Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Colloidal Silver and the Flu Epidemic of 2015

The CDC announced this week that the nation has hit the “flu epidemic threshold nationwide.”

The red states in the map at the left are areas of high flu activity.  Orange states have moderate flu activity, and the green and yellow states have low to minimal flu activity at present (late December 2014).

The flu bug appears to be gradually spreading from the east coast where there’s heavy flu activity, to the west coast where it’s low to minimal, but where more states are turning from green and yellow, to orange.

So how can you use colloidal silver to help prevent (and stop) the flu?  Here’s some helpful article links containing ideas you might want to consider following through on…

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for The Silver Edge

According to the CDC, “the U.S. has hit the flu epidemic threshold nationwide.”

Apparently, the proportion of deaths reported in 122 key U.S. cities from pneumonia and influenza “surpassed the seasonal baseline and currently stands at the epidemic threshold.” 

What’s more, the number of states reporting high flu activity has also increased from 13 to 22. 

Colloidal Silver and the Flu

Millions of people swear by colloidal silver during cold and flu season. 

Some take colloidal silver prophylactically, as a means of preventing infection.  And others only take it when they’re sick with a cold or flu, as a means of shortening its duration and preventing secondary infections (such as pneumonia) from setting in.

Here are four short, but information-packed articles offering numerous tips, tricks and personal accounts for the very best ways to use colloidal silver during cold and flu season to both help prevent infections, and to help shorten the duration of such an infection should you get one:
What’s more, here are three clinical studies proving the powerful antiviral qualities of colloidal silver, particularly against upper respiratory viruses such as cold and flu viruses:
See also for additional information on the powerful antiviral properties of colloidal silver.

Silver Also Kills the Secondary Infections

As this clinical report from Dr. Eric Gordon, MD and Dr. Kent Holtorf, MD points out, colloidal silver has been proven to be effective against 24 of the major viruses known to be causative of URTIs, i.e., upper respiratory tract infections, such as the flu.

But the efficacy of colloidal silver (which they refer to in their report as oligodynamic silver, meaning only very small amounts are needed to do the job) extends far beyond its powerful antiviral qualities.

Indeed, not only has colloidal silver been demonstrated to decimate many of the viruses associated with serious flu infections, but it has also been proven to decimate most of the well-known bacterial pathogens that cause serious secondary infections during a battle with the flu, including the following:
  •        Streptococcus pneumonia
  •        Corynebacterium diphtheriae
  •        Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  •        Klebsiella pneumoniae
  •        Haemophilus influenzae
  •        Bordetella pertussis
  •        Mycobacterium (Tuberculosis)
  •        Inflammatory conditions 
  •        Spring Catarrh
  •        Pneumococci
  •        Pneumonia
It is these secondary bacterial infections that often severely debilitate the infected individual, once the flu virus has sufficiently weakened the body.

But colloidal silver’s powerful, broad-spectrum anti-pathogen qualities covers such a wide range of pathogens you can easily see why the authors of the clinical report – both respected medical doctors -- refer to it as “the final solution to the coming plagues.”

7 Important Steps to Take Now

Here are 7 important steps you should consider taking right now in order to protect yourself and your family against cold and flu viruses: 
  •        Step #1: Get a high-quality colloidal silver generator NOW, so you can make all of the colloidal silver you and your family will need, for less than 36 cents a quart. 
During severe flu seasons such as the one upon us, health food stores are often stripped bare of those over-priced commercial brands of colloidal silver.

But owning a high-quality Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge (see above link) puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to produce quart after quart of colloidal silver for the rest of your life, anytime you need it, for just a few pennies per quart!

We strongly recommend the brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, because the most recent studies have demonstrated that the smaller the silver particle size, the more effective silver is at preventing even the most deadly of viruses from bonding with the human cell host. And if viruses can’t bond with their human cell host, then they can’t replicate and spread. They are dead in the water, so to speak.

The Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator produces silver particles as small as .0008 microns in size (.8 nm), which is a fraction of a single nanometer.

That’s an astonishingly small particle size. Plus, unlike other generators that can only make small eight ounce or 16 ounce batches at a time, the new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator makes a full quart at a time, and it is as easy to use as a coffee maker.

You can even make gallon-sized batches, if you want (see video demonstration here). 
  •        Step #2: Stock up on steam-distilled water. 
Pure steam-distilled water makes the very best colloidal silver. Make sure you get at least four or five gallons, so you can make plenty of colloidal silver for family members, neighbors, friends, co-workers, etc. should the disease continue to spread as predicted.

Distilled water keeps for months or even years at a time. You don’t have to worry about it going bad. Just buy four or five gallons and set it on a shelf in the garage, or indoors in a cabinet or closet. Then use it as you need it to make colloidal silver.

Steam-distilled water is available from just about any major chain supermarket for under $2 a gallon. We have always had good luck with the pure steam-distilled water from Wal-Mart, which is even cheaper, averaging about a buck a gallon in most parts of the country. 
  •        Step #3: Get several small pump spray bottles that you can use to spray colloidal silver with. 
Pump spray bottles are important because they are so versatile. First of all, they allow you to spray a fine colloidal silver “mist” over areas such as countertops, door knobs, toilet handles, knobs and faucets or any other high contact surface areas where bacteria, viruses and other pathogens can concentrate and infect others.

The tiny silver particles air dry to the surface, and provide many hours of protection. During a health crisis, do this every time a visitor comes and goes from your house.

Secondly, you can use a pump spray bottle to lightly “mist” the air in your home with colloidal silver, walking from room to room and spraying toward the ceilings in order to let the ambient air carry the light silver mist throughout the room.

Third, you can use a pump spray bottle to “huff” colloidal silver. In other words, if you’ve been around a person you think may have been infected, you can go home and open your mouth and spray a light mist of colloidal silver directly into your mouth while simultaneously breathing in deeply in order to get the tiny silver particles deep down into your lungs where viruses may have lodged.

Fourth, knowing that viruses and other pathogens often enter through the eyes and ears, you can use your pump spray bottle to lightly spray the outside of your ear, behind your ear, and even directly into your eyes.

Additionally, pump spray bottles are great for spraying colloidal silver onto open sores, cuts, burns or other wounds, in order to keep them infection-free. Simply spray lightly over the affected area, and then let it air dry. The tiny particles of colloidal silver will adhere to the affected area, and protect it, also increasing healing time, which is vital when infections of any kind are rampant.

You can use plastic or glass pump spray bottles. Glass is always preferable if you plan on storing colloidal silver in the pump spray bottle for months at a time. But plastic will work just fine for shorter periods of time between refills, such as a few weeks to a month at a time.
Pump spray bottles can usually be found at your local Wal-Mart, in local health food stores, or even in the gardening department of your local Home Depot or similar store. 

If they’re sold out, go to the over-the-counter medicines department in your local pharmacy, and buy a pump spray bottle full of Chloraseptic, or Triaminic, or any other “sore throat spray.”

You can take the bottle home, dump the contents, clean the bottle out thoroughly with soap and warm water, and then rinse again thoroughly with warm water. Then fill it with colloidal silver.

There are also many online resources for glass pump bottles, including some of the ones in the following article, “Online Sources for Glass Containers for Making, Storing and Using Colloidal Silver.” 
  •        Step #4: Get a small nasal “squeeze spray” bottle so you can spray colloidal silver up your nose and get it deeply into your sinuses, should you feel an infection coming on, or should you be exposed to a person who may be infected. 
Carry this in your pocket or purse, or in your car, with you at all times, particularly during cold and flu season. These little nasal “squeeze spray” bottles are generally available at any Wal-Mart or pharmacy.

For about a dollar, you can go to any local pharmacy and purchase a tiny, two ounce plastic nasal spray bottle full of saline solution, which is used by allergy sufferers to clean their nasal passages and sinuses.

Simply open the lid, pull the little plastic spray tip off the top of the bottle, dump the saline solution out, rinse the inside of the bottle thoroughly with warm water, and then re-fill it with colloidal silver.

Filling the bottle only half-way actually makes it “mist” better when you spray it up your nose; you want that fine mist because it carries the tiny silver particles deep into the sinuses and even into the lungs, where any hidden viruses can be dealt with).

(For more detailed “how to” instructions, see “How to Make a Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray Bottle.”) 
  • Step #5: Get a couple of eye-droppers while you’re out visiting your local Wal-Mart or pharmacy.   
As I mentioned earlier, viruses and other pathogens often enter the body at the eyes and ears.

For example, when you shake hands with an infected person, or touch a countertop, door handle, or other surface which have viruses on them, and then inadvertently touch your finger to your eye or ear, you can easily become infected.

But you can often stop the infection dead in its tracks simply by applying a few drops of colloidal silver to the eyes or ears.

During cold and flu season, I apply a drop or two of colloidal silver to my eyes up to several times a day, anytime I’ve been out in public where people have been coughing around me.

And under those same circumstances, I’ll put a drop or two into my ear canal at night, when I lay down to sleep.

For more information, see my short video on how to use colloidal silver in the ears 
  • Step #6: Get surgical style face masks, so if a severe flu outbreak strikes your area and you absolutely have to go out in public, you’ll have at least some measure of protection from breathing in the viral pathogen. 
You’ve no doubt seen the televised news reports of health authorities and police using surgical style face masks on the streets during severe flu outbreaks.  

But when flu outbreaks get that severe, the masks are usually sold out virtually overnight.  So you should do everything you can to get some surgical style face masks as quickly as possible.  They’re even available on  Just use their search function to search for “surgical face masks.” 

I recently found surgical face masks at our local Wal-Mart, and some more at our local retail Croal’s Rexall pharmacy, last night.  Painters face masks will do in a pinch, if you can’t find surgical masks. You can get painter’s face masks at any paint supply store, hardware store, Home Depot, etc.

If you can’t find face masks, get oversized neckerchiefs from your local Wal-Mart or clothing store, and use those like a face mask, just like you’ve seen them do in the old cowboy movies when the bad guys cover their faces from the nose down in order to avoid recognition, or like the cattle hands do in order to keep from breathing in dust during a cattle stampede.

The point is to get something that’s easy enough to breathe through to cover your nose and mouth, and yet just thick enough to help filter out aerial viruses and other pathogens from people around you coughing. 
  •        Step #7: Get a few pump bottles of liquid hand soap while you’re out shopping, and add some colloidal silver to it, in order to make your own antimicrobial hand soap. 
As you know, health authorities always emphasize that washing your hands repeatedly during the day is of utmost importance during a serious flu outbreak.  And they’re right.  

Using a good, high-quality antimicrobial soap is vital for keeping the flu bug from spreading from person to person, and from contact surface to contact surface.  

This is why doctors in hospital environments use antimicrobial soap every single day.  So making your own antimicrobial soap with colloidal silver, for use during cold and flu season, is just plain smart. 

See this short “how to” video, demonstrating how to make your own colloidal silver gel and colloidal silver soap

Short of that, simply use your pump spray bottle (see Step #3 above) to lightly spray your hands with colloidal silver after washing and drying them.

Then let them air dry by waving your hands in the air for a moment. The tiny silver particles will adhere to your skin and provide an added layer of protection against pathogens of all sorts.

Get Educated
  • To learn how truly simple it is to make your own high-quality colloidal silver for just a few pennies per quart, click here. 
  • To learn what sets the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator apart from conventional colloidal silver generators, click here.
  • To read reviews and testimonials from people who make their own high-quality colloidal silver with a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, click here.
  • To save $100 on a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, click here. 
Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver….

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Helpful Links:
Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2014 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

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