Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Colloidal Silver and Tuberculosis

 Learn more about the astonishing infection-fighting qualities of colloidal silver at www.TheSilverEdge.com
Tuberculosis, also called “TB” (short for tubercle bacillus), is a common and often deadly infectious disease caused by mycobacteria. 

According to Wikipedia, “Tuberculosis typically attacks the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body. It is spread through the air when people who have an active TB infection cough, sneeze, or otherwise transmit respiratory fluids through the air.”

TB is the second-most common cause of death from infectious disease worldwide, with HIV/AIDS being first.  According to researchers, there are up to 13.7 million active cases of TB worldwide at any given time, resulting in 1.3 to 1.5 million deaths annually.

TB infections are extremely difficult to cure.  Standard treatment for TB consists of the daily use of at least four different antibiotics for up to18 to 24 months. 

Worse yet, cases of multiple-drug-resistant TB are now running rampant in some countries.  And the mortality rates are skyrocketing. 

Is colloidal silver effective against TB?  Here’s what we know so far…

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for The Silver Edge…

In this clinical study, entitled “Nature-inspired Novel Drug Design Paradigm Using Nanosilver:  Efficacy on Multi-drug-resistant Clinical Isolates of Tuberculosis,” researchers found that when testing a “novel form” of metallic nanosilver against antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis (TB), the pathogens were killed rapidly and successfully.

The researchers state that by capping (i.e, coating) metallic silver nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin and then testing it in the laboratory against sputum samples collected from pulmonary TB patients with multi-drug-resistant TB, they were able to demonstrate that this “novel nanosilver compound” constitutes a “potent anti-TB drug.”

The “Novel Drug” Ruse

While the study results are extremely encouraging, the idea that you need to "cap" (i.e., coat) metallic silver nanoparticles with a chemical substance in order to make them "less toxic" to the human body is ludicrous and counterproductive, as I’ll explain below.    

In reality, the researchers coated the metallic  silver nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin because they were attempting to come up with a "novel invention" so they could obtain FDA "drug" status for it, patent it, and monopolize its sale globally.

They as much as admitted so in the conclusion to their study, where they state, “Encouragingly, the results indicate that this novel design could be further extended for developing improved medicinal agents for combating multi-drug-resistant TB.” (See Current Microbiology, 2011, 62:715-726.)

There is really no other “benefit” to coating the metallic silver nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin. 

You see, when metallic silver nanoparticles are coated with any substance, whether it’s bovine serum albumin, or milk protein, or PVP, or any other, the effectiveness of the silver against pathogens is dramatically limited.

That’s because coating the silver nanoparticles greatly diminishes their ability to release silver ions inside the human body. 

And silver ions are what actually kill the pathogens, not the metallic silver nanoparticle being ingested (see “Experts:  It’s the Silver Ion that Gives Colloidal Silver It’s Antimicrobial Power.”) 

So for the coated metallic silver nanoparticles to release enough silver ions to be effective against pathogens, a person would have to ingest two or three times more nanosilver than they would if the silver nanoparticles had not been coated. 

And that means the liver and the kidneys will have to deal with two or three times more silver “load” on the body than they otherwise would have.  This is most definitely not prudent or wise. 

A far safer and more effective way to go would have been to leave the silver nanoparticles uncoated, but use one-third to one-half the dose

That far lower load of nanosilver on the body would give the researchers all of the safety and low toxicity they claim to have been looking for in the first place.  And it would allow more than enough silver ions to be released from the uncoated silver nanoparticles to do the job against the pathogens.

The bottom line is this:  The whole idea that capping the silver particles makes them "less toxic" to humans is ridiculous, because you're in essence forcing the infected individual to ingest two or three times more silver than necessary to kill the pathogens. 

But using far smaller dosages of uncoated silver nanoparticles would allow the release of free silver ions (which kills the pathogens), while putting a mere one-third to one-half the silver load on the liver and kidneys. 

Turning a Natural Substance Into a “Drug”

What's really happening here is that the medical researchers and the big drug companies want desperately to enter the market for silver-based infection-fighting substances.

After all, they know that silver is far more effective against infectious microorganism than their failing prescription antibiotic drugs.

The big drug companies also know they can't patent a completely natural substance like silver, so they have to come up with some way to create a "novel" silver-based product, or at the very least a "novel" delivery system.

I emphasize the word "novel" because that’s the single-most important criteria that must be passed for a product to receive a patent and to be sold as a drug.

In other words, for a medical product to be patented and sold as a drug, it must be unique and new, i.e., something that doesn't occur naturally and hasn't been manufactured the same way before.

As long as it's a "novel" (i.e., unique and new) substance or there's a novel methodology behind its creation, use, or delivery, Big Pharma can then patent it, turn it into a “drug,” and monopolize its sales worldwide making billions of dollars in the process.

Great News

In spite of my concerns about the use of coated silver nanoparticles in the above-described is study, the conclusions drawn by the study authors are nevertheless exciting and eye-opening, because it means silver has been clinically proven to destroy TB.

This once again confirms the incredible infection-fighting power of silver against infectious microbes – even drug-resistant microbes like the TB pathogen.

Think about it:  Even silver nanoparticles coated with bovine serum albumin (which dramatically reduces their effectiveness) worked well against the drug-resistant TB pathogens in this study. 

Can you imagine how well it might have worked if the silver nanoparticles were uncoated, or if pure ionic silver (i.e., typical health food store colloidal silver) had been used instead of some “novel” new invention?

So why not just tell people that small doses of safe, natural colloidal silver – consisting largely of pure silver ions which are the active, infection-fighting form of silver -- could just as effectively be used to kill the TB pathogen?

Well, there’s no money in that for the researchers, is there? 

While silver ions are the active, infection-fighting specie of silver, they’re not patentable because anyone can produce them with a simple, home colloidal silver generator such as the new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge.   

Look…millions of people worldwide have been ingesting tiny silver nanoparticles and pure silver ions in moderation for decades now, without undue harm or risk.

So the whole idea that tiny silver nanoparticles need to be coated in bovine serum albumin in order to “reduce toxicity” is nothing less than a spurious notion designed, in my opinion, to cover up the fact that the researchers were trying to create a “novel” drug for Big Pharma.

What’s more, it's important to note here that some people are quite allergic to bovine serum albumin, which is also known as BSA.  Indeed, BSA is one of the allergens in the so-called "cow’s milk allergy."  

Isn't it interesting that Big Pharma and their lackeys in the FDA create unwarranted fear over the use of safe, natural, colloidal silver, while simultaneously creating the illusion that their “novel” silver compound coated with bovine serum albumin is going to be "safe" and good for you?

As usual when dealing with the big drug companies and their researchers, rank deception and hypocrisy are the order of the day.

Can Colloidal Silver Cure TB?

While the study discussed above demonstrates that silver can indeed be used to kill the TB pathogen, it does not prove that silver is a “cure” for TB in the human body.  More studies need to be done.  But the current study is cause for much hope.   

There are also some citations in very old medical literature (circa 1900) for the use of colloidal silver as a remedy for tuberculosis. 

But you have to keep in mind that most of the formulations of colloidal silver used back then were often chemical in nature, which is to say, they were not electrically generated colloidal silver, but instead silver compounds made through a chemical process.   

According to American Biotech Labs, a company which has paid for private studies to be conducted on colloidal silver in different areas of the world, colloidal silver has been used in Ghana, West Africa, to successfully treat such diseases as tuberculosis, malaria, gonorrhea, and more.

You might also find it worthwhile to do a Google search for US Patent #7,135,195. This patent claims that colloidal silver is very effective against the tuberculosis pathogen.

The patent claim, of course, only applies to the specific brand of colloidal silver discussed in the patent.  And treating any serious disease, including TB, should be done only under the supervision of a licensed medical practitioner. 

But the patent is one more link in the chain of evidence suggesting that colloidal silver could be highly effective against the tuberculosis pathogen in the human body, just as it is against so many other pathogens.  

According to the “Purpose” and “Conclusions” sections of the patent dealing with their study on colloidal silver and the tuberculosis bacteria (section 9, “Evidence of Efficacy of 10 ppm Silver Against Tuberculosis Bacteria”), colloidal silver at only 10 ppm has been demonstrated to effectively kill the TB bacteria:


The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the efficacy of a silver composition of the present invention against the bacteria that cause tuberculosis.

This example describes the procedures for evaluation of the present invention for tuberculocidal efficacy.

The methodology is based on the Tuberculocidal Activity Test Method as accepted by the EPA on Dec. 11, 1985. [Refer to United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1986. Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances. Data Call-In Notice for Tubercuolocidal Effectiveness Data for All Antimicrobial Pesticides with Tuberculocidal Claims. (Received Jun. 13, 1986).


The use of silver compositions of the present invention is effective against tuberculosis bacteria.

A method comprising the step of administering silver compositions of the present invention is effective against tuberculosis organisms.”

So it's fascinating that only 10 ppm colloidal silver was shown to be effective against the tuberculosis pathogen in the study cited in the above-mentioned patent. 

However, it’s important to note that this claim is based on a test-tube study used in the patenting of a colloidal silver-based product.  It was not a human study.  So we still await further clinical studies before drawing any hard-and-fast conclusions.

But as biologist James South, MA, once wrote in the International Anti-Aging Bulletin:

"From 1900 to the beginning of the modern antibiotic era - circa 1940 with the introduction of sulfa drugs - Silver was one of the mainstays of medical practice in Europe and America.

Various forms of Silver were used to treat literally hundreds of ailments: lung infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and pleurisy; sexual diseases such as gonorrhea and syphillis; plus…

…skin conditions such as cuts, wounds, leg ulcers, pustular eczema, impetigo and boils; acute meningitis and epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis; infectious diseases such as Mediterranean fever, erysipelas…

…cystitis, typhus, typhoid fever, and tonsilitis; eye disorders such as dacryocystitis, corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis and blepharitis; and various forms of septicemia, including puerperal fever, peritonitis and post-abortion septicemia."

And as Dr. Kent Holtorf, M.D., of the Holtorf Medical Group has stated:

"Silver formulations have also been used in hundreds of various infections and other conditions including pneumonia, tuberculosis, eczema, meningitis, erysipelas, Mediterranean fever, corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis and septicemia."

In 1910, Dr Henry Crooks a pioneer in colloidal chemistry wrote that:

"...certain metals such as silver, when in a colloidal state, have a highly germicidal action but are quite harmless to human beings…

...Bronchial tuberculosis…Staphylococcus pyogenes, various Streptococci and other pathogenic organisms are all killed in three to four minutes:

in fact no microbe is known that is not killed by this colloid in laboratory experiments in six minutes, [and] the concentration of the [silver] does not exceed twenty-five parts per million…"

And as Alfred B. Searle wrote in 1921, his book, Use of Colloids in Health & Disease:

“...it is now definitely known that the germicidal properties of certain colloidal metals are based chiefly on the fact that the metals are in the colloidal state…

...a vigorous growth of b. tuberculosis was killed by colloidal silver in four minutes (a solution of 1 part silver to 2,000 parts fluid)."

Finally, the well-known and highly respected Dr. Gordon Pedersen wrote, in his 2014 book “A New Fighting Chance”:

“Tuberculosis is a common and often deadly infectious disease caused by mycobacteria. 

…silver has destroyed tuberculosis in laboratory studies. 

By drinking two teaspoons twice daily and inhaling from a nebulizer 30 minutes each day, you may affect the tuberculosis in both the lungs and the bloodstream.

Tuberculosis is not easy to beat.  This dosage may need to be followed for weeks or months.  You should see benefits after the first dose and each repeated use.”

So perhaps if clinical researchers were more interested in curing disease than in making money for their pharmaceutical company masters, we'd know by now whether or not colloidal silver -- without any of the bells-and-whistles to make it a "novel drug" -- would indeed work against Tuberculosis, now that the dread disease is becoming endemic once again worldwide.

Real-Life Accounts?

Are there any real-life accounts of colloidal silver being used to cure a case of tuberculosis? 

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find any.  That’s likely because most cases of TB are in Third World countries where colloidal silver is not available.  But I have seen a few anecdotal accounts that clearly point in that direction. 

For example, here’s an anecdotal account I found on the CureZone.com website, about a woman who’d tested positive for latent TB for 32 years, but who no longer tested positive after only two months of daily use of colloidal silver:

“A close family member had been ‘infected’ with tuberculosis 32 years ago.

When doctors did the TB test, she would always test positive. Just recently she has a physical done because she just got hired by a medical institution.

They tested her for TB and found she was not infected and quite normal.

Just two months of colloidal silver took care of 32 years of a stubborn bacteria that would not go away.

Of course, that testimonial account still doesn’t prove colloidal silver would cure an active TB infection.  After all, you can test “positive” for years after an initial TB infection, even if you’re no longer battling the actual infection.  The immune system simply keeps the pathogen in a more-or-less dormant state.

But the testimonial above does indeed indicate that colloidal silver can rid the body of the pathogen, even after it’s been established there for decades.

You can learn more about the astonishing effectiveness of colloidal silver against today’s growing scourge of drug-resistant pathogens at at this link

In the Meantime

In the meantime, take a look at these real-life colloidal silver success stories, and discover how thousands of people worldwide are curing their own infections with safe, natural colloidal silver.

Or if you’d like to learn more about making your own high-quality colloidal silver for just pennies…

  • Read how unbelievably simple it is to make your own high-quality colloidal silver for less than 36 cents a quart, here.
  • Learn why the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator is the world’s #1 best-selling colloidal silver generator, here.
  • To save a whopping $100 on a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, click here.
Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver….

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Helpful Links:
Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2015 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

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