Monday, September 10, 2012

Colloidal Silver and Heliobacter pylori

The H. pylori bug that causes nausea, bloating, chronic heartburn, gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers and even stomach cancer is one of the most common stomach bugs in the world, and also one of the most stubborn.

More than half the world’s population is said to be infected by it.  And 80% of the people infected have no overt symptoms for years.  Worse yet, the pathogen is so hardy even prescription antibiotic drugs often fail to eradicate it when symptoms appear.

Many colloidal silver users say colloidal silver works phenomenally well against H. pylori, while others have had only limited success.  Here’s what I’ve learned know, so far… 

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for

I’m frequently asked if colloidal silver is effective against H. pylori, the pesky, difficult-to-eradicate stomach bug know to cause chronic heartburn, ulcers and other stomach problems.
Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any clinical studies specifically demonstrating colloidal silver to be effective against H. pylori.

However, one interesting study conducted in the 1950’s demonstrated that an oral colloidal silver product (i.e., colloidal silver oxide) was a highly effective treatment for peptic ulcers. Indeed, it cured ulcers in only nine days!

Keep in mind, this study was conducted several decades before medical science discovered that H. pylori is one of the most common causes of peptic ulcers! 

In other words, the only thing the researchers could conclude from their study was that the colloidal silver product healed the ulcers.  They most likely didn’t realize the silver was attacking the root cause of the ulcers, meaning the H. pylori bacterium!

Anecdotal Accounts

So have colloidal silver users experienced good results using colloidal silver against H. pylori?  Frankly, I’ve heard mixed results.  But here’s some of the good ones:

On the web site under the section on treating H. pylori, it says:

Taking 1 teaspoonful of colloidal silver 3 times a day for 3 weeks is a well known and effective treatment for H. pylori without the use of antibiotics.”

And I found this confirming testimonial posted elsewhere on the internet recently:

“I was taking antibiotics frequently, for H pylori bacteria in my stomach. After each course of antibiotics, I used to feel good for some time. Then again I start feeling too much of gas in stomach and heart burns.

I checked on the internet for a natural antibiotic, and came across lots of colloidal silver sites. I bought a bottle of 5ppm colloidal silver from a health store and started taking one teaspoon three times a day.

After about a week, all my symptoms of excessive gas in the stomach and heartburn is almost cured. I am happy, that colloidal silver has worked for me. Now I am taking it daily.”

-- Ajeeth C.

So that’s some very good news.  Anecdotally, anyway, it seems that some people are having great success treating their H. pylori infections with small amounts of colloidal silver!

As natural health journalist Tony Isaacs has written on, “Colloidal silver helps kill the H. pylori bacteria and helps heal injured stomach tissues

The Key to Success?

A gentleman from Colorado supports the above claim.  He says he spent 12 years in a laboratory researching the uses of colloidal silver, and that one of the more difficult projects he was involved with was its effect on H. pylori.

He claims to have discovered that the key to success to beating an active H. pylori infection was in using colloidal silver on an empty stomach, at least three times a day:

“The trick is to take about 1 ounce on an empty stomach three times per day for about a week.

If you take it with anything else... It will bond with that and not work. If you add sugar... It will not work. If you take it only once a day it will not work.

But when we tested it by itself, on an empty stomach, three times per day, it dropped the H. Pylori titer down to un-measurable. Even months later.

I have since used it on a few friends with ulcers and it has dumb-founded the folks at the hospital because when they use the endoscope and see the ulcer and then the titer comes back for negative H. Pylori, they just shake their heads.

Then... of course, the ulcers heal very quickly and everyone is happy."

Mixed Results

Unfortunately, some people have written me to say that colloidal silver did not help them at all with H. pylori.  As one of them recently wrote to me:

I took colloidal silver daily, for six weeks straight.  It had no effect whatsoever on my H. pylori symptoms.” 

It’s very frustrating, of course, when you get mixed results from users, because you don’t know if the ones who experienced no relief at all were simply using a lousy brand of colloidal silver, or were not taking enough, or were taking it in combination with foods, or had stomach problems in addition to H. pylori that they didn’t know about. 

Here’s another potential reason for poor results: 

According to the Immunogenic Research Foundation, sub-species of 20 different pathogens have been shown to “exhibit various degrees of resistance to the bactericidal effects of silver-based drugs.” 

Unfortunately, among these 20 silver-resistant pathogens is a sub-species of H. pylori

While it’s extremely rare for a pathogen to be resistant to silver, it can happen.  So it’s quite possible that some people who fail to experience positive results when taking colloidal silver for H. pylori are infected with a rare, silver-resistant strain of the pathogen. 

Colloidal Silver and Pepto-Bismol

One person recently called to say he had an H. pylori infection that had been causing peptic ulcers.

He told me that by taking colloidal silver three times a day with the popular over-the-counter heartburn remedy, Pepto-Bismol, he had cured himself of the H. pylori infection, and his peptic ulcers healed up as well! 

That’s fascinating to me, because ever since doctors figured out that peptic ulcers are being caused by bacterial like H. pylori, they’ve began prescribing antibiotic drugs such as Flagyl and Amoxillin in combination with the gut-healing mineral bismuth

The antibiotic drugs are prescribed to kill the H. pylori pathogen, of course.  And the bismuth is prescribed to help soothe and heal the ulcers.   

Of course, as most people know, bismuth is the main ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, the famous gut-soothing over-the-counter remedy for heartburn, diarrhea, and more. 
So for cases of peptic ulcer and heartburn, combining a little bit of colloidal silver (for its antimicrobial benefits) with a little bit of Pepto-Bismol (for its bismuth content) seems like a no-brainer to me. 

And thankfully, combining the two has worked like a charm for some people, as I documented last year in my article Update to Colloidal Silver and Ulcers Post

Indeed, I was able to heal my own chronic heartburn – which can also be caused by H. pylori infection– by filling a shot glass half-and-half with Pepto-Bismol and colloidal silver, and drinking it down three times a day on an empty stomach. 

My theory is that this worked because the Pepto-Bismol/colloidal silver mixture is able to coat the infected area of the stomach, keeping the colloidal silver in contact with the colonies of pathogens longer than would be possible using colloidal silver by itself. 

While there’s no way to tell without blood tests, endoscopy or a clinical study whether or not the colloidal silver is actually killing the H. pylori pathogen and the Pepto-Bismol is healing the inflammation, it sure seems like this could be the case.

Other Combinations

I’ve also read that some people have had success against H. pylori using a combination of colloidal silver and the spice, turmeric. 

From what I’ve read, they take the turmeric orally in the form of commonly available tablets from the health food store, using the dosage recommended on the label.  And they simply wash it down with an ounce of colloidal silver each day.

Turmeric is highly antibacterial, of course.  And taking it with colloidal silver apparently provides a nice, one-two punch against H. pylori.  (Some people have recommended this combination for internal MRSA infections, as well.)

Other people have told me they use a raw unprocessed honey product like Manuka honey, along with colloidal silver.  Raw, unprocessed honey is highly antimicrobial.  And of course, so is the colloidal silver. 

Some colloidal silver users who claim to have cured their H. pylori infections have told me they take the colloidal silver at the start of each day, and the Manuka honey at the end of each day, with the goal, once again, of providing a daily antimicrobial one-two punch against the H. pylori pathogen.

Check With Your Doctor

Naturally, with stomach ailments you should always check with your doctor in case anything serious is going on. 

These are just some of the ideas I’ve heard over the years that have worked for other people battling against H. pylori infections. If you try any of these ideas, and they work for you, please let me know.

To learn more about making and using colloidal silver, just click the link. Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article!

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

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Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine.

Copyright 2012 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved

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