Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Colloidal Silver and Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

 Click here to learn to make colloidal silver for pennies...
With cases of whooping cough on the rise across the U.S. and throughout the world, it’s important to know whether or not there are any effective natural remedies. 

Colloidal silver is one of the most frequently recommended natural remedies for whooping cough, which is also known as pertussis.  Indeed, there are thousands of websites recommending the use of colloidal silver for whooping cough.

But is there any clinical evidence of its effectiveness?  And have people successfully used colloidal silver to help the body recover from a nasty case of whooping cough? 

Here’s the straight scoop you won’t find anywhere else…

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for The Silver Edge

According to Aundrea Adams, ND, in 1998 there was an astonishing 838% increase in cases of whooping cough among children who had already been vaccinated against it. 

Today, the trend apparently continues, with ABC Science reporter Dani Cooper stating, “In 2012 the US saw the highest number of pertussis (whooping cough) cases since 1955.” 

Indeed, according to, in 2012 the U.S. had 48,000 cases of whooping cough, compared to only 10,000 cases annually back in 1965.  (The historical low for the U.S. was in 1981, when there were only 1,248 cases.) 

Researchers have attributed the cause of today’s unprecedented rise in cases of whooping cough to the poor quality of the vaccine being given to children. 

Some researchers now claim a new whooping cough vaccine developed in 1991 to help avoid vaccine side effects (which can include catatonic stupor, in cases of the pertussis vaccine) turned out to be too weak.  But the 1991 vaccine is still being used.

While still other researchers claim the whooping cough bug itself – known as Bordetella pertussis -- is mutating, and that the vaccine in current use no longer provides anywhere near the same protection against it because of the mutations.

Regardless of the reason, the fact of the matter is that whooping cough has been back on the rise again for the past 13 years, and tens of thousands of people annually in the U.S. alone are becoming infected.  What’s more, other nations are seeing the same kind of dramatic increase in cases of whooping cough.

So is colloidal silver an effective natural remedy for whooping cough? 

We’ll discuss the evidence in just a moment.  But first, it’s important to know exactly what whooping cough is, and why it’s so potentially harmful (and occasionally even deadly). 

What is Whooping Cough?

According to data on the Centers for Disease Control website, “Whooping cough -- or pertussis -- is a very serious respiratory (in the lungs and breathing tubes) infection caused by the pertussis bacteria. It causes violent coughing you can’t stop. Whooping cough is most harmful for young babies and can be deadly.”

According to, “Whooping cough is highly contagious as it’s transmitted through airborne droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze. It’s cyclical with peaks in cases appearing every three to five years.”

In other words, it’s transmission from person-to-person is somewhat like the flu.  But the symptoms – which can include unstoppable coughing, gasping for breath, difficulty breathing, and even turning blue from lack of oxygen – can be far more severe than the flu.

Indeed, according to the online Health and Homestead page, a whooping cough infection can be an extremely frightening and potentially life-threatening experience:

“Whooping cough (pertussis) bacteria strips out all the hair in the throat and bronchial tubes. Once these are gone, any mucus (which you always have) slips down into the bronchial tubes. You gag, breath in, and suddenly have to cough repeatedly to bring up the less-than-exciting subject of excess mucus.

While the individual is out of air, he or she coughs repeatedly, turning red in the face, then from lack of oxygen can turn blue, and then from the strain of coughing, turns gray for a second or two. Then comes the trademark “whoop” as the afflicted individual gasps for fresh oxygen.
Once the hair is gone from the windpipe, you are at the mercy of your wisdom in treating this disease. Figure on facing six weeks of horrible coughing and six months until normalcy returns once those hairs have grown back.”

That most definitely does not sound like fun. 

Colloidal Silver and Whooping Cough

Unfortunately, I can’t find a single documented medical study demonstrating that oral use of colloidal silver is effective against whooping cough, aka pertussis.

Yet if you do a Google search for “colloidal silver whooping cough” you’ll find 17,600 results from websites claiming colloidal silver is indeed effective for this malady (but citing no clinical studies).  I did find a handful of very interesting testimonials, which I’ll quote from below, and comment on, in just a moment.

Additionally, according to a chapter in the Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, whooping cough was one of the 109 diseases that colloidal silver was used to treat in the early 1900’s, before the advent of prescription antibiotic drugs.  However, the medical citation is “J. Mark Hovell in the British Medical Journal, Dec. 15, 1917.” 

Looking up that particular old citation, I found that it was not from a clinical study at all, but instead, from a short article in the British Medical Journal that stated, “Colloidal silver has also been used successfully in septic conditions of the mouth (including pyorrhea alveolysis – Rigg’s disease), throat (including tonsillitis and quincies), ear (including Menier’s symptoms and closure to Valsalva’s inflation), and in generalized septicemia, leucorrhea, cystitis, whooping cough and shingles.

So that’s quite an old medical journal citation, and there’s no way to know if the silver was used orally, intravenously, or through inhalation, etc., when used for whooping cough.  No dosage information is given, either.

In a 2010 article, Russia’s premiere newspaper, Pravda, makes the following claim:

“The best natural remedy against whooping cough, colds, and flu is the age old remedy of colloidal silver. The metal silver in its colloidal state can be safely consumed and used in the body. Bacteria and viruses cannot develop resistance to silver.

Silver disables a vital enzyme and mechanism in all bacteria, viruses, and pathogens so that they cannot survive. It is good to take a few teaspoons of colloidal silver daily to maintain health. More colloidal silver should be taken if experiencing illness.”

And in a 2012 news article published in the nationwide Grit newspaper, colloidal silver is mentioned as a natural “option” for treating whooping cough.

The site also recommends colloidal silver as a natural healing adjunct for whooping cough. As one reader on that site commented: 

My sixteen year old came down with whooping cough six weeks ago. Yes he was vaccinated and had a booster. After lots of research I learned that 90% of whooping cough patients had the vaccine. What really helped our son was vitamin C and colloidal silver.  It minimizes symptoms.”

And here’s a testimonial from the website of

“My four year old had whooping cough at 17 months. It took about 6 weeks to get a diagnosis. I started using colloidal silver in a nebulizer after learning that the pertussis bacteria reproduces in the area at the back of the nose.

The treatments, which I did several times a day, as well as when he was sleeping, dramatically reduced the frequency and intensity of the coughing spells. You could probably achieve the same result with a colloidal silver nasal spray.

I also treated 5 of my other unvaccinated children who had mild coughs, though not officially diagnosed. As far as infants go, I would use a colloidal silver nasal spray once or twice daily if there is any chance of exposure.”

(As an aside, you can learn about how people use colloidal silver in a nebulizer – which atomizes the liquid and allows you to inhale it into the lungs as a mist – here.  And you can see how people use colloidal silver as a nasal spray in the short video, here.)

Doing some additional research, I found this testimonial about colloidal silver and whooping cough at the Utopia Silver site:

“My youngest son is very susceptible to just about every virus and germ known to man, I think. He had whooping cough about 2 years ago. We treated the usual way with antibiotics from the doctor... two months later he was still coughing and wheezing.

Then, last spring he somehow contacted it again. We caught it very early on and had the diagnosis confirmed by a doctor, that he truly had whooping cough for a SECOND time. We gave him as much colloidal silver as we could, including a nasal spray of it, as the back of the nose is where the whooping cough virus likes to hide.

Within 36 hours there was no trace of a wheeze or whoop in him. His pediatrician couldn't believe it as I handed him back his prescription for erythromycin 2 days later and my son had a clean retest for the virus. He just couldn't believe that 2 days before a test had confirmed it and it was now totally gone.”

That’s an impressive testimonial.  Only one thing that bothers me:  The dosage information is quite inadequate.  The parent states, “We gave him as much colloidal silver as we could, including a nasal spray of it, as the back of the nose is where the whooping cough virus likes to hide.”

I don’t know what “We gave him as much colloidal silver as we could” means.  It could mean a couple of ounces a day over several days.  Or a couple of pints.  I wish people would be more precise when relating their personal accounts and experiences, so that others can benefit more directly from the information. 

On an Associated Content news site, I found another colloidal silver testimonial in an article about the dramatic rise in pertussis (whooping cough) infections. The reader commented as follows:

“I stopped the choking cough by using colloidal silver solution (3 ppm- 1/2 mL, 4x per day). I am an adult. The severe coughing, choking, and vomiting spells began on a Saturday and, finding no help from my doctor, on the second evening (Sunday) I began to take the colloidal silver solution by mouth. I would just let it sit in the back of my throat until I swallowed naturally.

 I also began to take Elderberry capsules 2x per day. I also put some drops of colloidal silver in each ear to assure I would not get earaches. By that night I had only one coughing spell and it was not very severe. By the next day I had maybe two coughing fits all day. By Tuesday I no longer had any coughing fits at all.

I have not had a return of symptoms although I plan to continue taking the silver and Elderberry for two weeks (until 12/26/09) just in case. I now feel completely fine. Hope this works for you.”

Once again, there’s something wrong with the above testimonial in my view, as it advocates as a dosage “1/2 mL, 4x day.”  That would be a small fraction of a single teaspoon – actually less than ¼ teaspoon – taken four times a day. 

Maybe that would work for a child.  But it’s hardly a worthwhile or efficacious amount of silver, considering it’s an adult who wrote the testimonial and took the silver. 

So I don’t know if that’s a typo, or an overly conservative colloidal silver user, or if maybe she failed to say she was using the colloidal silver in a nebulizer and breathing it into her lungs (a process in which only very small amounts of colloidal silver are needed, generally speaking). 

I just find it difficult to believe that such a small dose of colloidal silver taken orally would have had any beneficial effects at all against whooping cough in an adult.  But…with colloidal silver stranger things have happened.  It’s often said to be a “miracle” substance by those who use it

As I continued to research the subject, I came across another testimonial – on a completely different website -- that appears to be from the same woman who wrote the one directly above.  Thankfully, this version fills in a few more details:

“I just wanted you to know what I did to help my whooping cough. I am a 54 year old woman. The severe coughing spells began Saturday December 12th. I vomited several times the first night, and then by the next morning and afternoon I had severe "pins and needles" pains on my skin of the upper back and chest.

Anyway, on the Sunday (the second) evening I began to take .5 mL of colloidal silver solution by mouth (3 ppm) 4 times per day.  I would just let it sit in the back of my throat until I swallowed naturally.

I also began to take Elderberry capsules 2x per day. By that night I had only one coughing spell and it was not very severe. By the next day I had maybe two coughing fits all day, and very minor "pins and needles" feeling. By Monday I no longer had any coughing fits at all.

I have not had a return of symptoms. I have continued taking the silver and Elderberry for two weeks. But I feel fine. Hope this works for you.” —B. Blockerson

So it appears the woman simply held small amounts of colloidal silver at the back of her throat as long as she could, and then swallowed, four times per day.  And perhaps that – along with the elderberry capsules (which are said to be anti-viral) – was the key to being able to use such a small amount.  The back of her throat might have been the site of the main colony of pertussis bacteria. 

On the other hand, the woman also doesn’t specifically say she was ever officially diagnosed with whooping cough.  She merely says, in the first version of her testimonial above, that she found “no help” from her doctor. 

Another Interesting Account

Are there any other interesting first-hand accounts of using colloidal silver against whooping cough?  Indeed there are, including this one which I recently saw posted on the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community page on Facebook:

“My daughter got whooping cough last December. It was either 10 days of antibiotics, or moms’ old fashioned way with colloidal silver. I was also to keep her home for 10 days.

She drank 8ozs of silver per day for two days. 16ozs total.  By the third day?  It was ALL gone, and I could have sent her back to school, but by law, I had to keep her home for another 8 days.

I now use silver on my whole family every day, including, and especially my 4 dogs. I used a regimen of silver and another supplement to eradicate Lyme disease in my 'Forever Foster Dog'.  3 months.  Gone.  Same for horses.  I LOVE colloidal silver!!!!” – B.L.J.

Do keep in mind that whooping cough can be extremely serious in young children.  And if left untreated, or improperly treated, in serious situations it can result in permanent lung damage or worse.  That’s why, particularly when very young children are involved -- I always recommend a doctor’s care immediately. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control web page on pertussis:  “Whooping cough can even be deadly.  From 2000 through 2014, there were 277 deaths from whooping cough reported in the United States. Almost all of the deaths (241 of the 277) were babies younger than 3 months of age, who are too young to be protected against whooping cough by getting the shots.”

That’s interesting.  But it’s also odd, because another Centers for Disease Control web page states that children are given their first pertussis vaccines – the five dose so-called DTaP vaccines – starting at age two months. 

Could it be the pertussis shots, which are given at two months, are the cause of the whooping cough infections that tend to kill babies at three months old?

Regardless, because victims of whooping cough are often young children, I’d certainly recommend you take them to see the doctor at the very first signs of the disease.  

As the Centers for Disease Control website on pertussis states, “Your baby can catch whooping cough from adults, grandparents, or older brothers or sisters who don’t know they have the disease. New moms with whooping cough can give it to their newborn babies.”

Nevertheless, if doctor's care is unavailable due to an unforeseen crisis, such as an unexpected collapse of the health care system, or some type of weather crisis such as flooding, earthquake etc., it's good to know that colloidal silver has worked for others against whooping cough (pertussis), in both children and adults. 

In a crisis situation, colloidal silver may well turn out to be our best all-natural first-line of defense against the dread pertussis pathogen!

But please understand:  I’m no doctor.  So I’m not prescribing here.  I’m just reporting on what I’ve read or heard from others. 

If anyone reading this article has used colloidal silver successfully to help the body heal a bona-fide, genuinely diagnosed case of whooping cough, please go to the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community on Facebook and post a comment letting us know how much you used, how often you used it, how long you used it for, and what your results were.

Who knows?  The more documentation we can find on this subject might just trigger researchers to do some real clinical research so we can have some definitive answers. 

Meanwhile, I find it fascinating that so many people have had success using colloidal silver against the pertussis/whooping cough pathogen.

How to Make Your Own
Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver

 Click here to learn how to make colloidal silver for pennies...
Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge allows you to make your own high-quality colloidal silver for less than 36 cents a quart.

Compare that to major health food store brands of colloidal silver, which usually cost between $20 and $30 for a tiny, four-ounce bottle, and you’ll see that the savings are astonishing. 

In fact, compared to health food store prices for colloidal silver, your very first one-quart batch of micro-particle colloidal silver actually pays for the entire cost the generator. 

Do you know of any other health product that literally pays for itself the very first time you use it?

Obviously, having the ability to make your own high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver for only pennies per quart is about as close as you’ll ever get to having "free" colloidal silver for the rest of your life, any time you or a family member, friend or loved one needs it. 

And because the silver particles produced by this amazing breakthrough in colloidal silver-making technology are as low as .8 nm – a fraction of a single nanometer – their effectiveness against colonies of pathogenic microbes is astonishing. 

Because of their extremely small size, the tiny, submicroscopic silver particles are up to 1,000 times more bioavailable than conventional silver particles.  This means the human body is able to absorb 99-100% of the silver, send it throughout the body to kill pathogens, and then excrete it with ease, afterwards.

Plus, it’s now known that these tiny silver micro-particles are able to kill off entire colonies of pathogens with far greater effectiveness than conventional colloidal silver particles, because of the “zombie effect” described in this recent article about brand new research out of Hebrew University in Jerusalem. 

Perhaps that’s why so many thousands upon thousands of people absolutely rave over the effectiveness of their homemade micro-particle colloidal silver, as you can see at this web page full of real-life colloidal silver success stories. 

Discover How Easy It Is…

If you’d like to learn more about making your own high-quality colloidal silver for just pennies per quart, you can…

  • Read how unbelievably simple it is to make your own high-quality colloidal silver for less than 36 cents a quart, here. 
  • Learn why the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator is the world’s #1 best-selling colloidal silver generator, here. 
  • Find out how to save a whopping $100 on a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, here. 
Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver….

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Helpful Links:
Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2016 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

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