How to use the world's most powerful all-natural anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral disenfectant to keep your family safe and infection-free at home...
Everyone knows by now that small amounts of colloidal silver can be ingested daily to boost immunity, or to rapidly and effectively heal bacterial, viral or fungal infections – even serious infections like MRSA or Swine Flu (see http://www.colloidalsilvercuresmrsa.com/ and http://www.colloidalsilverkillsviruses.com/).
Colloidal silver can also be used topically on cuts, burns and abrasions to stop infection dead in its tracks and to dramatically stimulate the healing process. What’s more, it can be sniffed up the nose to stop pesky sinus infections like magic…it can be gargled with to stop nasty sore throats …or it can be inhaled into the lungs using a pump spray bottle to stop even the most serious of lung infections.
But colloidal silver has many, many other uses that will allow you to safely and effectively protect yourself and your family from infectious microorganisms and disease. Indeed, there’s no other all-natural antimicrobial substance on the face of the earth that can compare to it. Here are our top 20 family uses:
1. Drinking Water Dispensers –
The reservoir or holding tank in your bottled drinking water dispenser is largely unseen, and can easily become contaminated with bacteria or mold. To help prevent this potentially serious problem, add 1 tblsp. of colloidal silver per gallon of water each time you change bottles.2. Food Leftovers –
Food poisoning is serious business. Thousands of Americans die from it every year. Restaurant leftovers are particularly susceptible to bacterial contamination, especially if the food sat in the car very long after leaving the restaurant. Use a pump spray bottle to lightly spray leftovers with colloidal silver, to keep them fresh longer. This works well for leftover pet foods, and household leftovers, too.4. Canning and Preserves –
To prevent mold and fermentation when canning and making preserves, simply add 1 tsp. of colloidal silver per quart to your jars before sealing.5. Underneath Kitchen and Bathroom Sinks –
Lightly spray colloidal silver under your kitchen and bathroom sinks, to prevent mold and mildew, and to disinfect and eliminate musty smells. Be sure to ventilate and let dry thoroughly.6. Mopping –
Even well-rinsed mops can harbor bacterial and mold, which you can inadvertently spread all over your floors when mopping. Help keep your mop free from potentially harmful microbial growth by adding ½ cup of colloidal silver to your mop water as a safe, powerful antimicrobial.7. Toilet Bowls and Tanks –
Toilet tanks can harbor a plethora of pathogens, which in turn will contaminate your toilet bowl. You can easily disinfect both by adding a cup of colloidal silver inside the toilet tank once a week.8. Toilet Seats and Handles –
These are probably the most bacterially contaminated surfaces in your entire house. Between regular cleanings, lightly spray colloidal silver onto toilet seats and handles in order to prevent excessive microbial buildup. Allow it to air dry.9. The Floor AroundYour Toilets –
It is likely that the floor around the toilets in your home harbor more bacteria and other pathogens than any other visible surface in the house. After all, every time you flush your toilet, many thousands of extremely fine droplets of toilet water are sprayed up into the air in an invisible mist. These droplets fall to the ground, and can harbor millions of intestinal bacteria. To prevent excessive bacterial buildup on the floors around your toilet, lightly spray colloidal silver onto the floor around busy toilets in between your regular cleanings. Allow it to air dry.10. Toilet Brushes –
Have you ever found one of your young children sitting on the bathroom floor playing with the toilet brush? Yecch. You’d be hard-pressed to find a bathroom implement with more germs on it. Be sure to disinfect your toilet brushes after each use by spraying them thoroughly with colloidal silver. Do the same thing every time you clean your bathrooms.11. Bathroom Plunger –
Like your toilet brush, your bathroom plunger is probably rife with invisible microbial growth. Simply spraying the plunger with colloidal silver after each use, and during your normal bathroom cleaning, will go a long way toward stopping the spread of microbes in your bathrooms.12. Jacuzzis and Hot Tubs –
Many forms of bacteria and mold are becoming resistant to chlorine and bromine. You can enhance the antibacterial and antifungal effectiveness of either of these popular disinfectants simply by adding a small amount of colloidal silver to your Jacuzzi or hot tub once a week. Just add 1 tblsp. per gallon of water. Many hot tub owners go completely chlorine and bromine-free simply by adding a half gallon of homemade colloidal silver to their Jacuzzi or hot tub, and then adding a quart a week afterwards. It works like a charm, and unlike harsh pool chemicals, it’s great for the skin!13. Kitchen and Bathroom Sponges –
Kitchen and bathroom sponges are notorious bacterial vectors, so be extra sure to spray them with colloidal silver after each use, especially in warm or humid weather.14. Kitchen Cutting Boards –
The debate has raged for several decades now over which type of cutting board harbors more bacteria – wood or plastic. Thanks to colloidal silver, you won’t have to worry about either. Just wash and rinse your cutting board as usual after each use, then spray lightly with colloidal silver and allow it to air dry.15. Mold on Walls and Ceilings –
Mold is a common and potentially dangerous problem in homes, particularly in humid and coastal areas. To dramatically retard the growth of mold and mildew in your home, lightly spray colloidal silver onto the walls and ceilings in your bathroom, basement or other rooms where mold growth is a problem, particularly in corners and along seam lines where the walls and ceiling meet. Ventilate these areas to allow the colloidal silver to dry. Repeat weekly where necessary. It works like a charm!16. Counter Tops –
Countertops in your home can harbor far more bacteria than you may think, even if you clean them frequently. But you can alleviate this problem simply by spraying them lightly with colloidal silver and allowing them to air dry, or by wiping them with a cloth that has been soaked in colloidal silver, and wait six minutes before drying with a dry towel.17. Door Knobs and Other Contact Surfaces –
Similarly, you can spray colloidal silver lightly on your door knobs and other contact surfaces, in order to reduce the buildup and spread of microbes throughout your home.18. Toothbrush –
We’ve often stated that next to your kitchen can opener, your toothbrush is probably the filthiest implement in your home, in terms of the potential for microbial contamination. Of course, cleaning and rinsing your toothbrush after each use alleviates a large part of this problem. Go one step further by lightly spraying the bristles and handle with colloidal silver after each usage, and microbial overgrowth will never be a worry again.19. Kitchen Can Opener –
Several studies have shown that the can opener is generally the #1 filthiest implement in your house. That’s why regular cleaning of the handle and rotary blade is a must, and why most kitchen can openers allow for the handle and rotary blade to be easily removed for cleaning. After cleaning and drying you can go one step further by lightly spraying the handle and rotary blade with colloidal silver, and allowing it to air dry before reattaching it to the mainframe.20. Water Pic or Other Oral Irrigator –
To prevent bacterial buildup in your oral irrigator, and to help further limit bacterial and plaque buildup around your teeth and gums, add 15 to 30 drops of colloidal silver to the reservoir of your oral irrigator every time you use it.Too Expensive? No Way!
Some people might argue that it's too expensive to use colloidal silver for all of these antimicrobial purposes. After all, in health food stores and on the internet, colloidal silver can cost as much as $30 for a tiny four-ounce bottle.
But in reality, It’s very inexpensive to use colloidal silver for all of these purposes -- if you start making your own high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge.
With a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, you’ll be able to make all of the super high-quality micro-particle colloidal silver you could ever need, quickly and easily, in the comfort and privacy of your own home, for less than 36 cents a quart!
Less Than 36 Cents a Quart When You Make Your Own!
That’s right. Less than 36 cents a quart! That's a little over a penny per ounce, compared to healthf food store prices that can be as high as $5 per ounce, or even higher!
In fact, it's so cheap to make your own high-quality colloidal sillver with a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, you can literally afford to give it away free to friends, loved ones and family members.
And when you can make high-quality colloidal silver that inexpensively, you'll find dozens more uses for it that can protect your family against bacterial, viral and fungal infections all year long!
For more information, see http://www.microparticlegenerator.com/, and learn how to save a whopping $100 on this bona fide breakthrough in home colloidal silver-making technology.
Helpful Links:
Colloidal Silver Kills Viruses
Make Your Own Colloidal Silver
The Colloidal Silver Secrets Video
Dear Spencer,
Thank you for the suggestions. For some reason page 2 would not print for me. The right side printed
but not the article. I tried printing the entire article and page by page, but without success. I do appreciate all your information and would like to be able to print all this one.
Thank you,
Hi JT,
What worked for me was clicking on the brown-colored article title first, which brings the article up by itself as its own web page, without the rest of the articles in the blog.
Then use your print function. The article should print out nicely. At least, it did on my computer.
Hi Spencer;
Thought I would clue you in to something I haven't seen on your site. We are refugees from the dictated health care system in the US. Fled south to Old Mexico some months past. Not our first tour in, by any means. But were told that we WOULD do what the system said, and we won't. Never mind what the 'Slash and Burn boys' say, we do have the right to say what goes on and into these bodies of ours.
However, what I wanted to tell you was, with all the furor about the water supply down here, and all the hoops the rest of the Americans jump through, over keeping their vegetables clean, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, we simply draw up a 3 gallon container of water every night, instill a half cup of our colloidal silver into the container, and by morning have a days supply of potable water, ready for use.
Neither of us has had so much as a case of the sniffles since we got here last April, and we are doing well.
Thought you might want to pass the information on to others who might have a water problem.
Hi Jimmie,
Thanks for your note, and testimonial. Colloidal silver works wonders for bacterially contaminated water, as your note attests.
Hi Spencer,
Thanks for sharing. Speaking of CS and your generators I sent an email to the technical support address at The Silver Edge.
Here's the contents of that email:
My dad purchased the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from you a few months ago. It had seemed to be working as advertised but my curious nature kicked in when I found the TDS 1 from Hanna Instruments. I ordered the meter and it arrived yesterday.
I first tested our tap water and it read 33 ppm. I then tested our distilled water and it read 2 ppm. I ran the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator for three hours as the instructions stated and tested and was shocked to see only 2 ppm. I cleaned the silver and ran an additional hour, tested and it read 3-4 (flickered on 4- then back to 3) ppm.
I cleaned the leads and ran for 3 hours and tested. The results were 6 ppm.
I failed to clean the silver (it was late at night and I just forgot) but did run an additional 3hours and tested and it read 8 ppm.
Additionally there were visible particles in the water. Both leads appeared tarnished so I am assuming that there was a switch in polarity. I presumed the particulates to be tarnished silver that had somehow dislodged itself.
My main concern is why it took ten hours to achieve the results that were supposed to occur with 3 hours of use.
Thank you for your help on this matter.
Hanna TDS meters are notoriously inaccurate when it comes to reading electrically charged silver micro-particles.
If you'll read the 16-page Operating Instruction booklet that came with your dad's new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator, you'll get a full explanation of this phenomena.
TDS meters are designed for reading large particulates in water such as rust, alkaline, calcium etc. Not tiny electrically charged micro-particles that are close to the atomic level in size.
The Operating Instruction guide that came with your dad's generator explains some simple tests you can perform to see for yourself that there are literally billions upon billions of tiny silver micro-particles in the final colloidal silver solution after a 3-hour run time.
The easiest test to perform is the red laser pointer light test.
To perform this test you'll need one of those small red laser pointer lights, available inexpensively at Wal-Mart, or call The Silver Edge at 1-888-528-0559.
First you must fill a clear drinking glass with some finished micro-particle colloidal silver. The glass must be clear so you can see through it easily.
Then fill a similar clear drinking glass full of pure steam-distilled water.
Set the two drinking glasses side by side on a counter. Do this at night because you're going to need to turn off all of the lights in the room you're using, once you proceed to the next part of the test. You need total darkness.
Next, take a small red laser pointer light (available inexpensively at Wal-Mart, or call The Silver Edge at 1-888-528-0559) and after turning off the lights in the room, shine the laser pointer light into each glass, one at a time. Shine it from the top of each glass to the bottom, rather than through the sides, because you don't want to accidentally shine the laser light into your eyes as it could damage the retina.
When you shine the red laser pointer light into the glass of pure distilled water you'll see little-to-no red beam whatsoever, because there's little-to-no mineral content in the pure distilled water for the red laser pointer light to reflect off of. But in the batch of micro-particle colloidal silver you'll see a faint red line through the solution, where you're shining the red laser light. That's because the red laser light shined through the solution is reflecting off of the billions of tiny submicroscopic silver particles that are suspended in the water due to their electrical charge.
If you look closely into that glass and very carefully examine that faint red beam (put on your reading glasses, if you wear glasses), you'll see that the faint red light is in essence shining through a cloud of tiny micro-particles composed of literally billions of sub-microscopic particles of silver.
This demonstrates that while the glass of pure steam-distilled water has little to no mineral content, the glass of micro-particle silver is literally brimming full of billions of tiny, submicroscopic silver micro-particles from top to bottom.
Why doesn't the TDS meter read these particles? They're too small, and too highly electrically charged. It's simply not meant for reading such small particles. Yet under the red laser light, you'll be able to see with your own eyes that they're there, thanks to the reflective nature of the silver particles when red laser light is shined upon them.
I read your article about Colloidal Silver controlling mold in your home. Does it matter if it’s large or small particle? I’m hoping that the large particle will help with mold as I have a one gallon generator that I bought from you. I’m afraid that the Micro particle would take too long to make in the amount that I need. I have a lot of mold around our house and need to use a garden sprayer. Your feedback would be appreciated.
Hi Nancy,
Actually, the larger particle colloidal silver works better on external mold. It should do just fine.
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