Monday, March 5, 2012

Canada’s “Mr. Science” Labels Colloidal Silver Usage “Quackery”

A gentleman widely regarded to be the “Mr. Science” of Canada – Dr. Joe Schwarcz -- has published an article in the Montreal Gazette newspaper criticizing, ridiculing and disparaging the use of colloidal silver.

But is his criticism unbiased? Or is it paid propaganda? Is it based on real science? Or is it just more of the same old sensationalistic nonsense disguised as facts and given the aura of authority because it comes from a man of letters?

In this article, you’ll learn more about Canada’s “Mr. Science.” And you’ll get a good look at some of the interesting connections between him and a certain “skeptic” group that apparently spends millions of dollars on the task of denigrating the use of nutritional supplements.

What’s more, I’ll throw in a handful of corrupt multi-national corporations who peddle toxic chemicals to the public as well, and let you know how they might be connected to Canada’s infamous “Mr. Science.”

Finally, you’ll learn just a little bit more about the way self-styled “quack busters” like Dr. Schwarcz operate in their quest to promote the use of toxic drugs and chemicals, while planting negative information about colloidal silver and other natural healing modalities in the minds of the public.

In the process, you’ll see why you sometimes have to dig a little deeper for the truth when pop culture personalities like Canada’s “Mr. Science” use their aura of authority to bash a safe, natural infection-fighting remedy like colloidal silver that, in reality, has been demonstrated by medical science to be safe and highly effective for well over a century.

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for

Another self-appointed “expert” has decided to publicly deride the use of colloidal silver.
This time it’s a Dr. Joe Schwarcz, director of Montreal, Canada’s McGill University Office for Science and Society.

He’s widely regarded to be the “Mr. Science” of Canada, and is regularly seen on television programs explaining science to the public.

Indeed, according to his profile on the McGill University web site, the man is “dedicated to demystifying science for the public, the media and students.”

Nice credentials, huh?

After all, making science more understandable for the general public is certainly a worthy endeavor…if you’re telling them the truth…and if you’re not operating under a hidden agenda – particularly a paid hidden agenda.

In a recent news article written by Schwarcz and published in Canada’s Montreal Gazette newpaper, Schwarcz sang the praises of silver’s antimicrobial qualities…

…but he quickly labeled as “quackery” the use of colloidal silver as a nutritional supplement.

Here’s what he had to say about colloidal silver:

“Unfortunately, quackery often rides along the coattails of science. And so it is in this case. Numerous websites promote the use of ‘colloidal silver’ as a cure for cancer, diabetes, HIV infection and herpes.

[It] may well have an antibacterial effect in a petri dish, but that is a long way from having an antibacterial effect when taken internally.

No scientific evidence supports the benefit of ingesting any form of colloidal silver.

Making health claims on its behalf is illegal, but colloidal silver can be sold as a dietary supplement.
That is a curiosity because humans have no dietary requirement for silver and there is no such thing as silver deficiency.”

Schwarcz goes on to describe former U.S. Senate candidate Stan Jones, who contracted a mild case of argyria from excessive colloidal silver usage back in 2000, saying:

“He started to take a colloidal silver preparation that he made himself by passing an electric current through a solution equipped with silver electrodes.

Unfortunately he used too high a voltage and his solution contained a great deal of silver. He turned blue.

But he is not singing the blues, maintaining that he is healthy and still dopes himself with colloidal silver. Pretty dopey actually.”

All in all, the portion of Mr. Schwarcz’s article dedicated to ridiculing the use of colloidal silver is composed of the usual cacophony of carefully selected misleading statements disguised as "facts"…

…along with subtle scare tactics designed to frighten the public into thinking everyone who tries colloidal silver will “turn blue”…and of course a hefty helping of immature name-calling and sarcasm thrown in for good measure.

In short, there’s no science at all in these statements from the man known as Canada’s “Mr. Science.”
Unfortunately, these types of journalistic drive-by-shootings are all too common among those who criticize the use of colloidal silver and other safe effective natural health remedies.

After all, when you don’t have the science to back up your statements, all you have left to use in order to make your point is exaggeration, misdirection, fear and ridicule.

In part II of this article, which will be available next week, we’ll take a look at what some real medical and science experts have to say about colloidal silver and its usage, including their comments on its profound effectiveness and safety.

And when we do, it will become abundantly obvious that Mr. Schwarcz should have interviewed at least a few of these experts for his news article – if only for balance and fairness -- before he decided to take pen in hand and ridicule colloidal silver.

But first, let’s take a closer look at Mr. Schwarcz, his apparent agenda, and some of his compatriots. When we do, I think you’ll see that in spite of his protestations to the contrary, balance and fairness (and truth) are indeed the very last things on his mind.

A Closer Look at Canada’s “Mr. Science”

One of the very first things I discovered as I began to research Mr. Schwarcz and his background is that he’s a long-time proponent of vaccines, claiming they’re the “greatest scientific advance that has ever been introduced in the history of the world.”

Hey, no bias there, right?

(Though I suspect this vaccine victim, and this vaccine victim, and this vaccine victim and this vaccine victim, and these vaccine victims and these vaccine victims would tend to disagree with Mr. Schwarcz’s contentions.)

He even goes so far as to ridicule actors Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey for their public anti-vaccine stances, and for bringing to light many of the horrific incidences of death and devastation being caused by vaccines.

And he casually brushes off the growing public resistance to vaccines as being caused by “conspiracy theories”…

…frequently referring to anti-vaccine advocates as “conspiracy nuts” and “graduates of the University of Google, for whom evidence-based medicine is a foreign concept.”

If it’s beginning to look like the use of disdain and ridicule is one of “Mr. Science’s” chief tools-of-the-trade…that’s because it is!

How very scientific of him, right? But wait…it gets better…much better!

The Monsanto Connection?

For example, according to an article by investigative journalist Alex Constantine, far from being an unbiased educator of the public, our intrepid “Mr. Science” of Canada has a long history of using his public stature to lull the public into believing that…

…toxic chemicals produced by giant multi-national biotechnology conglomerates are actually good for you!

Indeed, says Constantine, in reality Schwarcz is a “shill for Monsanto” and other large multi-national biotechnology corporations.

Constantine explains that huge corporations like these use public figures like Schwarcz to propagandize the public into accepting toxic chemical food additives, genetically modified foods and chemically grown foods as a normal part of our daily diet.

For example, according to Constantine, “Dr. Schwarcz writes that aspartame is perfectly safe to consume -- a verdict contradicted by scores of independent studies, and one that only the insane could endorse.”

Witches, Vampires, Evil Eyes and Jews…Oh, My!

Indeed, ignoring reams of scientific data against aspartame and other toxic chemicals now found in foods and consumer goods…

…the intrepid Dr. Schwarcz explains away the devastation to people’s health being caused by these toxic chemicals as nothing more than by-products of their over-active imaginations.

Says Schwarcz in his book, Dr. Joe and What You Didn’t Know: 99 Fascinating Questions About Chemistry, people who believe they’ve been harmed by chemical-laden foods, or vaccines, or other such products are basically just…well…mentally unstable.

He writes:

“When there is no ready scientific explanation, we invent one.

That’s why the Black Plague was blamed on witches and Jews, the waxy pallor of tuberculosis victims was blamed on vampires, and migraines were blamed on the evil eye…

People need to identify cause-and-effect relationships even when they don’t exist.

Today, instead of blaming our ailments on witches and evil eyes, we blame them on chemicals.”

Ahhh, yes. It’s all in our heads.

You see, all of those poor little screaming purple babies who go into convulsions after being vaccinated, and who are ending up with horrific developmental diseases like autism or worse…
…and all of those painful and degenerative side effects from aspartame and other toxic chemicals now being loaded into our foods and other consumer goods…

…none of that is real…not at all.

Instead, it’s ALL just part of our deep-rooted psychological need to blame things on witches and vampires and evil eyes and Jews.

Clearly, the disdain and ridicule of the general public demonstrated by Dr. Joe Schwarcz apparently knows no bounds.

But where does the ridicule end, and the “science” begin?

Well, most of the time…it simply doesn’t. To Schwarcz, ridicule and hyperbole are quite sufficient, thank you.

After all, who needs real science when you can simply paint proponents of nature’s bounty as a bunch of mindless, superstitious nuts and kooks?

Funding From the Dark Side? Follow the Money!

Constantine goes on to justify his claim that Schwarcz is a “shill for Monsanto” by pointing out that at least some of Schwarcz’s funding in the past has come from a group called the Council for Biotechnology Information, also known as CBI…

…which is essentially the propaganda arm of the major multi-national corporations involved in the promulgation of “agricultural biotechnology” i.e., the worldwide production of chemical-laden foods and arguably toxic food additives.

In past years, CBI has apparently helped fund McGill University's Office for Science and Society, which of course is headed by our intrepid advocate of chemical-laden foods and food additives, Dr. Joe Schwarcz.

Constantine goes on to quote a document from the Council for Biotechnology Information in which they apparently openly admit to their financial support of Schwarcz’s Office for Science and Society at McGill University…

…as well as admitting that the financial support is for the expressed purpose of garnering greater public support for the increasing usage of chemicals in farming and food production (underlining is my own):

“…the Council believes that fostering acceptance begins and ends with sharing balanced and science-based information, delivered by credible spokespeople and organizations, with the consuming public.
To this end, the Council’s integrated and comprehensive communications program is geared at increasing the number of informed consumers and spurring acceptance of biotechnology in food production.

"Among the Council for Biotechnology Information’s efforts in Canada, we have...Provided arm’s length support to diverse organizations such as McGill University’s Office for Chemistry and Society..."

Do you see how this works?

According to Constantine, the big multi-national chemical companies find an acknowledged public spokesman like Dr. Joe Schwarcz, and apparently fund his office. In return he speaks out publicly in favor of their toxic, chemical-laden concoctions which they loosely refer to as “food” or “food additives,” and against the growing back-to-nature, non-chemical organic foods movement.

Indeed, today CBI’s membership roster includes some of the leading multinational biotechnology companies and trade associations in the world -- purveyors of genetically modified foods, chemical farming and toxic chemical food additives.

According to the CBI’s web site, these companies include:

  • Monsanto
  • BASF
  • Bayer CropScience
  • Dow AgroSciences LLC
  • DuPont
  • Syngenta
Of course, Monsanto was recently fined $700 million for poisoning people with PCBs -- a chemical which causes a host of health problems in humans ranging from learning disorders to cancer.
Later, Monsanto was fined another $2.5 million for mislabeling and illegally selling genetically engineered cotton seeds.

And in 2005, Monsanto admitted to violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and of making false entries into its books and records in the course of a US Department of Justice case.

In 2007 Monsanto was fined by a French court for misleading the public about the environmental impact of its herbicide Roundup.

And as Mike Adams, of has recently reported, Monsanto has even infiltrated key positions in the U.S. government, and has hired key government officials to help pass legislation favorable to the company:

“…leaked documents now reveal that Monsanto has also deeply infiltrated the United States government…U.S. diplomats are actually working for Monsanto to push their agenda along with other key government officials.”

Other members of the CBI group have equally checkered legal pasts.

For example, BASF has reportedly been fined hundreds of millions of dollars for crimes ranging from antitrust violations (price-fixing)…to environmental pollution…to damaging the health of their workers in foreign countries with toxins.

Bayer was also fined millions of dollars in a price-fixing scheme to keep the price of aspirin abnormally high, as well as millions more dollars in fines for paying illegal kickbacks to medical suppliers to switch patients over to their products.

Bayer later paid $750 million as a settlement with U.S. farmers for ruining their rice crops with unapproved genetically modified rice.

Are you beginning to get the picture?

Based on the evidence presented by Constantine, it appears Mr. Schwarcz has made a living, at least in part, as a paid propaganda mouthpiece for what are arguably some of the most corrupt multinational corporations on the face of the earth.

The Quack Buster Connection…

A little more digging on the internet, and – surprise! surprise! -- another little tidbit of interesting information pops up:

This “Mr. Science” of Canada is also a self-confessed natural health “skeptic” and “quack buster” who spends a significant portion of his time publicly ridiculing both natural supplements and proponents of natural health.

Or, as McGill University Publications puts it, Schwarcz is a “a tireless debunker of modern day snake oil peddlers.”

Go figure. Who’da guessed it?

He’s even written articles “debunking” various natural health remedies, regimens and alternative medicine practitioners for online public forums such as Canada’s notorious Quackery Watch web site.

And the more you dig, the more you learn.

Another Nefarious Source of Funding

According to another article in the Montreal Gazette, there’s even another source of funding for the intrepid Mr. Schwarcz.

This time, the funding comes from a well-known Canadian “philanthropist” and dedicated natural health skeptic, Mr. Lorne Trottier…

…who sits on the board of one of the world’s largest “skeptics” groups which holds symposiums ridiculing things like belief in God, and, of course, use of alternative medicine and nutritional supplements.

According to the Montreal Gazette:

“Charlatans and quacks beware - Joe Schwarcz has an extra $5.5 million to help put you out of business.

And, mark his words - the man behind McGill University's renowned Office for Science and Society won't rest until…

… every bottle of Goji juice, every ounce of mistletoe extract and every coffee enema has been revealed for the sham that they are.”

The new gift to McGill's faculty of science from philanthropist Lorne Trottier…

…It is believed to be the largest gift ever for science promotion in Canada, and Schwarcz says it will go a long way in his ‘battle against charlatans.’”

In other words, the “philanthropist” Mr. Trottier is funding Schwarcz’s propaganda campaign against alternative medicine and natural health -- apparently including colloidal silver -- to the tune of a whopping $5.5 million!

Nice work, I suppose, if you can get it!

And who is this “philanthropist,” Lorne Trottier? Well, according to internet sources he’s the uncle of famous Canadian atheist activist, Justin Trottier.

And he sits on the board of a group called CFI Canada (Center for Inquiry), which is described on Wikipedia as:

“…a non-profit educational organization with headquarters in the United States whose primary mission is to encourage evidence-based inquiry into…fringe science claims, alternative medicine…[and] religion.”

In other words, CFI is a so-called “skeptic” group composed of people who consider things like natural health, alternative medicine and even belief in God and religion…

…as unscientific forms of “quackery”!

Indeed, they reject and deny God, as well as His bountiful nature and its healing benefits. (Here’s a link to a CFI Canada video in which the group is seen holding an “atheist stand-up comedy” night, replete with a “de-Baptism” ceremony.)

Yes, according to the Montreal Gazette, Lorne Trottier, a board member of this group, is a large source of funding for Canada’s “Mr. Science,” Joe Schwarcz.

“Snake Oil” v/s “Evidence-Based Medicine”

According to Wikipedia, the CFI has grown into a worldwide organization since its establishment in the U.S. in 1991.

It’s opened numerous overseas branches – including opening a summertime “student exchange” program with Moscow State University (of course!) -- and has even gained “special consultative status” with the United Nations.

Indeed, CFI now appears to be one of the world’s largest and most well-funded of the so-called “skeptic” groups…

…to the point they hold conferences and events in major cities around the world to promote atheism, secular humanism, and the value of “evidence-based medicine” (read: Big Pharma’s toxic drugs and chemicals) over natural health remedies, which they constantly refer to as “snake oil.”

And guess who speaks at those big conferences and events?

Well, if you guessed that Canada’s intrepid “Mr. Science,” Dr. Joe Schwarcz is one of the featured guest speakers for CFI Canada-related events, give yourself a Brownie button, because you’re right on target.

Sometimes he also acts as a moderator for Trottier-related events, such as a recent talk on alternative medicine in which the topic was…


Schwarcz is also listed as an “Advisory Fellow” of CFI Canada, a leadership category within the group that appears to be directly under the Board of Directors and over the National Executive Council!

In short, he’s a big shot with the atheistic organization that despises God, ridicules faith and religion, and works to disparage natural health advocates and natural health remedies.

No wonder he got a $5.5 million dollar grant to bash proponents of natural health, from CFI Canada’s board member, Lorne Trottier!

Manipulating Internet Search Results…

But just what do these so-called “skeptic” groups do, besides holding meetings and railing against God and Goji berries?

Interestingly, the renowned investigative journalist Tim Bolen -- who for years now has exposed the sordid underbelly of the various so-called “quack buster” and “skeptics” groups and their adherents -- recently mentioned CFI and similar groups in an online article.

Bolen explained how some of these groups often work to manipulate the internet in an effort to make sure that only negative information about topics like natural health appear in the top tier of the Google search engine results.

Bolen wrote:

“There is an easily traceable pseudo-skeptic conspiracy going on.

It originates in the US, and, consequently, each and every component, each and every participant, no matter where they are, is subject to US law, and hence, US Courts.

Its sole purpose, now, is to control through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques and anonymous manipulation of Wikipedia, information flow about health care on the internet.

…They have two areas of focus:

(1) The first page of Google and other search engine ranking, and
(2) control, by organized anonymous manipulation, of Wikipedia health pages. They want their version of life to be the only thing read on the internet.”

In other words, according to Bolen, the so-called “skeptics” groups and quack busters work quietly behind the scenes to make sure the top rankings in the Google search results are dominated by…

…either web sites that carry decidedly negative articles about natural health topics, or by web sites that passionately advocate for Big Pharma and their drugs, or Big Farma and their chemical-laden food additives and concoctions.

Indeed, according to Bolen, it appears that one of the main goals of some of these so-called “skeptic” organizations and “quack buster” groups…

… is to manipulate the search rankings through sneaky and sometimes even underhanded tactics such as “Google bombing”.

The idea behind “google bombing” is to make sure targeted natural health web sites are driven down in the search engine results, and only negative articles on targeted natural health subjects appear at the top of the Google search rankings.

According to, “Google Bombing is when a group of sites such as blogs join forces to link to an unflattering page about a company or product such that this page rises to the top of the search results in Google.”

Take Colloidal Silver, For Example…

Want an example of the results of potential search engine manipulation? Here’s one I think you’ll find interesting:

Google the phrase “colloidal silver.”

At the time of this writing, when you Google that phrase, the very first listing you’ll see in Google’s organic rankings (i.e., non-paid advertising rankings) is a entry about medicinal silver.

The Wikipedia article is extremely negative about colloidal silver and disparaging of its usage – enough to scare anyone away from even thinking about using it.

The second Google ranking is the infamous web page on colloidal silver. It’s another extremely negative hit piece claiming that the infection-fighting substance is essentially useless, and constitutes significant “risk without benefit.”

Anyone reading that biased and distorted article would conclude that colloidal silver usage is unbelievably dangerous at best.

And the third Google ranking is the Mayo Clinic’s equally negative article on colloidal silver.

In other words, in the Google search rankings, out of a whopping 688,000 page results for the search term “colloidal silver,” the top three web sites ranked by Google are all decidedly negative regarding colloidal silver usage.

Those are the three web sites the vast majority of the public will click on when searching for information on colloidal silver, because they’re at the very top of the Google search rankings.

And of course, thanks to those high-ranking articles the public is always left with a decidedly negative opinion on colloidal silver usage.

Is that legitimate?

What are the chances that the top three Google search engine results for the phrase “colloidal silver” – out of well over a half million page results for that phrase -- would be decidedly negative ones?
Are the search rankings being purposely manipulated so that only negative information on colloidal silver is seen first by anyone searching for information on the substance?

Criminal Racketeering?

Bolen points out that if it can be demonstrated conclusively that “skeptic groups” or individuals within those groups have engaged in purposeful manipulation of the internet search results…

…(and based on the evidence he’s amassed, he believes it can indeed be demonstrated)…in some cases it may constitute criminal racketeering (RICO) on behalf of those involved.


Because natural health practitioners as well as natural health companies and products that are targeted by the search engine manipulators are not only being financially harmed by the blatant manipulation of search engine results, but their reputations are being harmed as well.

You may want to take some time to read Bolen’s January 2012 article here in order to gain a better understanding of the “skeptic” and “quack buster” scam against natural health…

…and the idea that at least some of these groups or individuals associated with them are purposely using tactics to manipulate and skew search engine results against natural health practitioners, companies and products.

And be sure to watch Bolen’s web site for the promised follow-up articles on this topic.

Anonymous Contributions?

Interestingly, according to Bolen, tax records show that CFI took in millions of dollars in contributions in recent years, much of which was listed as coming from “anonymous” donors.
But who could these “anonymous” donors be? Indeed, why would anyone donate millions upon millions of dollars to a group hell bent on disparaging goji berries and other popular natural health remedies?

Well, unfortunately the Schedule B of tax returns for such groups -- where the donors must be listed -- are not publicly accessible short of a lawsuit. But let’s ask the age-old question of “who benefits?”
Who benefits most when natural health remedies, natural health practitioners and natural health vendors are publicly denigrated…

…and as a result the public is left with a decidedly negative impression of substances like vitamins, minerals, herbs and nutritional supplements in general?

Answer that question and you just might be on the trail of the source of those anonymous millions of dollars in donations to so-called skeptics groups like CFI.

What’s more, according to Bolen, tax records also show that CFI apparently received millions more dollars in income reported on their taxes as “management fees.”


Bolen asks, “What do you suppose they managed? And who paid them to manage it? Maybe they manage Wikipedia health care articles? How about managing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tactics designed to bring skeptic articles to the first page of Google?”

Bolen promises to answer those very pertinent questions in greater depth, in upcoming articles on his web site.

In Summary…

So to sum up, according to the Montreal Gazette it appears our intrepid colloidal silver basher – the “Mr. Science” of Canada, Dr. Joe Schwarcz – is now largely funded by Lorne Trottier, a self-described natural health “skeptic” who sits on the board of CFI Canada –

-- of which Dr. Schwarcz is an “Advisory Fellow,” and which, in turn, is a branch of the worldwide CFI organization that collects millions of dollars annually in donations and “management fees” from anonymous sources

-- allowing it to fund people who apparently spend a large part of their time making sure the public perception of subjects like alternative medicine and natural health practices are decidedly negative.
And according to investigative journalist Alex Constantine, the good Dr. Joe Schwarcz has also been funded through CBI, the organization promoting corrupt Big Farma multi-national corporate giants like Monsanto, Bayer and others.

Is it any wonder Schwarcz makes video after video and posts them online, ridiculing natural health and extolling the supposed virtues of chemical additives and chemical-laden foods?
Well, it must be nice to get paid to sit around all day and plot how to promote chemical additives while simultaneously working to scare the bejabbers out of the general public about the supposed “dangers” of natural health products.

Yes, I’m talking about those same evil natural health supplements like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, colloidal silver and similar products that haven’t caused even a single death in 27 years

… while supposedly “safe” and fully regulated chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs continue to send as many as 200,000 innocent men, women and little children to early graves each year…in America alone.

Truth or Paid Propaganda?

See what happens when you dig just a little bit deeper, rather than taking a popular authority figure at their word for something?

Considering Mr. Schwarcz’s agenda-driven background as an apparent propaganda shill for major multinational biochemical corporations, and as a “kept man” by God-hating natural health “skeptic” Lorne Trottier of CFI Canada…

…I didn’t have to wonder too long why he didn’t bother to interview even a single well-known expert on colloidal silver usage for his thoroughly negative article in the Montreal Gazette.

After all, real experts on the subject of colloidal silver would point out the truth about the infection-fighting benefits of the substance, based both on the science as well as on their own clinical and practical experiences.

And the truth is not always what bought-and-paid-for shills want the public to hear. After all, they’re paid to mislead the public – usually under the guise of “educating” the public. (Yes, that’s my educated opinion.)

Like Joe Schwarcz, the so-called “skeptics” often claim to base their contentions on “science.”
But as we’ve seen, what they usually end up doing is dispensing with the science and resorting to exaggeration, misdirection, sensationalism, name-calling, disdain and ridicule, instead.

So for the sake of balance and fairness, in a follow-up article to be published next week, we’re going to take a quick look at what a handful of real scientists, clinical researchers and assorted medical experts have to say about colloidal silver and its usage.

So stay tuned, because I think you’re going to be quite surprised when you see what some of the world’s most prestigious medical, clinical and scientific experts have to say about the documented healing and infection-fighting benefits of colloidal silver!

They’ll have Dr. Joe Schwarcz in fits, to be sure!

Until the next issue, I remain…

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,
Steve Barwick, author

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Important Note and Disclaimer: The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof. The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics. He is not a doctor. Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage. Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution. Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein. All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional. Readers are solely responsible for their choices. The author and publisher disclaim responsibility or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine.

Copyright 2012 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved

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