Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Medical Deaths versus Colloidal Silver Benefits

 Click here to learn how to make your own colloidal silver for pennies...
A new study, published in the British Journal of Medicine, shows that some 251,000 Americans are killed each year by medical errors.

"It boils down to people dying from the medical care they receive rather than the disease for which they are being treated," says Dr. Martin Makary, professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

This, on top of the previous report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association demonstrating that Big Pharma’s toxic prescription drugs kill some 106,000 Americans per year.

That’s a grand total of 357,000 medical deaths per year in the U.S. alone!

How many people have died from using colloidal silver?  ZERO.  Yet the medical system continues to attack colloidal silver usage vehemently, while doing nothing about the growing medical holocaust they’re completely responsible for. 

Here’s the story you won’t hear in the mainstream media…

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for The Silver Edge

Orthodox medical websites often refer to colloidal silver as “toxic” and “potentially deadly.” 

But as I've mentioned previously, the U.S. Poison Control Association has documented the fact that, year-after-year, colloidal silver usage has killed (drum roll, please)…no one.   (For documentation, see Zero Deaths from Colloidal Silver…Again!)

So, even though there are quite literally tens of millions of colloidal silver users world-wide, and have been for decades, it still hasn’t killed anybody. 

Indeed, the vast majority of people who try colloidal silver report only astonishing health benefits – everything from profound relief from infections to dramatic healing of illnesses doctors have labeled “incurable.”

Big Medicine, In Contrast  

But now let’s take a quick look at Big Medicine’s often abysmal record.

In 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association documented the fact that properly prescribed and properly taken prescription drugs kill some 106,000 people per year in the U.S. alone (see JAMA. 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield, Is U.S. Health Really the Best in the World?).

That’s the equivalent of having 35 separate 9-11 attacks strike the U.S. every year, year-in and year-out, ad infinitum. Indeed, it’s well over one million dead Americans every 10 years.  

Yet no one blinks an eye at this ongoing human carnage, except, of course, for the grieving families of the people being killed by Big Pharma’s toxic drugs.

251,000 MORE People
Killed by Medical Errors

Now, the British Medical Journal has documented the fact that an additional 251,000 lives per year in the U.S. are taken by medical errors.

When you combine the deaths from prescription drugs in the U.S. with the deaths from medical errors in the U.S., that’s a whopping 357,000 deaths per year, or three million five hundred and seventy thousand deaths every 10 years!

As Dr. Marc Sircus confirmed in a recent article:

“The British Medical Journal now reports that after heart disease and cancer, medical errors kill more Americans than anything else does, claiming a quarter of a million lives a year, according to a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University.

Add to this number over 106,000 that die from properly prescribed medicines and you can see how quickly we reach 3.5 million dead over the last decade.

Medical error includes delivering the wrong drug, misreading a patient's chart, or operating on the wrong organ.”


If a killer flu, or the Zika virus, or some other pathogen killed over 350,000 people a year, it would be called an “uncontrollable epidemic,” and you can rest assured the most extraordinary measures would be taken to stop it. 

But you won’t hear a peep about stopping the growing medical holocaust caused by toxic prescription drugs and largely preventable medical errors.

In fact, according to the news article at the link above, deaths by medical errors have actually skyrocketed over the past 17 years. 

Don’t believe it?  The Institute of Medicine issued a report titled “To Err is Human” back in 1999, documenting some 98,000 deaths per year from medical errors in the U.S. 

Now, according to the latest study, the medical error rate resulting in death is 251,000 people per year – a staggering increase of 153,000 deaths per year from medical errors since 1999.

A leap from 98,000 medical error deaths per year to more than a quarter of a million medical deaths per year is not just astonishing.  If it was anyone but Big Medicine, it would be considered criminal

Clearly, Big Medicine is doing absolutely nothing to control this growing and ongoing catastrophe that’s killing millions of innocent Americans. 

Instead, the supporters of Big Medicine continue to rail against the usage of colloidal silver, and other nutritional supplements as well, calling them “dangerous” and “toxic” and “potentially deadly,” even as they extol the supposed virtues of the very system that’s become one of America’s three greatest all-time killers.

Go figure.  Like everything else in life, the opposite of what you’re told by the powers-that-be is usually closer to the truth. 

Colloidal Silver Rocks!

Meanwhile, more and more people are learning about the myriad healing benefits of colloidal silver.  Click any of the links below to learn more:
Learn More About Colloidal Silver

As Byron J. Richards, CCN, author of Fight for Your Health: Exposing the FDA’s Betrayal of America has stated of colloidal silver’s profound infection-fighting qualities:

"Colloidal silver is the product the FDA and many mainstream medical people love to hate…

The high efficacy in the use of silver to kill bacteria and fungus is not in question by anyone. This does not mean it kills every type of bacteria or fungus. And in the ones it does kill it does not mean it kills all of them.

It simply means that the antibiotic properties of silver are quite potent – and the risk to human health in terms of toxicity is negligible. This is a far better risk/benefit profile than commonly used antibiotics."

And as Dr. Jonathan Wright, M.D., of the world-famous Tahoma Clinicn in Washington state has affirmed:

"Colloidal silver just might be the next germ-fighting wonder drug. And not just for the serious threats making headlines:

It's also effective against bacterial infections like strep throat, viruses like the flu, and fungal infections like Candida.

No matter how much a germ mutates, it can't change enough to escape the damaging effects of colloidal silver.

And in the process, the silver doesn't harm human tissue or kill off the good bacteria in the intestine the way antibiotics and other medications do."

And as Dr. Joseph Weissman, M.D., board certified immunologist and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California Medical School has stated:

"Today, many antibiotics are losing the battle with germs. Fortunately, the best germ killer, which was discovered over 2,000 years ago, is finally getting the proper attention from medical science - natural silver.

I sincerely recommend that everyone have electrically generated colloidal silver in their home as an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal agent."

 If you’re brand new to colloidal silver and are wondering what it’s used for…how it’s used by millions of people around the world…and where to obtain it, here are some fascinating informational resources you might want to look into:

First, consider reading the short article “A Colloidal Silver Primer.”  It will give you a good, short overview of what colloidal silver is, how colloidal silver works, what it’s used for, and why.

For tons of free information on colloidal silver and its healing benefits, you might want to read some of the nearly 100 in-depth articles at this link.

And one of the fastest and easiest ways to learn about the myriad of health issues colloidal silver is being used for by millions of people worldwide is to read through the detailed, real-life colloidal silver success stories at this link.

Where to Find Colloidal Silver

You can purchase colloidal silver at just about any well-stocked health food store.  

Or, if you prefer to shop online, just go to any of the big online natural health vendors like SwansonVitamins.com or iHerb.com and they have it for sale.  Colloidal silver is also widely available on Amazon.com.

One of my favorite commercial brands of colloidal silver is Sovereign Silver, which you can find on Amazon.com, or on numerous online natural health stores such as those mentioned above.  Another great brand is ASAP Colloidal Silver, which has reams of clinical studies behind it and is also available at the above-mentioned online sources.

You can download a copy of the Colloidal Silver Safe Dosage Report (FREE by email) at this link. This report helps you calculate your maximum safe daily oral dosage based on your body weight and the ppm (or concentration) of the colloidal silver product you're using.

Make Your Own Colloidal Silver

 Click here to learn how to make colloidal silver for pennies...
If you’re a do-it-yourselfer like me, you can learn about how easy and inexpensive it is to make your own high-quality colloidal silver for about a penny per ounce with a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge.  To learn more, just click here.

By making your own high-quality colloidal silver, you don’t have to pay $30 for a tiny, four-ounce bottle of colloidal silver in health food stores.  You can make it yourself for the same cost the big colloidal silver manufacturers make it for – i.e., just pennies per quart -- before they mark it up some 63,000% and sell it to you.

If you’re concerned that it might be complicated to make your own colloidal silver, you can see how incredibly simple it actually is at this link.  Indeed, if you can use a device as simple to use as a coffee pot, you’re pretty much qualified to make your own high-quality colloidal silver for just pennies per quart!  

Finally, if you have questions about making or using colloidal silver, consider joining the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community on Facebook

There, you’ll find over 22,000 fellow colloidal silver users sharing their usage secrets and success stories as well as the latest news and information on the infection-fighting benefits of colloidal silver. 

One thing for sure:  If history is any guide, your colloidal silver usage won’t kill you.  But Big Pharma’s toxic prescription drugs just might.

Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver….

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Helpful Links:
Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2016 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

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