingles Nerve Pain Controlled With Colloidal Silver!
"I also use colloidal silver twice a day to control the pain and improve the nerve damage from the over seven years of shingles.
Thanks to the colloidal silver machine, I can afford to use the colloidal silver twice a day.”
-- G. Geno, Booneville, MS
Pain From Mouth Ulcer Gone in 30 Minutes Of Using Colloidal Silver!
"Awhile back I had an ulcer in my mouth on my lower gum. I had just made a new batch of colloidal silver so I held a good mouth full in my mouth as long as I could before swallowing.
I got busy on the computer and after about 30 minutes I thought about having done that and I noticed that my gum wasn't hurting so, I rubbed my tongue where it had been and I wasn't able to feel any pain at all.
I never again had any more pain there. I suppose the ulcer is caused by bacteria or is a virus.”
-- J.H.
Less Fibromyalgia Pain From Using Colloidal Silver Daily!
‎"I have fibromyalgia and I take silver every day.
I feel so much... better. Less fatigue, less pain, more memory and no depression, my irritable bowel syndrome has been helped as well."
-- Cindy S.
Fibromyalgia Pain “Gone Away” Since Using Colloidal Silver!
"I just purchased my Colloidal Silver Generator about a month ago. I have fibromyalgia and some other health issues.
Since I have been taking my homemade colloidal silver my pain has gone away."
-- Christina M.
Fibromyalgia Pain Comes Back When I Forget to Use My Colloidal Silver!
"I also have fibromyalgia and can see a big difference when I forget to use my colloidal silver...all the pain comes back big time.
I have had FM for about 15 years and have felt so much better and have been able to continue to work...all thanks to colloidal silver...AMAZING STUFF!"
-- Mary K.
Severe Muscle Pain From Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Infection Cured!
‎"I was bit by a tick about 5 years ago and developed Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. I have the relapsing type that causes severe muscle pain, fatigue, and flu like symptoms and relapses when my body is stressed.
I started using colloidal silver just before Christmas from a friend at church who makes his own and within a week noticed I didn't have the chronic muscle pain. Within a couple of weeks I noticed that I didn't have the degree of fatigue that I experience daily also.
About 2 weeks ago I developed one of my relapses but without the muscle pain and fatigue. I still have some of my other symptoms but the muscle pain and fatigue used to put me in my recliner with my pillow and blanket for a couple of days.
I, along with my family, are completely amazed. We have purchased the Colloidal Silver Manual, which came yesterday, and the micro particle generator, which is supposed to be delivered today. I can't wait to see how it will help the rest of my family!"
-- Barbara N.
ALL Hip Joint Pain Gone After Using Colloidal Silver for Strep Throat!
‎"I am an elementary school secretary and right now strep throat is rampant there. Several days ago, I knew I was coming down with it, red sore throat with blisters, swollen glands.
Had some 30ppm colloidal silver from the health food store, put two droppers full in a bit of water, swished, gargled and swallowed it. The next day, my throat... was almost completely better!
I'm still doing colloidal silver 3x a day for a week to be sure the virus is gone. But the biggest surprise of taking colloidal silver? All my joint pain - ALL of it - gone!!
For 2 years I have had hip joint pain so bad that I can't sleep on my side because the hip pain wakes me up. I have tried everything there is for arthritis, and I find the remedy when I'm working on another problem :)
I will be ordering a Micro-Particle Generator next week. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Steve for educating me! I am pain free for the first time in 2 years."
-- Dianne M.
Not Achy Any More Since I Started Using Colloidal Silver!
"We make our own colloidal silver now. We bought the Micro-Generator. It makes the 10 ppm.
I have many health issues but I use it for Fibromyalgia aches...also for Colds etc.
I take a shot glass full a few times a day. My immune system is very bad.
One day I woke up and realized that I wasn't achy anymore!!!!"
-- Terri R.
“Terrible ‎Sinus Ache” Healed In 10 Minutes!
"Another colloidal silver success story...last week the temperature dropped at night and I awakened with a terrible sinus ache...and sore throat.
I went downstairs and took a half of an eyedropper of colloidal silver up each nostril and down my throat...
…within 10 minutes the pain was gone and I went soundly back to sleep...IT WORKS!!"
-- Gary B., CA
Pain and Inflammation from Tongue Piercing “Drastically Reduced” By Colloidal Silver!
"A tongue piercing healed quickly using Colloidal Silver.
Between rinsing and applying "drops" directly onto the piercing, pain and inflammation were drastically reduced. We also noticed the healing time was shortened!
Rinsing was done 2 times a day & the drops were applied 2-3 times a day until the piercing was healed.
All piercings that we have used Colloidal Silver on have benefited in this way."
-- Diane L, Erie, MI
Proof That Colloidal Silver Heals Pain?
As you can see, colloidal silver has been used by many, many people to obtain relief from various forms of pain.
Sometimes, the individuals were using colloidal silver for one purpose (such as to heal a chest cold) and found that their chronic pain unexpectedly disappeared also!
Of course, these real-life anecdotal accounts from the Colloidal Silver Success Stories web site aren’t “proof” that colloidal silver can relieve pain.
And bona-fide clinical studies on colloidal silver and pain relief simply haven’t been conducted.
But the real-life accounts do indicate there may be something to the idea that silver acts as a “bridge” between injured cells that helps restore healthy electrical current flow in the human body, and thus relieves pain from injury.
My Wife’s Pain Story…
I’ll never forget my own initial experience with colloidal silver, which you can read about on the home page of The Silver Edge web site.
My wife Kathy had a horrific osteomyelitis infection in the bones in her foot. The infection was so bad it was oozing puss through a large, smelly lesion in the skin between two of her toes.
The pain was nearly unbearable. Her entire foot ached constantly, and the site where the puss was oozing itched uncontrollably. She wanted to dig at it with her fingernails, but knew she couldn’t.
Three different courses of antibiotic drugs from our local doctor – including a final course of IV antibiotics administered by a home nurse -- were of no avail.
The doctor actually sent her to see a surgeon about having her toes surgically removed in order to prevent the infection from spreading.
That’s when we first learned about colloidal silver and decided to try it. Here’s a brief excerpt of our longer story on The Silver Edge web site:
“(When I returned with the colloidal silver), Kathy was in severe pain from the infected toes.
Not only did the pus oozing from the infection itch and burn constantly as it slowly ate away at the flesh between her toes…
…, but her entire foot, which was constantly red and inflamed, ached horribly due to the inflammation.
What's more, the constantly growing ulceration between her toes was extremely painful.
I gingerly squirted some of the colloidal silver from the plastic bottle into the gaping hole between her toes. And like magic, the itching and burning and pain stopped instantly.
For a brief moment, Kathy was stunned. No matter what we had tried previously, there had been no relief whatsoever from the slow burning and itching torture for the past 20 days.
Even 800 mg. Motrin did not seem to stop the pain. But suddenly, in a split second, it was completely gone.
‘Give me that!’ she demanded, squirting some more of the colloidal silver onto the wound between her toes. ‘
‘Ahh… relief,’ she said. It was the first time she had smiled so broadly in nearly a month.
And now, I could finally smile, too. It was a pleasure to see her receiving respite from all of the pain, and a ray of hope coming back into her eyes as well.”
Does colloidal silver really help with pain?
The answer is: Not always. But when it does, it’s an absolute Godsend, as my wife Kathy and the above real-life colloidal silver users are happy to attest!
You might also want to read the following related article: Can Colloidal Silver Help You Avoid a Painful Root Canal?
And if you have a real-life colloidal silver success story you’d like to share, please join us on the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community where you can discuss colloidal silver freely with over 1,200 other avid colloidal silver users!
In the meantime, I remain…
Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,
Steve Barwick, author
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Important Note and Disclaimer: The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof. The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics. He is not a doctor. Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage. Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution. Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein. All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional. Readers are solely responsible for their choices. The author and publisher disclaim responsibility or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine.

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