Back in the 1970’s and ‘80’s, Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., best-selling author of The Body Electric and renowned pioneer researcher into the healing benefits of electrically generated silver ions conducted the first ground-breaking research demonstrating the effectiveness of silver against cancer cells.
Since then, very little clinical research into silver’s use as an anti-cancer agent has been conducted. But out of the blue over the past several years, a small handful of new clinical studies demonstrating silver’s effectiveness against cancer cells and tumors have been published.
Since then, very little clinical research into silver’s use as an anti-cancer agent has been conducted. But out of the blue over the past several years, a small handful of new clinical studies demonstrating silver’s effectiveness against cancer cells and tumors have been published.
And just recently, British researchers have announced another new study demonstrating the surprising effectiveness of silver against cancer tumors. Here’s the story that’s being overlooked by the U.S. news media…
On February 2nd, the Daily Mail – one of Britain’s most popular newspapers – ran a surprisingly positive article on a new study demonstrating the use of silver to be effective against cancer tumors.
The headline of the article read:
Silver bullet for cancer: Metal can kill some tumors better than chemotherapy with fewer side effects
And the article began like this:
“Silver can kill some cancers as effectively as chemotherapy and with potentially fewer side effects, new research claims.
Scientists say that old wives tales about the precious metal being a ‘silver bullet’ to beat the Big C could be true.
The metal already has a wide range of medicinal uses and is a common antiseptic, antibiotic and means of purifying water in the third world.
And British researchers now say that silver compounds are as effective at killing certain cancer cells as a leading chemotherapy drug, but with potentially far fewer side-effects.”
Of course, the side effects of chemotherapy drugs can be unbearably harsh. In fact, sometimes it’s the devastatingly toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs that end up killing the cancer victim before the cancer does.
So to see medical researchers now looking into silver as an anti-cancer agent – with the understanding that its safety profile is so much better than the toxic and often debilitating chemotherapy drugs – is indeed very heartening.
The Daily Mail article went on to say that silver’s widespread use in consumer products has already demonstrated its safety:
“The [researchers] compared it to Cisplatin, currently used to treat a wide variety of cancers, but known to have harsh side effects including nausea, vomiting and even kidney damage.
Silver is used already in everyday products such as deodorant with no known side-effects, and could make for a potentially cheaper alternative to platinum-based Cisplatin.”
As the article further explained, the researchers are using a variety of silver-based chemical compounds in their studies, but they are honing in on the silver ions released by those compounds as the agent that actually kills the cancer:
“Researchers from the University of Leeds conducted lab tests which exposed breast and colon cancer cells to various silver-based chemicals over a six day period.
Results, published in journal Dalton Transactions, showed that these silver-compounds were ‘as effective as Cisplatin’ at killing cancer with potentially fewer side effects.
While the team are still unsure about how exactly silver battles cancer, they think its effectiveness may be caused by the structure surrounding silver atoms, known as its ligand.
They think this may help release the silver ion into cells when it enters the body, killing any cancer.”
All told, that’s probably the most positive article on silver the mainstream news media has published in recent years!
So it’s very heartening to see this kind of information on the healing benefits of silver being published by the mainstream media –
-- even if it is in the stodgy British media, and not here in the U.S. where the environmentalist’s sensationalistic and misguided campaign against silver is getting all of the attention.
More Interesting Studies…
Last year, in my article Colloidal Silver and Cancer, I wrote about several more of the most recent clinical lab studies demonstrating that nanosilver and colloidal silver are effective against certain types of cancer cells and tumors.
The article also contains a number of testimonials and anecdotal accounts regarding people who had used colloidal silver effectively against their own cancers.
…I’ve provided PDF copies of the following clinical studies (and one clinical white paper) demonstrating nanosilver and colloidal silver to be effective against cancer cells in the lab:
Dr. Robert O. Becker’s Unusual Discovery…
Of course, it was way back in the 1970’s and ‘80’s that Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., the famous pioneering researcher into the healing benefits of electrically generated silver ions…
…first discovered that under the right circumstances silver can actually change cancerous cells back into healthy cells.
In his laboratory, Dr. Becker generated silver ions directly into a cancer cell culture, using a machine very much like a modern colloidal silver generator that produced small, positive micro-amp currents of electricity.
Dr. Becker was able to cause the cancer cells to dedifferentiate, meaning they reverted to healthy primitive stem cells.
These healthy primitive stem cells could then renew themselves through mitotic cell division and re-differentiate into specialized cell types.
In other words, if new heart cells were needed, they would become heart cells. If new prostate cells were needed, they would become prostate cells. And so on.
As Dr. Becker stated in chapter 8 of his bestselling book, The Body Electric:
“…we found that we could suspend mitosis in the fibrosarcoma cells with silver ions injected by minute levels of positive current.
During one day of exposure, the cells appeared to dedifferentiate completely, and they stopped dividing for a month without additional treatment, even though we changed the nutrient medium regularly.
Obviously, this entire subject needs to be investigated more thoroughly.”
This means the cancer cells not only stopped dividing and spreading, but they also changed to non-cancerous cells.
Becker also stated, in his second best-selling book, Cross Currents, that a patient of his had a full recovery from cancer using this very same treatment:
“…we did find that some human cancer cells in culture appeared to dedifferentiate when exposed to these silver ions.
I also had a patient with a severe, chronic bone infection who had an associated cancer in the wound.
He refused amputation, which would have been the treatment of choice, and insisted that I treat his infection with the silver technique.
After three months, the infection was under control, and the cancer cells in the wound appeared to have changed back to normal.
When I last heard from him, eight years after the treatment, he was still fine.
Dr. Becker went on to explain that the key to his success in stopping cancer cells from dividing and spreading was in generating the silver ions directly into the cancer cells using very low currents of electricity.
As Dr. Becker further stated in his book Cross Currents:
“It is important to realize that this is not simply an electrical effect, but the result of the combined action of the electrical voltage and the electrically generated silver ions. It is an electrochemical treatment.
While we do not have firm evidence at this time, what probably happens is that the silver ion is shaped so as to connect with some receptor group on the surface of the cancer-cell membrane.
After that connection is made, an electrical-charge transfer sends a signal to the nucleus of the cancer cell that activates the primitive-type genes, and the cell dedifferentiates.
In that state it awaits instructions as to what it is to become.
…in this case the dedifferentiation is caused by the unexpected action of the positive silver ions.
This technique obviously requires more study before any clinical use can be made of its antitumor effect.
However, it does appear to be a promising lead in an otherwise rather grim picture."
So, while Becker’s method of using silver to cure cancer is quite different than what current medical researchers are doing…
…in that current researchers are using silver to kill cancer cells, whereas Becker used silver to revert cancer cells back to healthy cells…
…the very idea that silver could be effective against cancer has been around for a long time, and Dr. Becker is largely responsible for it.
Unfortunately, medical science unceremoniously dropped the ball on such research for well over 30 years since Becker’s original discoveries in the 1970’s and ‘80’s.
An Idea Whose Time Has Come
But that’s what’s so exciting about seeing these more recent clinical studies being conducted on silver and cancer.
In spite of the fact that modern researchers seem to be a bit late to the table, the use of silver as a safe, reliable, low-side effect cancer treatment is definitely an idea whose time has come.
As the author of the new study written up in the Daily Mail newspaper pointed out:
“This could lead to a cheaper, less toxic alternative to current treatments for cancer.
…As many are unfortunately aware, chemotherapy can be a very grueling experience for the patient.
Finding effective, yet non-toxic drugs is an ongoing problem, but these preliminary results are an important step in solving it.”
It’s certainly another fascinating line of research into the long suspected anti-cancer effects of silver.
And we can only hope the researchers continue with this line of medical research, for the benefit of all mankind.
Coming Up…
In an upcoming issue of this ezine I’ll be discussing a famous Canadian scientist’s caustic dismissal of colloidal silver as a “quack” remedy…
…and I’ll reveal how certain people billing themselves as natural health “skeptics” are using the internet to create a decidedly negative view of colloidal silver and other natural healing substances.
You might be surprised to learn that even your internet search results are being manipulated by people who hate, loathe and despise natural health remedies such as colloidal silver!
You might be surprised to learn that even your internet search results are being manipulated by people who hate, loathe and despise natural health remedies such as colloidal silver!
In the meantime, I remain…
Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,
P.S. The price of a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator is going up significantly…soon!
But for a limited time you can still obtain this bona-fide breakthrough in colloidal silver-making technology for a whopping $100 off the regular price!
I’ve held the line on prices for 7 years, even as we’ve made expensive improvements to the generator.
And as you likely know, for the past five years the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator has been the #1 best-selling colloidal silver generator on the face of the earth – and for good reason!
After all, it produces silver particles as low as .0008 microns in size – a fraction of a single micron, for maximum bioavailability and astonishing effectiveness!
Unfortunately, the prices of all of the electronic components used in this breakthrough unit have gone up tremendously over the past 7 years – some even doubling over the past two years alone.
I don’t want to cut back on the quality of the electronic components used in this remarkable machine. So rather than cut back on quality, I’m forced to raise the price a bit to cover costs.
So if you haven’t obtained a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator yet, now is certainly the time to do so, while you can still get one for a whopping $100 off the regular price!
Additional Helpful Links:
Important Note and Disclaimer: The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof. The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics. He is not a doctor. Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage. Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution. Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein. All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional. Readers are solely responsible for their choices. The author and publisher disclaim responsibility or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine.
Appreciate the insights doc. God bless. Peace.