Here are some reliable
sources of information that will give you a great education on making and using
colloidal silver.
You can go through it
all at your own pace. And best of all,
it's absolutely FREE!
Hi, Steve Barwick here, for
Over the past 10 years I’ve worked diligently to assemble
one of the most comprehensive online “libraries” of FREE information on making
and using colloidal silver in existence.
Because there’s so much bad
information out there (and some outright dangerous
information) that I wanted colloidal silver users to have resources they could
rely upon for good, solid, sound information on colloidal silver and its usage.
So keep a copy of this report handy, for anytime you need
information on making or using colloidal silver.
And be sure to share this report with your friends, family
members and loved ones who might also be interested in learning more about the
powerful infection-fighting qualities of colloidal silver!
In this FREE 30-page report, you’ll learn how to calculate your
maximum daily safe dosage of colloidal silver, based on your body weight and
the ppm of the colloidal silver you're using.
Plus, you’ll learn about safety issues such as avoiding
argyria and using colloidal silver rationally and responsibly.
You’ll learn why colloidal silver has one of the best
toxicological profiles of any nutritional supplement, yet is so
Your FREE report will arrive by email as a PDF file
attachment. A link will also be included for easy online download if needed.
To obtain your free 30-page Colloidal Silver Safe Dosage
Report, just click the link above.
The Colloidal Silver Secrets Community on Facebook is the
largest and most dynamic colloidal silver community on the internet. It’s based upon the enthusiastic advocacy of
the responsible use of colloidal
silver -- the world's most powerful natural antibiotic!
Join with me and over 4,200 other colloidal silver users as
we share our favorite colloidal silver success stories…discuss the numerous
ways we use colloidal silver…post questions and answers about colloidal
silver…and share the latest and most up-to-date information about making and
using colloidal silver!
If you’re already a member of Facebook, just click the link
above to visit the community, and then click “Like” in order to instantly
become a member!
If you’re not yet
a member of Facebook, just go to and join. Then you can click the above link at become a
member of the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community.
60 Clinical Studies and White Papers on Colloidal Silver and It's Infection-Fighting Qualities
This is the place to come when people challenge you to show them proof of colloidal silver’s powerful infection-fighting qualities and other healing attributes.
You’ll find over 60 bona-fide clinical studies and White
Papers demonstrating colloidal silver’s effectiveness against pathogens such as
viruses, fungi and bacteria…its effectiveness against antibiotic-resistant
pathogens…its safety and favorable toxicology…its 110 year history of medical
Plus…its powerful antitumor properties…its unusual anti-blood
clotting properties…its powerful healing effects on human cells and wounds…its
use in the NASA space station…its use in lung disease…its use in purifying
contaminated drinking water…its use in infected wounds…and much, much
Truly the largest cache of clinical studies and reports on
colloidal silver on the entire internet!
Just click on the above link to visit and browse through this powerful
Over 100 In-Depth Articles on Making and Using Colloidal Silver
For your convenience, on this web page I’ve cached every single article on making and using colloidal silver I’ve ever written.
You’ll find articles on colloidal silver and food
poisoning…colloidal silver and colds and flu…colloidal silver and pets…using
colloidal silver to treat MRSA…using colloidal silver to avoid
hospital-acquired infections… colloidal silver and fibromyalgia…colloidal
silver and false claims by the media and the FDA…the 12 most unusual uses for
colloidal silver…using colloidal silver for infected teeth and gums…
Plus…Dr. Oz and colloidal silver…colloidal silver and
diabetes…using colloidal silver with a nebulizer…colloidal silver safety…best
brands of colloidal silver…colloidal silver and pregnancy…
…And much, much more!
Just click the above link to go to this huge online cache of in-depth
articles about making and using colloidal silver!
What the Experts Say About Colloidal Silver (Hundreds of Quotes)
On this web page, I’ve documented literally hundreds of quotes from bona-fide medical, scientific and clinical research experts who have actually done the research and studied the science behind colloidal silver, and have even successfully used colloidal silver and other silver-based substances in their practices.
You’ll learn what some of the most prominent medical,
science and clinical research experts in the world today have to say about
colloidal silver and its profound effectiveness against infection and
This is the page you’ll want to come to when your friends or
family send you some quote from a skeptics website calling colloidal silver
“snake oil” or “quackery.”
Don’t let the propaganda campaign emanating from Big Pharma
fool you. There’s tons of reliable
information on the safety and effectiveness of colloidal silver, and this web
page contains the choicest of quotes from the experts who have done the work
and know what they’re talking about.
Just click the link above to see what the real experts have to say about colloidal
I started this website of
genuine, first-person experiences with colloidal silver in order to document
exactly how colloidal silver users are curing an unbelievable variety of
infections and disease conditions through nutritional supplementation with colloidal
You’ll learn dozens and dozens of powerful and effective ways to use colloidal silver – many of which you’ve likely never even thought of before.
In fact, you’ll get specific colloidal silver dosage information and usage instructions – straight from experienced users -- for specific diseases such as MRSA infections, herpes infections, sore throats, eye infections, prostate infections, skin cancer, Candida yeast infections, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome…
You’ll learn dozens and dozens of powerful and effective ways to use colloidal silver – many of which you’ve likely never even thought of before.
In fact, you’ll get specific colloidal silver dosage information and usage instructions – straight from experienced users -- for specific diseases such as MRSA infections, herpes infections, sore throats, eye infections, prostate infections, skin cancer, Candida yeast infections, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome…
Plus…infected cuts and burns, Poison Ivy, Swine Flu, sinus infections, infected boils, earaches, pet infections, viral infections, upper respiratory infections, low energy levels, diarrhea, allergies, infected abscesses, gum disease, tinnitus, arthritis, Pink Eye, facial rash, infected teeth and root canals, colitis, mononucleosis, toenail fungus, athlete’s foot,
Also…bad breath, body odors, so-called “incurable” cancers such as renal carcinoma and others, urinary tract infections, catheter and Indiana Pouch infections, canker sores, insomnia, depression, dandruff, psoriasis, infectious peritonitis, antibiotic-resistant pneumonia, and yes, way more than I could list in such a short report as this!
And you’ll not only learn what conditions colloidal silver has successfully been used on, but exactly how it was used, i.e., the specific amounts used, the concentration used, how long it was used for, and much more helpful and eye-opening information!
Just click the link above to go to the Colloidal Silver Success Stories website!
Newspaper headlines around the world are now ablaze with
warnings from the health authorities regarding the rapid spread of the deadly
flesh-eating MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) and a number of
other drug-resistant “super pathogens“ that are now steadily moving into the
general population.
I started this website to document beyond any shadow of a
doubt that colloidal silver is the world’s most effective natural cure for
these drug-resistant diseases and the infectious microorganisms behind
Just click the link above to learn what Big Pharma and the
medical bureaucrats simply don’t want you to know about the powerful healing
qualities of colloidal silver!
While there's no argument that colloidal silver is the
world’s most powerful natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, the ability
of colloidal silver to protect against viral
pathogens has, until recently, not been fully embraced by the medical community.
Fortunately, startling new medical research reveals that
silver may well be your #1 defense against viruses as well. And older,
little-known clinical research I’ve brought to light on this website
corroborates the new research!
Just click the link above to learn what the medical evidence
demonstrates about colloidal silver and viruses, and why this vital information
is so critical to understand in this era of deadly viral pathogens!
This is my latest project and I’m happy to say we’ve finally
finished shooting some 13 videos that will be up on this web page soon.
At present time there are four short videos on making and
using colloidal silver, for your viewing pleasure!
But be sure to check back for the latest videos, which will
be posted over the coming weeks!
Have you ever wanted to know more about making and using
colloidal silver, but didn’t know who to ask?
Here’s my “Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About
Making and Using Colloidal Silver” report, in a simple question-and-answer
You’ll learn how colloidal silver is made…what “ppm” means
(many people think they know, but have it all wrong)…what kind of container to
make your colloidal silver in…what kind of water to use (and what kind you
should NEVER use)…how long your pure silver rods will last (and how to tell
when they’re ready to be replaced)…
Plus…where to get new silver rods when you need them… how to
properly store your homemade colloidal silver so it lasts for months or even
years without losing potency (hint:
NEVER refrigerate; and never store near this particular kitchen
And…where to find inexpensive containers for using colloidal
silver (such as nasal spray bottles, eye dropper bottles, pump spray bottles,
and more)…the simplest way to tell if there are actual silver particles suspended
in your homemade colloidal silver solution…how much colloidal silver should a
person take each day…and much, much
Just click on the link above to gain an education in making
and using colloidal silver that 99% of the population simply will never know!
People who are interested in colloidal silver and its usage
might also want to subscribe to my FREE weekly Colloidal Silver Secrets ezine, which brings you the latest news
and information on making and using colloidal silver.
You’ll learn about the latest colloidal silver
breakthroughs…in-depth first-hand accounts of successful usage of colloidal
silver for serious illnesses and disease…the latest medical studies on
colloidal silver, and what they mean to you...
Plus…news on disease outbreaks and how to use colloidal
silver against them…the latest attacks on colloidal silver by Big Pharma and
the medical bureaucrats, and how to fight back…and much, much more!
Again, just click the link above to sign up to receive my
FREE weekly Colloidal Silver Secrets
Ezine, and within a short time you’ll be in the top 1% of people who truly
know and understand colloidal silver and its usage!
I’ve Been a Busy Boy!
For over a decade I’ve dedicated my life to digging out this
information and bringing it to light, so you and thousands of other colloidal
silver users can have access to it.
Little by little I’ve researched, compiled, written, edited
and posted this extraordinary cache of information on colloidal silver and its
And I can honestly say that taken together, the
above-described information represents the single-most comprehensive and
reliable database of information on colloidal silver and its usage anywhere today.
Of course, as you know, the medical bureaucrats do not like this information to be widely
So be sure to share the links above with your friends,
family members or loved ones who may be interested in colloidal silver. Or, simply forward a copy of this ezine to
them while it’s still fresh on your mind.
Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal
Yours for the safe, sane and responsible
use of colloidal silver,
Steve Barwick, author
The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual
The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual
Helpful Links:
Important Note and
Disclaimer: The contents of this Ezine have not been
evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and
reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and
reliability thereof. The author, Steve
Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience
writing professionally about natural health topics. He is not
a doctor. Therefore, nothing stated in
this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of
this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical
advice. Nothing reported herein is
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The author is simply reporting in
journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of
journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage. Therefore, the information and data presented
should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with
caution. Readers should verify for
themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources
such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas,
conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein. All important health care decisions should be
made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and
experienced health care professional.
Readers are solely responsible for their choices. The author and publisher disclaim
responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred
as a result of the use or application of any information included in this
2013 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ
85380-1239 | All rights reserved
I like your posts, way cool! So i've been usingcolloidal silver drops for my immune support, health, all that, and so i really appreciate reading reviews or finding out more information about the product! Thank you a lot!