Monday, January 25, 2016

Silver Makes 26 Antibiotic Drugs Work Better Against Pathogens

 Click here to learn how to make colloidal silver...
Go figure.  Here’s another new clinical study proving that the infection-fighting qualities of Big Pharma’s failing antibiotic drugs can be dramatically improved if a little bit of silver is added.

In fact, in this study, 26 different antibiotic drugs were tested against three common and dangerous infectious microorganisms, and they all worked better against the microbes when silver was added.  Here’s the story no one else is reporting…

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for The Silver Edge

I’ve written a number of times in the past about the remarkable ability of silver to dramatically enhance the infection-fighting qualities of prescription antibiotic drugs.

For example, here are two previous articles documenting this fact.
Now, a brand new clinical study published in the science journal Molecules in December 2015 confirms the previous studies, demonstrating that silver nanoparticles “are suitable candidates for use in combinations with traditional antibiotics in order to improve their antibacterial action.

Dramatically Improved Action Against Pathogens

The study, which you can see at this link, is titled (get ready for a mouthful) “Strong and Nonspecific Synergistic Antibacterial Efficiency of Antibiotics Combined with Silver Nanoparticles at Very Low Concentrations Showing No Cytotoxic Effect.”

In the study, researchers used antibiotic drugs in combination with silver nanoparticles, and found dramatically improved action against pathogens.

The researchers studied the synergistic effects of combinations of silver nanoparticles with a variety of antibiotic drugs against the following infectgious microorganisms:  Escherichia coliPseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.  The tested antibiotics included:

·       Ampicillin
·       Ampicillion/Sulbactam
·       Piperacillin
·       Piperacillin/tazobactam
·       Penicillin
·       Oxacillion
·       Cefazolin
·       Cefuroxime
·       Cefepime
·       Cefoperazone
·       Ceftazidime
·       Meropenem
·       Teicoplanin
·       Vancomycin
·       Aztreonam
·       Gentamicin
·       Tetracycline
·       Amikacin
·       Chloramphenicol
·       Erythromycin
·       Clindamycin
·       Oxolinic acid
·       Ofloxacin
·       Ciprofloxacin
·       Co-trimoxazole
·       Colistin 

The researchers found that “strong synergistic effects were shown for all tested antibiotics combined with silver nanoparticles at very low concentrations of both antibiotics and silver nanoparticles.” 

In other words, combining the silver particles with antibiotic drugs allowed the researchers to use very low concentrations of both -- levels well below what the individual antibiotic drugs would normally have to be used at -- and still achieve improved effectiveness against the pathogens. 

According to the researchers:

“…a very low amount of silver is needed for effective antibacterial action of the antibiotics, which represents an important finding for potential medical applications due to the negligible cytotoxic effect of silver nanoparticles towards human cells at these concentration levels.” 

The study authors concluded, “The antibacterial activity of the tested antibiotics increased markedly when combined with silver nanoparticles…the synergistic effect of antibiotics combined with silver nanoparticles was proved at very low concentrations showing no cytotoxic effect on mammalian cells.

So not only did the silver dramatically improve the ability of the antibiotic drugs to kill the pathogens, but it caused no harm to cells and tissues

Finally, the researchers also pointed out that when a drug-resistant form of e. Coli was tested, the antibiotic drug ampicillin was restored to full effectiveness against the pathogen simply by adding silver nanoparticles.  They wrote:

Moreover, restoration of the susceptibility of a resistant Escherichia coli strain to ampicillin was observed when ampicillin was combined with silver nanoparticles.”

New Silver-Based Drug?  Or Colloidal Silver?

This is the third major study to have come out in recent years verifying the dramatic positive effects of adding small amounts of silver to antibiotic drugs. 

You can rest assured patents are being filed and new antibiotic drugs utilizing silver are being developed.  But is it really necessary to develop a brand new antibiotic drug with silver integrated into it, when all you have to do is wash down your antibiotics with a swig of colloidal silver?

Or better still, if the situation calls for it and your doctor agrees, why not just take the colloidal silver and forget altogether about the antibiotic drugs? 

As many thousands of colloidal silver users will attest (see real-life colloidal silver testimonials here), colloidal silver is often so powerfully effective against disease-causing pathogens it’s considered by some to be miraculous. 

As one colloidal silver user who recently beat a MRSA infection without using antibiotic drugs told us:

I had MRSA. My doctor wanted me to get on antibiotics and I refused because they take a toll on my health. I bought the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator and began making my own colloidal silver, taking 2 oz. of the micro-particle colloidal silver four times a day.

I am now at the end of MRSA. It didn't show up in my blood the last time I had blood work, and one of those visual blood pictures.  I still take the silver only now am taking 2 oz. morning and 2 oz at night before bed. I also used it topically on my breakouts to help them heal faster.

I think I got the MRSA from my daughter who had a sore on her back for over 2 years. And her daughter got it too, so I am giving silver to them to drink also. Rose is no longer having break outs. She is my granddaughter. My daughter still has a few breakouts, but not many now. They are on the way to being free of it also
.” – Paula D., Kissimmee, FL

Here’s another example of a person being able to forego antibiotic drugs in favor of better health through colloidal silver:

My name is Jerry and I live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area which has been called the allergy center of the world.  I would regularly miss a week’s work each spring and fall due to allergies.  Usually my Doctor would prescribe a Z-Pack (i.e., a package of the antibiotic drug Zithromax) to get me going again. Even after I retired I continued to need a couple of Z-packs per year. 

But over a year and a half ago I purchased your 
Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator along with The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual and began taking periodic preventive doses orally; sometimes daily and other times once a week but never more than an ounce at a time.  When sneezing bouts begin I spray Colloidal Sliver up my nose.  Z-packs are no longer needed! 

My wife, Martha, who orally takes an ounce of colloidal silver daily, has an even more amazing story. In her own words: “Fifteen years ago I was diagnosed with lower lumbar spinal stenosis. I was in constant pain.  The doctor gave me a cortisone shot, the effect of which lasted about six months. The pain came back. I was told surgery was my only option. I lived with the pain until a year ago I discovered the colloidal silver. I have been almost pain free since.”
  -- Jerry C., Haltom City, Texas

Here’s another example of an individual switching from antibiotics to colloidal silver, and finding dramatic relief from a recurrent urinary tract infection: 

My elderly mother has struggled with urinary tract infections for years and has had to take antibiotics over and over, but still it came right back. She drank a quart of colloidal silver water over a couple of week’s time.

That was more than a year ago and she has been free of major episodes of urinary tract infections since that time. We are still amazed.  I am anxious to learn more about ways to use the water from my generator to fight infections.” -- J Roberts, Boise, Idaho

And here’s a personal account from a gentleman who couldn’t shake his pneumonia bouts with antibiotics, so he switched to colloidal silver, instead:

For two winters in a row, living in the damp redwoods of Northern California, I came down with pneumonia. Trips to my HMO for antibiotics proved to be of no help.

One day I met a neighbor who asked how I was doing. Despondently I told him how I couldn't seem to shake the pneumonia. His face brightened up as he told me, "Same thing happened to both my wife and me. You know what healed us? Using the micro-particle colloidal silver generator."

He was kind enough to make me a quart of silver water from his generator while I waited for my order to arrive from The Silver Edge. I started by taking one ounce each morning and night. Within a few days I was already feeling better. At the end of one week I knew I was on the road to recovery.

When my own generator arrived, I followed the easy instructions and using the standard dosage and distilled water, I continued to improve until the end of the second week when I was well enough to stop taking the silver water regularly. My partner and I have also found that using silver water from the micro-particle colloidal silver generator directly on skin eruptions such as poison oak and mild infections reduces healing time dramatically.”  -- J.H., Forestville, CA

Here’s a dramatic account of a woman’s profound healing with colloidal silver from an “uncontrollable pneumonia infection” that antibiotic drugs couldn’t help with:

Good news regarding my friend with Stage IV cancer, who was dying in a hospital with an uncontrollable pneumonia infection:  Firstly, the micro-particle colloidal silver was an absolute life saver regarding the pneumonia infection. Due to her weakened immunity, she had in fact been given THREE courses of antibiotics prior to taking the colloidal silver, all with no positive results.

As per your suggestions she took 1 ounce of the colloidal silver at 4 hourly intervals, doubled it the 2nd day and upped it to 12 ounces total on the 3rd day.  I travelled to see her on Day 2 having sent the colloidal silver ahead, and she had enough strength to walk for the first time without a walker and without the oxygen – if only down the hospital corridor and back to bed.

But even that was HUGE progress from the state she was in before. The doctors ran more tests and pronounced she was infection free on Day 3. It was a wonderful feeling and we all whooped! She now calls the colloidal silver her ‘holy water’
.” – Trish A., UK

Here’s one last testimonial regarding the powerful infection-fighting qualities of colloidal silver:

We no longer use other need since we make our own colloidal silver with the Micro-particle Colloidal Silver Generator…I no longer have continual cold/flu symptoms, but instead am healthier than most of the others at work, even those who I used to notice never get sick!  My wife had pneumonia once, and colloidal silver alone made her well. Another time she had strep throat, and colloidal silver was what took it away.”  M.K., OR

As you can see, colloidal silver doesn’t need to be combined with antibiotic drugs in order to work.  It works quite well against infectious microorganisms on its own.  It’s Big Pharma’s failing antibiotic drugs that need the silver, not vice-versa.

But the big global multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical companies smell dollars.  They know that adding silver to their failing antibiotic drugs to make them work better is something they can do for very little cost, but reap huge ongoing profits as a result. 

That’s why I continue to say that the wise will learn how to make their own colloidal silver, so they can have it on hand whenever they need it for just pennies per one-quart batch. 

After all, why wait for Big Pharma to add silver to their failing prescription antibiotic drugs (and then charge you twice the price for those “new improved” drugs) when you and your family can experience the profound infection-fighting qualities of colloidal silver right now

Learn to Make Your Own
Colloidal Silver for Pennies

Colloidal silver can be purchased at just about any local health food store, or through a number of online sources including

However, it’s quite literally one of the most expensive and heavily marked-up natural supplements in existence. 

Health food store owners, for example, often charge as much as $20-$30 for a tiny four-ounce bottle.  Yet the cost to manufacture four ounces of colloidal silver is about 12 cents.  Yes, I said twelve cents

O course, people are willing to pay through the nose for colloidal silver, since it’s safe and natural, and works so well against infections and related diseases. 

But thankfully, there’s no need to pay such exorbitant prices for colloidal silver, when you can make your own, quickly and easily, in the comfort and privacy of your own home, for about 36 cents a quart.

Yes, you can make it yourself for its actual cost, and altogether skip the sky-high mark-ups charged by health food stores!

If you’re interested in learning how to make your own high-quality colloidal silver at home, for about 36 cents a quart, here are some additional short articles you might want to take a look at: 

Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver….

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Helpful Links:

Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2016 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

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