Thursday, June 5, 2014

Even More Unusual Uses for Colloidal Silver

 Learn more about the astonishing infection-fighting properties of colloidal silver at
Millions of people use colloidal silver orally to help prevent or heal infection and disease. It has quite literally become known as “nature’s most powerful natural antibiotic.”  

Millions more use it topically, as well, to help heal cuts, scrapes and burns, and to help stop active topical infections dead in their tracks.

But experienced colloidal silver users have come up with some very unusual uses, as well.  In my previous article on this topic, I documented 12 of the most unusual uses I’d ever come across.  In this article you’ll discover 12 more…

Hi, Steve Barwick here for

In a previous article titled “12 Most Unusual Uses for Colloidal Silver,” I documented a dozen offbeat uses for colloidal silver that I’d either experienced myself, or that readers had written in and tipped me off to.

In the following article, I’m going to document twelve more of these very unusual uses, in case you might ever have need for them. 

Indeed, I’m always researching new uses for colloidal silver.  So here’s some of the most unusual uses that I’ve seen come across my desk in recent months:

·       CPAP Machine Disinfectant – Colloidal silver user Sandie B., wrote, “I use colloidal silver in the distilled water reservoir of my CPAP machine, to keep the water pure and to prevent microbial growth.”   

For those who don’t know, a CPAP machine (i.e., “Continuous Positive Airway Pressure” machine) is a device that helps people with sleep apnea (i.e., a condition in which breathing stops during sleep) breathe more easily during sleep, and thus keep their body’s oxygen levels from getting too low.   

To do this, an air mask is worn at night, and the device increases air pressure in the throat in order to keep the airway open and oxygen flowing while the individual is sleeping. 

However, to prevent the soft tissues in the throat and lungs from drying out and cracking due to the added air pressure, a small amount of distilled water is usually added to a water reservoir in the CPAP device, and tiny amounts of this water are picked up by the air current which in turn helps keep the soft tissues in the throat and lungs moist. 

The problem is, sometimes the water in the CPAP machine, if not changed frequently, can get contaminated with bacteria, and CPAP users can end up with an upper respiratory infection or even pneumonia.  So a lot of CPAP users add a teaspoonful or so of 10 ppm colloidal silver to the distilled water in their CPAP reservoir, in order to prevent this from happening.

C.M.W., of Ohio, is another colloidal silver user who puts colloidal silver into her CPAP machine.  She states, “I have sleep apnea.  And when I go to sleep, I use a machine to help me breath thru the night. I add colloidal silver to the water reservoir. Since I started using it in the water my sinuses have cleared up. I sleep much better and do not struggle to breath now.”

·       Glass Cleaner – Colloidal silver user Jerry K. wrote to say, “I just discovered that colloidal silver is also a very good glass cleaner. Makes the glass squeaky clean just like Windex, but without nasty ammonia.

That’s a wonderful discovery, of course, because ammonia has numerous significant negative effects on the human body.  It outgases, producing vapors and a pungent, suffocating odor that can be caustic to soft tissues in the nose, eyes, and especially the lungs.  It’s corrosive, as well.  It produces rapid skin or eye irritation upon contact.  And swallowing ammonia can result in corrosive damage to the mouth, throat and stomach. 

What’s more, inhalation of ammonia can result in a variety of respiratory ailments including bronchitis, asthma, coughing, and “farmer’s lung.”  And if ammonia is accidently and inadvertently mixed with bleach in the home, it can release toxic chlorine gas, which can be deadly

So think about the potential detrimental effects of ammonia when you go to clean your windows with a commercial glass cleaner.  Consider using a pump spray bottle to simply spray some safe, natural10 ppm colloidal silver onto the glass instead, and clean as normal!

·       Make Your Own Antimicrobial Silver Bandages – Colloidal silver user Don H., from Ohio, recently wrote, “I buy gauze bandages, and soak them in colloidal silver, then let them air dry. Anything I use them for makes for quick healing with minimum scars. I do the same with new socks!”

Now that’s a novel idea.  But actually, it’s very little different from purchasing silver-impregnated bandages online, or even silver-impregnated stockings. 

The only difference is that it’s the DIY (i.e., Do-It-Yourself) version. 

So you save tons of money over what you’d pay for the commercial products, and basically reap the same healing and infection-fighting benefits.  Bravo to Don for pointing this out!

·       Keep Plant Cuttings from Rotting – Colloidal silver user Elizabeth B., recently wrote, “I add about ½ ounce of colloidal silver to the water when I’m rooting plant cuttings.  No more stagnant water with rotted cuttings!”

Anyone who’s ever tried to root plant cuttings knows the biggest problem is controlling the fungus, mold or bacteria that can grow in the water and contaminate it, ultimately causing the cuttings to rot. 

But adding a tiny bit of colloidal silver to the water seems to solve the problem post-haste.  And as long as you don’t overdo it, there’s no harm to the root cuttings from the silver. 

While this is certainly an unusual use for colloidal silver, it’s not really a surprising one.  After all, gardeners have known for a long time that colloidal silver kills plant fungus.  If you’re a gardener, you might want to see my previous article, “Colloidal Silver Kills Plant Fungus, Produces Larger and Healthier Crops.” 

·       Natural Deodorant – Colloidal silver user Jill S., wrote, “Did you know that Colloidal Silver works great as a natural deodorant? No aluminum!”  And colloidal silver user Bonita S. wrote, “Among a lot of uses, we use colloidal silver as our exclusive deodorant!  It works wonderfully…even working in the hot sun in the South!”

She’s right, of course.  I haven’t purchased a commercial underarm deodorant spray or roll-on in over 15 years.  I simply use a pump spray bottle to spray some 10 ppm colloidal silver under my arms each morning, and nothing else. 

Of course, colloidal silver doesn’t have the perfumed smell to mask body odors like commercial deodorant products do.  But I’ve always been a bit sensitive to such chemical-laden perfumes and fragrances anyway.  So I don’t miss them at all. 

And I certainly don’t miss sopping my skin with potentially dangerous aluminum, which is a main ingredient in most underarm deodorants, and which has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, nervous system seizures, breast cancer, kidney problems, bone formation disorders and more. 

As Angela Kaelin writes in her great article titled “Make Your Own Natural Health and Beauty Products Using Colloidal Silver,” if you prefer a scented deodorant, it’s quite easy to make your own natural deodorant using colloidal silver and other natural ingredients to add fragrance and to soothe the skin.  Here’s what she says:

“Many people are very sensitive to the ingredients in commercial antiperspirants and deodorants. If you're sensitive or just want an alternative to dangerous aluminum-containing antiperspirants, try thoroughly mixing the following ingredients in an 8 to 12 oz. spray bottle:

2 - 3 ounces of colloidal silver
6 - 9 ounces of distilled water
8 to 10 drops of lavender oil
8 to 10 drops of rosemary oil
8 to 10 drops of sage oil

Sage has a light action as a natural antiperspirant. Perspiration odors on the skin are produced by bacteria. Colloidal silver works as an excellent antibacterial and is extremely beneficial to the skin as well.

Rosemary and lavender are not only aromatic, but they have profound soothing and healing properties, too.

Shake this mixture well before each application.”

·       Stop Stinking Up the Bathroom – Colloidal silver user Rob G. wrote to say, “If I stink up the bathroom while doing a number two, I use a pump spray bottle full of my homemade colloidal silver to spray into the air afterwards.  It removes the odor quite rapidly.”

Okay, that’s a weird one.  But I’ve tried it, and it actually works!

Let’s face it.  Everybody stinks up the bathroom from time to time.  The old trick was to keep a pack of matches in the bathroom, and if you stunk it up big time, then light a match or two and let them burn for a few seconds before snuffing out the flames and allowing the sulfur-laden smoke to rise from the quenched matches. 

But this was just a cover-up for the smell, which burning sulfur from the matches helps mask.  But spraying 10 ppm colloidal silver high into the air in the bathroom after a “stinky episode” and allowing it to drift down naturally throughout the room, seems to actually neutralize the smell. 

My thought on this is that the billions of tiny droplets of silver water sprayed high into the air in the bathroom actually absorb the smell into the silver as they drift slowly to the floor, much as charcoal absorbs odor. 

It seems to take about five minutes, in my experience, for the smell to subside after the colloidal silver has been thoroughly sprayed into the air throughout the bathroom.  But in the few times I’ve tried it after receiving the above tip, it’s worked for me!

·       Eliminate Mildew Odor in Wet Clothes – Colloidal silver user Kathleen S. recently wrote, “If you should have a basket of washed clothes that didn't get dried for a day or two and has developed a musky/mildew odor, just put the clothes in the dryer and add a wash cloth saturated with colloidal silver. Dry as usual. Odor gone!”

Wow…I don’t know how many times during my bachelor years I forgot to take the wet clothes out of the washer and dry them, only to find them smelling like mildew the next day. 

So I sure wish I’d have known about this nifty little trick back then. My wife does the laundry now.  And she’s pretty consistent about drying the clothes directly after they’re washed.  But I’m passing this handy tip along to her, just in case!

·       Hot Tub Replacement for Chlorine/Bromine – Colloidal silver user Nancy S. from Topeka wrote, “We have a hot tub. The water is treated with chemicals to keep it clean and sanitary. I always hated the smell and wondered what those chemicals were doing to my body. And if I had forgotten to treat my hot tub for a week or so it would start turning green and smell bad. Then I’d have to ‘shock’ the tub with extra chemicals. So I thought, if colloidal silver kills bad bacteria, then why not try it in the hot tub?”

Great thought!  Nancy S. went on to write:  “So a year ago, we drained the hot tub, refilled it and poured in a quart of 10 ppm colloidal silver. I doubted that it would work due to the fact that the tub is full of water from the hose with plenty of minerals in it.

But I’m quite amazed! My hot tub has remained pH balanced and clear as can be for the past year.  No green slime, no smell and best of all no chemicals. And my husband and I have noticed that we have not had any skin irritations.

One quart a week is all it takes.  And it’s much cheaper than those chemicals because we make our own silver water with your Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator!”

Folks, this is something I’ve tried myself, in my own hot tub.  And it worked like a charm for me.  I had a hot tub for ten years, and after the first year I never again used chemicals like chlorine or bromine in it.  Just colloidal silver.  And my results were the same as Nancy’s above. 

If you have a hot tub, and you’re concerned about the potentially toxic chemicals you’re always soaking in, you might want to try this, instead.

  • Prevent Fleas on Both Dogs and Cats – Colloidal silver user Carol B., wrote, I started putting a small amount of colloidal silver into the water bowl my dog and cat drink out of. Funny thing happened. They don't have fleas!  I would normally be forced to use the strong, spot-on flea pesticides early in the spring but I haven't used any at all this year. It's almost unbelievable, but it works!
If you’re a pet lover, like me, you’ll have to admit that’s certainly a very interesting use for colloidal silver. 

Several years ago, my Chow, Red Dog, got fleas, and they were making him quite miserable.  Because he had such thick hair, the traditional flea collar didn’t work at all.    I could forcibly separate the hair on his back or mane with my fingers and see the fleas crawling around on his skin in droves. 

So I made a quart batch of colloidal silver stronger than I’d normally use (i.e., about 30 ppm) and put it into a pump spray bottle and began spraying it topically on him, while rubbing it into his fur and skin.  I did this three times a day, for three days.  And by the third day, the fleas were gone.

Now, if I even suspect there might be fleas, I start giving my dogs an extra dose of colloidal silver, orally.  And so far, the fleas have left them alone.  If they ever do come back, I’ll simply apply the colloidal silver topically, as described above.

So there just might be something to Carol’s discovery.  I’d love to hear from other dog and cat owners on this particular use for colloidal silver.  Have you ever given your pets colloidal silver and noticed a corresponding decrease in fleas? 

·       Relieve the Pain and Inflammation of Insect Bites – Colloidal silver user Kathyn, from Singapore, recently wrote, “I’d like to share with you a recent successful experience a friend of mine had using colloidal silver to heal red, swollen hands and arms from sand fly bites.”

Kathyn went on to write, Eddy, a friend, came over one evening.  He was in considerable distress with bites from sand flies to his hands and arms.

He had been out the evening before doing some photography on the beach. His arms and hands were red and swollen from the bites. Apparently the bites are worse than bee stings and can take a couple of weeks to recover from!

I immediately soaked some ‘cotton wool’ with the colloidal silver made with my Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, and applied it to the red areas.

After a short time the stinging sensation subsided. I gave him some more colloidal silver to take home.  He applied cotton wool soaked in the colloidal silver to the bites, using surgical tape to adhere it overnight.

In the morning the swollen areas had subsided and the redness and swelling was gone. He was truly impressed and very grateful for the immense relief.

This may be one more application that colloidal silver can help, in terms of relieving great discomfort and suffering.”

Well, I’ve never experienced sand fly bites.  But this does remind me of a trip to St. John’s Island in the U.S. Virgin Islands my wife and I took over 10 years ago, to attend our daughter’s wedding. 

We ended up in a hotel room that was just a tad overrun with tiny spiders that were so small, you didn’t even know they were there until they bit you.  By the time I woke up after our first night there, my legs were full of painful spider bites, each of which were swollen and felt like hot needles in my skin. 

I immediately began spraying 10 ppm colloidal silver over the affected areas of my skin, and allowing it to air dry.  And within 20 to 30 minutes the pain began to subside as well as the inflammation around the bites. 

I had to spray the bites five or six times the first day to keep the pain away.  But by the second day, I only had to spray them two or three times for relief.  Thanks to colloidal silver, I could travel with the family and take the island tours without too much discomfort. 

I can only wonder at this point how much better it might have been if I’d have thought to soak some cotton or wool fiber cloth with colloidal silver and simply wrapped it around the areas of my legs where the bites were most prominent. 

Kathyn’s idea above, which worked for the painful sand fly bites, might have provided even more relief had I known about it.  But I’m not complaining.  Colloidal silver truly did save the day for me, just as it did for Kathyn’s friend!

·       Relieve Poison Ivy Symptoms and Promote Healing – Colloidal silver user Glenn G., from Georgia, wrote in to say, Colloidal Silver saved my wife’s arm from a bad case of Poison Ivy.”

Glenn further stated, “We thought for sure there would be ugly scarring on her arm, the poison ivy was so bad. Doctor’s drugs were not working. Her arm was looking like a bad burn.  Thanks to Colloidal Silver she healed rapidly and no scars were left on her arm.”

Once again, while this use for colloidal silver is quite unusual, it’s not at all surprising that it would work. 

After all, several different studies have demonstrated the ability of colloidal silver to relieve inflammation by modulating excessive cytokine expression (see “Does Colloidal Silver Boost Immunity?” at this link for documentation.) And of course, the massive skin inflammation caused by contact with Poison Ivy is a result of excessive cytokine release in the body. 

As science writer Stephanie Wilson points out, “A substance from Poison Ivy called urushiol makes its way down through the skin where it’s metabolized.  Immune cells called T-cells recognize the urushiol metabolites as foreign substances.  They send out inflammatory signals called cytokines, which bring in white blood cells that become macrophages.  Macrophages eat foreign substances in the body, but in doing so they also damage normal tissue, resulting in the oftentimes serious skin inflammation that occurs with Poison Ivy.” 

According to journalist Francis Sedgemore, ““Silver has for centuries been used to treat and prevent infection, and its wound-healing properties are well known…But the new research...indicates that silver goes further than this and modifies cytokines, leading to reduced inflammation and an increased rate of healing.”

So the ability of colloidal silver to relieve the pain of Poison Ivy and to stimulate skin healing should not come as a surprise to us.  And of course, for those who might live in an area where Poison Ivy is prevalent, it’s sure great to know that this actually works!

·       Cures Mange on Pets -- Colloidal silver user M.S., from Oklahoma City writes, “We brought the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge along with us when we visited our son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons this summer.  I was shocked when I saw their dear dog, Pepper, who had the worst case of mange I’ve ever seen.  Big areas of skin were bare, scabbed and flaky and she would rub up against the house to scratch her sides from the tortuous itch.”

She continues, “Our son told us of all the trips to the vet for different remedies that didn't work.  Well, I got some canning jars and distilled water and made some micro-particle colloidal silver that day.  I told our son to get a spray bottle to spray her down that evening.  He did.

The next morning there was a noticeable difference in her skin - almost no flakiness and she looked a lot less miserable.  Each day we saw improvement and hair growth.  By the end of the week she looked happier and wasn't scratching.  Now her coat is perfect and glossy - back to her lovely self.”

This is unusual, of course, because colloidal silver is best known for killing infectious microorganisms like bacteria, fungus and even some viruses. 

But mange on pets is a skin disease caused by parasitic mites, known commonly as “mange mites.”  When an animal’s immunity is low, these mites can embed themselves in huge numbers in the animal’s skin, resulting in the loss of large patches of hair. 

Mange mites come in two basic varieties.  One variety, called Demodex canis, severely damages the skin of the animal by burrowing into the hair follicles and sweat glands to such an extent that infectious microbes such as Staphylococcus epidermidis can colonize the skin and spread, causing skin infection and hair loss.

And the other variety, called Sarcoptes scabiei canis, burrows into the animal’s skin causing a severe allergic reaction, resulting in intense itching, crusting of the skin and hair loss.

It would be interesting to know which variety of mange mite was afflicting the dog described above.  But the most important thing is that colloidal silver appears to not only relieve the intense itching and inflammation, but apparently also gets rid of the mites allowing the hair to grow back. 

As I explained in my previous article, “12 Most Unusual Uses for Colloidal Silver,” many insects (such as roaches, aphids, termites, fungus gnats, fruit flies and others) simply don’t like being around colloidal silver because their very lives depend upon tiny microbes they live in symbiotic relationship with. 

The silver, being highly antimicrobial, apparently threatens this symbiotic relationship between the microbes and the insects.  So when their “symbiots” are threatened, the insects leave the area out of self-preservation.

Could this be the case, too, with the mange mites?  I don’t know, for sure.  But for the sake of the dogs and cats that end up with this insidious condition, I’m certainly glad to know colloidal silver will help resolve it!

Learn More…

To learn more about making and using colloidal silver, be sure to visit The Silver Edge website and watch the “how to” videos…or read the in-depth articles on colloidal silver and its usage.

Or, just peruse the literally hundreds of in-depth testimonials from real-life people explaining how they use colloidal silver to keep their families healthy and infection-free!

What’s more, you can learn how to make your own high-quality colloidal silver for less than 36 cents a quart, with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge -- just click the link in this sentence to learn more!

Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver….

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

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Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2014 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

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