Thursday, August 9, 2012

An Unusual Colloidal Silver Remedy for Infected Boils in Inconvenient Places

Sometimes with colloidal silver you just have to experiment a bit in order to find a delivery technique that works for you. Such was the case in my recent bout with a nasty, infected boil under my armpit. Here’s the story…

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for

I had an interesting experience with colloidal silver and a painful boil under my armpit this past couple of weeks. 

Here’s what happened:  We’ve had a lot of hot, humid weather lately, and as a result I’ve been sweating more than usual.  Two weeks ago I noticed my right armpit was irritated, particularly as I would swing my arms while walking.

Upon examination in front of a mirror, I found a big, painful knot forming under the skin surface, right in the center of the armpit. 

Worse yet, it was in the process of forming a big, red, angry rise, or “swelling” that’s so commonly referred to as a “boil”. 

Now I wasn’t too darned worried about it, because I’ve had this happen once before, many years ago during the course of similar hot, humid weather. 

It turns out the moist perspiration under the arm is a perfect breeding ground for infectious microbes like staph bacteria or even fungus.  And infected boils can easily form if you’re not careful.

At that time I applied Tea Tree oil (i.e., also called Melaleuca oil) to the budding boil.  After all, Tea Tree oil is highly antibacterial and highly antifungal.

Of course, Tea Tree oil, being a bit caustic, irritated the tender skin under my armpit.  Nevertheless, it resolved the problem within three days with repeated twice-daily applications.

That Was Then, This Is Now

Not this time, however.  After three days of applying the Tea Tree oil to the newly budding boil under my armpit, rather than receding the boil actually continued to grow larger and more inflamed. 

Soon it was difficult to hold my arm at my side without noticing the pain.  And the skin irritation due to the repeated applications of Tea Tree oil was getting worse, to boot.

What’s more, two large pimples developed, one on each side of the boil, about an inch apart.  This, in spite of the fact that I was still using the Tea Tree oil, which is one of the world’s top natural remedies for pimples as well as boils. 

I knew that this was not good news, particularly since many boils are created by staph bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus).  As you might imagine, thoughts of a potential MRSA infection went running through my head.

So I stopped applying the Tea Tree oil and tried spraying colloidal silver under my armpit repeatedly throughout the day. 

But every time I had to go out into the hot, humid 110 degree weather we’ve been experiencing lately, I’d begin to sweat, which would of course wash away all of the silver.

So that treatment option didn’t work, either.  By now the growing boil under my armpit was very uncomfortable, regardless of whether I was sitting, standing, or moving about.   

Old Trick for Healing Infected Boils

Naturally, I thought about trying the old trick for healing infected boils which I’ve written about many times in the past. 

You simply make a wet poultice by mixing 10 ppm colloidal silver with calcium Bentonite clay powder, forming it into a small, thin “pankcake” you can comfortably place over the boil.  Then while it’s still moist you cover it over with a large gauze bandage and tape it down. 

The calcium Bentonite clay is said to have some very strong “drawing” properties when moistened and used as a poultice like this.  As the moistened clay begins to dry on top of the boil over a period of hours, it apparently draws the infectious microbes out of the boil, and the colloidal silver mixed into the clay kills them. 

Years ago, I used that technique very successfully to get rid of a nasty boil on my back that my doctor wanted lance surgically.  You can read about that experience in my article, Colloidal Silver and the Demon Boil from Hell.    

But in this case, I just couldn’t see schlepping around all day with a lump of wet clay taped under my armpit in this muggy, humid summer heat. So I decided against that particular solution, even though I know it works extraordinarily well on painful, infected boils. Logistically, it just didn’t seem to be the right treatment in this case.

New Clinical Research to the Rescue

Then I remembered a study from 2009 in which researchers combined small amounts of Tea Tree oil and silver nitrate.  They discovered that the combination of the two substances was better at killing bacteria and fungus than either of the two substances used alone. 

I looked up the article on from March 2009, and this is what it said:

“In the fight against infected skin wounds, mixing tea tree oil and silver or putting them in liposomes (small spheres made from natural lipids), greatly increases their antimicrobial activity and may minimize any side effects.

Wan Li Low and colleagues from the University of Wolverhampton presented research at the Society for General Microbiology meeting…which showed that although both tea tree oil and silver (in the form of silver nitrate) were effective against a range of microorganisms, when low concentrations of the two agents were combined, their antimicrobial activity increased.

They carried out laboratory tests on pathogens that are involved in skin infections. Bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus (which is a common cause of skin infections and abscesses) and the yeast Candida albicans, which causes thrush, were killed.

These positive findings led the researchers to use microscopic spherical bodies called liposomes, made of phospholipids, the naturally occurring lipids or fats in the cell wall's membranes, to deliver the silver and tea tree oil mix to infected wounds, killing the pathogens.

This technique allows controlled release and therefore has the potential to use lower, less toxic, concentrations of the antimicrobial agents to treat infected wounds. This may also be of value to treat antibiotic resistant strains such as MRSA.”

From the article, it appears the researchers mixed small amounts of silver nitrate and Tea Tree oil (i.e., Melaleuca) into a batch of liposomes, which are essentially body fats. 

In the process, the researchers discovered that the combination of the silver and the Tea Tree oil, mixed together into the fatty liposomes and applied to skin wounds, produced greater antimicrobial effects than if they'd have used larger amounts of either of the two antimicrobial substances individually.

Sweet!  That was exactly what I needed to hear. 

The colloidal silver hadn’t worked for me.  And the Tea Tree oil had failed to work as well.  But what if I combined small amounts of the two infection-fighting substances into some kind of oily or gel-like base, and applied that to the infected boil?  

Mimicking the Study

Now I’m not a chemist by any means.  I’m a natural health journalist. 

But it seemed to me the liposomes (body fats) were simply being used by the researchers to stabilize the two ingredients (i.e., the silver and the Tea Tree oil), bringing them together into a single formulation in which they could work together synergistically. 

Of course, I don’t have access to a bucket full of liposomes (body fats) to mix silver and Tea Tree oil together in.  And I wouldn’t know exactly what to do, even if I did have access to the liposomes.

But it kept running through my mind that this ought to work basically the same way if I could combine some colloidal silver with Tea Tree oil, using some other fatty or gel-like substance as a stabilizer in place of the liposomes.

That’s when I remembered the tube of silver gel I had under my bathroom sink.  It’s a commercial product called ASAP Ultimate Skin & Body Care Gel, and it’s used topically to promote skin care. 

What’s more, it’s available relatively inexpensively, by the tube, through and other popular natural health outlets. 

What I found interesting is that the 24 ppm colloidal silver contained in this product is already stabilized in a gel made up of TEA and Carbomer, which are two ingredients commonly used together as stabilizers in the cosmetics industry.

So first, as an experiment, I began applying the ASAP Ultimate Skin and Body Care Gel by itself to the underarm boil and two pimples, several times a day. 

But there was no change in size of the boil, or in the two pimples on either side, or in the pain I was experiencing.  Everything remained the same.

Then, I began applying Tea Tree oil to the boil first, followed by a nice healthy dollop of the silver gel right on top of the Tea Tree oil. 

I rubbed the two products together directly onto the boil and onto the two pimples under my armpit, as briskly as possible with my fingertips.  And I repeated the process three times a day. 


And guess what?  As soon as I started applying the two products together (i.e., the silver gel and the Tea Tree oil), the painful boil began to subside in size, and the irritation under the armpit began to be relieved.

I applied the two products to the boil three times a day for a total of three days, and the boil disappeared, as well as the two large pimples on either side of it!

What’s more, I found that the use of the silver gel in combination with the Tea Tree oil mitigated most of the caustic effects of the oil. There was not nearly as much skin irritation from the Tea Tree oil, as long as I applied the colloidal silver gel along with it!

And finally, for some reason, by using the colloidal silver gel along with the Tea Tree oil, my normal perspiration in this hot, muggy weather we’ve been experiencing didn’t seem to wash the substances away, as it did when I had tried applying liquid colloidal silver alone, or Tea Tree oil alone.   I believe the gel was most likely responsible for the added “staying power.”   

Rock n’ Roll…

Okay, I admit, it.  This isn’t a very good example of the scientific method.  It was more like garage band rock n’ roll.  By that, I mean I was clearly winging it, experimentally, out of desperation to get rid of this nasty underarm boil before it got any worse. 

Yet, in spite of my unscientific experimentation, I nevertheless found something that worked extremely well!

Would the same technique work for other people who end up with an infected boil in an inconvenient place on their body?  I don’t know.  

But if you ever experience such a thing and decide to try this technique, please be sure to post your results on the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community on Facebook, so everyone can learn from it.

I don’t see why this technique wouldn’t work with other commercial colloidal silver gel-type products, as well. 

For example, our good friends at Sovereign Silver have a colloidal silver gel product called Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel, which contains moderate levels of silver hydrosol along with homeopathic levels of metallic silver. 

Their wonderful little product uses carbopol and sodium hydroxide – two more common gelling agents -- as the stabilizer.  And it’s also usually available fairly inexpensively at 

Would the Sovereign Silver Gel product work, combined with a little bit of Tea Tree oil, to eliminate a nasty, infected boil in a difficult-to-treat area of the body?  I don’t know.  But I’d bet it would, and I’d sure have no problem giving it a try. 

Another thought: 

Our good friends over at have a very interesting silver cream, rather than a gel.  It consists of 10,000 ppm silver nanoparticles in a base of organic raw materials including aloe vera extracts, jojoba extracts, glycerine, lanolin and organic Cocoa butter. 

Would the Silver Pure cream with its organic oils as a base work in conjunction with small amounts of Tea Tree oil?  And would the effectiveness of the silver and the Tea Tree oil be increased when combined together in small amounts and applied to an infected boil? 

Heck, once again, I don’t know.  10,000 ppm silver nanoparticles is pretty darned strong, on its own.  But I’d sure have no problem trying it, for example, if that boil under my armpit had turned into a raging MRSA boil.

Make Your Own…

And of course, you can always make your own colloidal silver gel by mixing a few tablespoons of 10 ppm (or preferably stronger) colloidal silver with a one-half cupful of pure, 100% aloe vera gel, as explained in this article.  

Again, I don’t know if this homemade colloidal silver gel combined with Tea Tree oil would work on a nasty, infected boil as well as the ASAP Ultimate Skin & Body Care gel and Tea Tree oil combination worked for me. 

But you can rest assured the next time I have a boil in a difficult to treat area of my body, I’m going to experiment with this technique again, using some other silver gel or silver cream product, now that I know this technique works well, in principle.

The bottom line is that the trick of using colloidal silver and Tea Tree oil together seems to be in finding a gel-like product that stabilizes the two ingredients so they can work synergistically together in relatively low dosages. 

The gel also appears to help keep the silver and the Tea Tree oil on the skin longer, so that greater therapeutic effect is realized.

I’m anxious to try this again someday.  But…I hope you’ll understand when I say I’m not anxious enough to want another infected boil under my armpit anytime soon!

To learn more about making and using colloidal silver, be sure to click the link…

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

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Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine.

Copyright 2012 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

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