Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How to Make a Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray Bottle

 Learn more about the healing qualities of safe, natural colloidal silver at
Here’s a nifty little trick for keeping your sinuses clean and pathogen-free with colloidal silver – particularly when traveling in areas where there might be allergens in the air, or even cold and flu bugs due to sick people coughing around you.

You can easily make your own colloidal silver nasal “squeeze spray” bottle out of a bottle of saline nasal spray from your local pharmacy.  It’s a simple, easy and effective way to carry colloidal silver with you for sinus protection at all times.  Here’s what you need to know…

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for

Whenever I travel, I take a small, plastic nasal "squeeze spray" bottle with me, filled with colloidal silver. 

These small plastic bottles allow you to spray an atomized mist of colloidal silver into your sinuses, to help provide relief and protection against the effects of allergens, and against any pathogenic microbes you might breathe in as well.  After all, colloidal silver is not only antimicrobial, but anti-inflammatory (i.e., soothes stuffed-up nasal passages) as well.

So if you’re exposed to allergens while traveling, or if you end up around someone who's sick and coughing, having one of these tiny plastic “squeeze spray” bottles on hand, filled with colloidal silver, allows you to quickly and easily sniff a few atomized blasts of colloidal silver into your nasal passages for protection and relief.

The bottles are very simple to use.  You just take off the lid, stick the little nozzle into your nostril, and squeeze the sides of the plastic bottle lightly with your thumb and forefinger, while sniffing deeply through your nose.  This sends an atomized mist of colloidal silver directly into your sinuses. 

How to Make Your Own

It's very easy to *make* one of these tiny plastic colloidal silver "squeeze spray" bottles for yourself, usually for three or four dollars at most.  (I’ll tell you where to get them for 99 cents in just a moment…)

Actually, you don’t make it.  You simply convert an existing plastic “squeeze spray” bottle for use with colloidal silver.   And it’s very easy to do.  Here’s what I’m talking about: 

Step #1:  Just go to your local pharmacy, and ask where to find the little bottles of saline nasal spray solution (see image above). 

Bottles of saline nasal spray come in a variety of sizes. But I prefer the small size, which is 1.5 ounces, because they’re very convenient to carry, whether in a pocket, purse, glove box, or what-have-you.

Usually, the only ingredients in these little plastic bottles are water and salt and a mild preservative.  So don’t pay a small fortune for the bottle.  It should run about $2.99 to $3.99 at most for the small size. 

If you can’t find one inexpensively at Wal-Mart or Walgreen’s  or some other local pharmacy (some stores get carried away and try to charge $5.99 or $6.99 for them), go to your local “99 cent store” where you’ll surely find one of these little plastic “squeeze spray” bottles of saline solution for under a buck.

 Learn more about the healing and infection-fighting benefits of colloidal silver at
Step #2:  Once you’ve purchased the little plastic bottle and brought it home, simply unscrew the lid, exposing the plastic "tit" or nozzle that the saline solution sprays out of.  Pull the plastic nozzle off the top of the bottle.  You might have to use a little bit of force to do so, working it from side to side to get it out of the neck of the bottle. 

Step #3:  Once you’ve got the little plastic nozzle out of the neck of the bottle, dump the liquid contents of the bottle into the sink. 

Step #4:  Using distilled water, thoroughly rinse the empty plastic bottle out.  Fill it halfway with distilled water and shake it up real good in order to dislodge any salt from the plastic sides inside the bottle.  Do it three or four times to get rid of all salt content. 

Step #5:  Once the bottle is thoroughly rinsed out, you can fill it about halfway full of 5 ppm or 10 ppm colloidal silver. 

Don’t fill the bottle more than halfway full, because if it’s too full it won’t properly atomize the liquid solution when you squeeze spray it.  If the bottle is overly full of colloidal silver, rather than an atomized mist you’ll end up getting an uncomfortable stream of colloidal silver shooting up into your nasal passages when you squeeze the sides of the bottle and sniff.

Step #6:  Once you’ve filled the bottle about halfway full of colloidal silver, stick the little plastic nozzle back into the top of the bottle and push it firmly into place in the bottle’s neck. 

Then screw the lid on, and you’re ready to go.  You can put the bottle in your purse, the glove box of your car, or even carry it in your front pocket. Whatever’s convenient for you.  It’s a small, lightweight bottle, very easy to carry. 

And it atomizes the colloidal silver perfectly when you take the lid off and squeeze the sides of the bottle while sniffing deeply. 

By having it handy when traveling, you can enjoy instant relief and protection in those instances where you might end up being exposed to some kind of allergen, or to an individual sick and coughing from an upper respiratory infection. 

Finally, if you’d prefer to see a video demonstrating how to convert a saline nasal spray bottle to a colloidal silver nasal spray bottle, check out this short video titled “Using Colloidal Silver in a Nasal Spray Bottle for Sinus and Allergies.”  The visual instructions for the bottle start at the 1:35 mark in the video.

Easy Ways to Learn More 
About Colloidal Silver

If you’re interested in learning more about the healing and infection-fighting qualities of colloidal silver, you might want to check out any of the over 100 news and “how to” articles on colloidal silver at the link in this sentence.

If you have to deal with pesky sinus allergies or infections from time-to-time, you might also want to read the article “Colloidal Silver, Allergies, Asthma and Inflammation.” 

And if you’re brand new to colloidal silver usage, be sure to read these real-life accounts of colloidal silver healings in which experienced colloidal silver users explain exactly how they’ve healed their own infections and related diseases quickly, easily and best of all, naturally, using colloidal silver. 

And last but not least, if you’re interested in using colloidal silver on a regular basis, be sure to get your FREE copy of the Colloidal Silver Safe Dosage Report at the link in this sentence.  You’ll learn how to determine your maximum safe daily dosage of colloidal silver, based on your body weight and the ppm (i.e., concentration) of the colloidal silver you’re using. 

Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver…

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Helpful Links:
Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2014 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Brief History of Old Medical Quotes on Colloidal Silver

Learn more about the astonishing, infection-fighting qualities of colloidal silver at
Many people have only recently begun to learn about the astonishing healing and infection-fighting benefits of colloidal silver.  

But truth be told, colloidal silver’s broad-spectrum antimicrobial qualities have been known since the late 1800s when the substance was first produced.  

Here’s a quick overview of what medical and clinical research experts were saying about colloidal silver over 100 years ago…

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for

Colloidal silver use came into being shortly after Edison harnessed electricity in 1879 and researchers learned how to drive tiny silver micro-particles from pure silver rods suspended in water, by running electricity through them.

Chemical techniques for producing colloidal silver were also invented.  And soon, numerous forms of colloidal silver were being used by doctors around the world, with names like Collargol, Protargol, Electrargol, Lunasol and many others.
What made colloidal silver so popular with doctors?  In many cases, it was the vast panoply of infectious disease conditions which colloidal silver rapidly and quite effectively cured. 

As Dr. Reynold Webb Wilcox, M.D., stated in January 1900, in the New England Medical Monthly and Prescription, in an article titled “Internal Antisepsis”: 

“…colloidal silver has a very beneficial influence and often effects a rapid cure in recent and chronic sepsis and furunculosis, when secondary changes in the vital organs have not occurred.

[Doctors] have treated osteomyelitis, phlegmonous angina, furunculosis, erysipelas, so-called gonorrheal and articular rheumatism, etc., by this method.

Various reports, some very enthusiastic, have been presented; on puerperal fever (Peters, Jones, Voorhees), cerebrospinal meningitis (Schirmer),acute mastitis (Cumston), malignant scarlet fever (Crede), divers septic processes (Werler), furunculosis (Wolfram), and finally in purpura in the horse (Dieckerhoff).

Wilcox's own experience in septic phlebitis, of which an unusually large percentage has occurred in his typhoid fever cases, has been most satisfactory… In one instance of septic phlebitis following amoebic dysentery the results were almost marvelous.”

In layman’s terms, colloidal silver cured infections of the bloodstream, infected boils, infected bone, infection-induced fevers and just about everything you could throw at it if an infectious condition was involved in the disease process. 

And as Robert Bartholow wrote of silver’s astonishing infection-fighting qualities in A Practical Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics, way back in 1908:

“As a topical agent, silver may be used in surgical diseases, wounds, injuries, and in cases of septic decomposition.

Wherever diseases -- either pure or mixed infectious -- are caused by the staphylococcus, the streptococcus, and other forms of low organisms, this remedy is effective in a high degree.

And as also reported in 1908, in the journal Post-Graduate (Vol. 23, #10, page 911), from the New York Medical School and Hospital:

“The properties of colloidal silver are, therapeutically, the following:  antiseptic, inhibiting bacterial growth, inorganic ferment exercising catalytic action.

The drug is absolutely harmless and should be used (1) when at the outset the infection assumes a serious aspect; (2) when an infection, at first localized, tends to become generalized."

In other words, colloidal silver was used to stop infections from becoming more serious, and to stop already-serious infections from spreading.

And as Dr. William Halstead, M.D. (see image above), one of the founding fathers of modern surgery, wrote of the infection-fighting qualities of silver way back in 1913:

"We may only have scratched the surface of silver’s medical brilliance!  Already it is an amazing tool!

It stimulates bone-forming cells, cures the most stubborn infections of all kinds...and stimulates healing in skin and other soft tissues.

I know of nothing which could quite take its place, nor, have I known anyone to abandon it who had thoroughly familiarized himself with the technique of its application. "

Unfortunately, it took until 1975, some 60 years later, for medical science to finally accept silver’s role in stimulating bone-forming cells, and curing stubborn tissue infections around bone breaks, thanks largely to the remarkable clinical research of Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. of Syracuse Medical University.

But let’s get back to the older medical quotes.  As the British Medical Journal stated in February 1917:

“Colloidal silver has been used successfully in septic conditions of the mouth including pyorrhea alveolysis, throat, ear, and in generalized septicemia, leucorrhea, cystitis, whooping cough and shingles."

It seems there was hardly any kind of infection that colloidal silver didn’t work for!  As Alfred E. Searle, author of Colloids in Biology and Medicine wrote in 1919:

"Applying colloidal silver to human subjects has been done in a large number of cases with astonishingly successful has the advantage of being rapidly fatal to microbes without toxic action on its host. It is quite stable. It protects rabbits from ten times the lethal dose of tetanus or diphtheria toxin.” 

As researcher Fred Wilbur Tanner, stated in the journal Bacteriology and Mycology of Foods, in 1919:

"Biasiotti (1910) reported that colloidal silver electrically prepared would kill Staphylococcus aureus, B. typhi, and Bacterium diphtheria; in a few hours. The silver is probably united to the protoplasm in some way because Gram positive bacteria are made Gram negative.”

As Dr. Henry Crooks, M.D. stated in 1921:

"I know of no microbe that is not killed by silver in laboratory experiments in six minutes."

And finally, according to the August, 1920 edition of The National Druggist, Vol. 50, page 388:

"Colloidal silver is powerfully destructive of toxins of bacterial origin …Experiments on rabbits show that colloidal silver renders subject 'immune' from the effects of large quantities of tetanic or diphtheritic serum.

…colloidal silver has proved its value in combating the following ailments among others -- tonsilitis, gonorrhoeal conjunctivitis, spring catarrh, pustular eczema of scalp, septic ulcers of legs, boils, chronic cystiitis, ringwork, soft sores.

But we must not prolong the list of the good works of colloidal silver. Suffice it that at the present time it is the most extensively used in medicine of all the sols."

In short, colloidal silver was the star infection-fighting agent of the early 1900’s, before the advent of prescription antibiotic drugs like sulfa and penicillin in the 1930’s and 40’s.

Silver’s Untimely Demise
and Much-Needed Resurrection

Once prescription drugs were developed and the modern pharmaceutical industry began forming, colloidal silver usage by medical doctors gradually fell out of favor.

But over the ensuing decades, as more and more bacteria began developing resistance to prescription antibiotic drugs, cutting edge doctors began looking back to the past to find out what was used before antibiotic drugs were developed.  And what they found was, of course, colloidal silver

As newer research was conducted in the 1970’s on silver as an infection-fighting agent,  the interest in colloidal silver as a safe and powerful antimicrobial substance was rapidly renewed. 

And today, usage of safe, natural colloidal silver has become popular with millions of Americans who have experienced its phenomenal healing and infection-fighting benefits. 

What’s more, many modern-day medical doctors and clinical researchers are embracing colloidal silver usage, as well.

As Dr. Joseph Weissman, M.D. board certified immunologist and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California Medical School has stated:

"Today, many antibiotics are losing the battle with germs. Fortunately, the best germ killer, which was discovered over 2,000 years ago, is finally getting the proper attention from medical science - natural silver.

I sincerely recommend that everyone have electrically generated colloidal silver in their home as an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal agent."

And as Dr. Ron Surowitz, D.O., M.D., former head of the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association has stated:

"Sometimes a treatment can be worse than the illness, but not in the case of Colloidal Silver.

I have my patients spray or swish Colloidal Silver in their mouths from one to three times daily, depending on the severity of their condition…or, in a dose of one quarter to one teaspoon, and even up to one tablespoon, one to three times daily for situations that are more problematic.

 I also have them use it in small amounts daily as a preventative...It's interesting how many of my patients improve with the use of Colloidal Silver. It enhances the immune system where other antibiotics cause yeast overgrowth...

...[As an example] one patient had persistent yeast infections. Having had no success with both prescription and non-prescription treatments, she called me, at her wit's end.

I suggested that she try a douche of two teaspoons of Colloidal Silver in a quart of water. Three days later she was evaluated in my office. The symptoms of her yeast infection had vanished, and there was no visible sign of infection."

And as Herbert Slavin, M.D., founder and director of the Institute of Advanced Medicine, Lauderhill, Florida has stated:

"...Ionic silver is increasingly being recognized for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial qualities and the fact that it presents virtually none of the side-effects related to antibiotics.

Ionic silver is entirely non-toxic to the body...Reports of any pathogens developing resistance to ionic silver are rare. Some reports indicate it even kills drug-resistant strains of germs.

Ionic silver is also a powerful tissue-healing agent, so much so that it has been used topically for decades in burn centers and currently represents one of the fastest growing sectors – if not the fastest growing sector – in wound care today.

The fact that ionic silver is effective against a very broad range of bacteria is well established and, due to recent advances in the delivery of ionic silver together with the problems associated with antibiotics, it is being used in a rapidly growing range of dietary-supplement, medical, and industrial products.

...A study at the University of Arizona recently showed ionic silver to be effective against the coronavirus that researchers use as the surrogate for SARS."

And as board certified Clinical Nutritionist Byron J. Richards, CCN, has stated;

"…The high efficacy in the use of silver to kill bacteria and fungus is not in question by anyone. This does not mean it kills every type of bacteria or fungus. And in the ones it does kill it does not mean it kills all of them.

It simply means that the antibiotic properties of silver are quite potent – and the risk to human health in terms of toxicity is negligible.  This is a far better risk/benefit profile than commonly used antibiotics."

Finally, as Dr. Jonathan Wright, M.D., of the famous Tahoma Clinic in Washington State has written:

"Colloidal silver just might be the next germ-fighting wonder drug. And not just for the serious threats making headlines:  It's also effective against bacterial infections like strep throat, viruses like the flu, and fungal infections like Candida.

No matter how much a germ mutates, it can't change enough to escape the damaging effects of colloidal silver. And in the process, the silver doesn't harm human tissue or kill off the good bacteria in the intestine the way antibiotics and other medications do…

…Beginning in the 1970s, several independent researchers found that silver ions easily destroy Candida and other fungi. But it wasn't until a pilot study during the mid- 1990s that included human patients suffering from terminal AIDS that medical researchers established solid evidence showing just how quick and effective silver ions can be in the treatment of Candida as well as HIV.

In this study, nine individuals who were near death were divided into two subgroups. One group suffered from HIV and a terrible Candida infection. The other group suffered from both HIV and an extreme form of malnutrition (known as Wasting Syndrome).

The researchers found that in both groups the colloidal silver was capable of killing pathogens and purging the bloodstream of germ defenses in order to restore the immune system."

In short, we have come back full circle to nature’s wonder cure for infection and disease: colloidal silver. 

What worked in the beginning against infection and disease continues to work today, even as prescription antibiotic drugs continue to fall to the wayside, thanks largely to the crisis of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

And yes, colloidal silver even kills the superbugs, as thoroughly documented with numerous clinical studies in my previous article, “Colloidal Silver versus the Superbugs”.

Learn More About Colloidal Silver…

If you’d like to learn more about colloidal silver and its astonishing array of infection-fighting benefits, one of the easiest ways is to read through the real-life success stories of literally hundreds of experienced colloidal silver users at this link.  

Another way to learn more about colloidal silver is to watch some of the short “how to” videos on using colloidal silver, at this link

And even another great way to learn more is to scroll through the over 100 short articles on colloidal silver and its usage, on the Colloidal Silver Update page. 

If you’re a Facebook member, you can also join the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community on Facebook where over 9,000 members share their experiences with colloidal silver.  To join, just click the link in this paragraph, and then “Like” the page when it comes up. 

Finally, if you’d like to learn how to make your own high-quality colloidal silver for less than 36 cents a quart, with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge, just click the link in this sentence.

And don’t forget to claim your FREE copy of the new, 30-page Colloidal Silver Safe Dosage Report by clicking the link in this sentence. 

Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver…

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Helpful Links:
Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2014 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Silver Treatment for Rabies Nixed by Medical Authorities

 Learn more about healing infection and disease with colloidal silver at
In India, medical researchers are looking at using a new innovation in nanosilver as a potential treatment for late-stage rabies in humans, which is almost always otherwise fatal. 

But it appears researchers having the same problem in India that we have here in the west, i.e., the medical authorities consider silver to be such an "alternative" (read:  non-drug) treatment, they are reluctant to approve its use, or to even approve testing it. 

This holds true, apparently, even when the person behind the silver innovation is a bona-fide professor of biotechnology at a major university...

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for

According to a news article in The Times of India, Dr Anitha Sironmani, a professor of biotechnology at Madurai Kamaraj University, has developed a new innovation in nanosilver she believes will cure late-stage rabies in humans – a condition that is otherwise almost 100% fatal.

Dr. Sironmani, who holds numerous patents for nano treatments, says:

“I have worked with the silver nano particles which have the potential to control 750 different microbes, attaching them and multi-targeting, which makes it difficult for the microbes to develop resistance to it.

In fact, there are studies to show that nano-targeted drugs have been able to control the spread of AIDS.” 

According to Dr Sironmani, speaking to The Times of India, the same pattern of treatment used experimentally against AIDS can also be followed for rabies. She stated:

"The only problem we face is we have not been able to work with the virulent virus as it requires working under extremely sterile conditions with the deadly virus."

The Times of India goes on to point out that treatments for early stages of rabies are available, but not the late stage because in that final stage the virus tends to target the brain, and it’s difficult to get antiviral medication to cross the blood-brain barrier. 

The newspaper states:

“Both antibodies and antigens are available for treatment of early rabies, but the lack of accurate targeting of brain cells which are attacked by the virus is one reason why it has not got complete success in advanced stages of the disease.

Dr. Sironmani says it has been proved that the specially prepared nano particles have been found to be able to cross the brain-blood barrier which is most important for the treatment of this disease.”

Research Request Nixed

Last year, Dr. Sironmani applied to the regulatory officials at the government-run Rajaji Hospital in Madurai, India, to test her nanosilver innovation.  But she was met with the usual foot-dragging that tends to typify nanosilver research attempts in humans, even here in the west. 

According to Dr. Sironmani:

"Persons who end up in the rabies cells of GRH and start developing canine behaviors and advanced hydrophobia almost certainly die, so injecting them with this specialized nanoformulation and trying out the success rate is going to be a step towards a cure. I hope the government gives my invention the nod at the earliest," she added.

Unfortunately, in January, 2014, her request was officially turned down by the Institutional Ethical Committee (IEC) of the government-run hospital, largely on the basis that it would not be “ethical” to use the new nanosilver formulation to treat a patient with late-stage rabies, since that person would not be able to give informed consent for the treatment. 

So, as a result, the rabies patients are left to die.  And it may never be known whether or not Dr. Sironmani’s innovative nanosilver treatment might work. 

Serious Disease

According to Dr. Charles Rupprecht, chief of the rabies section at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, although the United States has only a few cases of human rabies each year, someone in the world dies of rabies every 15 minutes on average. 

The virus behind rabies, which attacks the brain and the nervous system, is considered untreatable once the appearance of symptoms takes place, which include fever, headache, anxiety, and loss of consciousness. 

“Only five people in the world are known to have survived rabies after the onset of symptoms,” says Dr. Rupprecht.  But they had received standard treatment -- a series of rabies vaccine shots -- before experiencing symptoms.

You’d think a potential new cure for such a virulent and deadly disease taking thousands of lives per year worldwide would merit more attention from the medical authorities.  Perhaps Dr. Sironmani will be able to conduct animal studies first, in order to help convince her detractors of the validity and effectiveness of her proposed treatment. 

Would Silver Actually Work Against Rabies?

According to Chinese medical lore, families were always advised to have a something made of silver in their home, in case a rabid dog bit a family member or visitor.  It was said that merely rubbing the silver over the wound immediately after a bite would help prevent the rabies infection from taking place.

Of course, folklore does not constitute medical evidence.  And neither do testimonials.  They’re simply indicators that there might be a grain of truth to the proposition. 

With that in mind, the following testimonial from well-known natural health journalist Tony M. Isaacs, whose dog was bitten by a rabid skunk, seems quite interesting.  Last year, Tony stated in a post on the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community on Facebook:

“Colloidal silver is the bomb for pets! We put it in the drinking water of our four rescued dogs (‘found dogs’ we call them) and our rescued cats. None of them have ever been vaccinated. The 15 year old eldest dog still frisks around like a puppy.

Once we used colloidal silver - lots of colloidal silver - along with other supplemental items when one of our dogs was attacked by a rabid skunk. The dog is still here and doing fine. Can't say the same for the skunk, which I had to exterminate when it came after me.”

Anecdotal accounts aside, the bottom line is that without the research proposed by India’s Professor Sironmani, we may never know whether or not silver is truly effective against the rabies virus. 

We know from clinical lab research that colloidal silver and other forms of antimicrobial silver have been demonstrated to be effective against numerous infectious viruses.  You can learn more about that at the Colloidal Silver Kills Viruses website. 

And, of course, we know colloidal silver has been demonstrated to be astonishingly effective against disease-causing bacteria, including many of the antibiotic-resistant superbugs that have medical authorities so worried.  See Colloidal Silver versus the Superbugs and Does Colloidal Silver Really Kill MRSA? to learn more. 

Finally, we also know that colloidal silver has been demonstrated to be effective against a variety of disease-causing fungal pathogens that plague mankind, including Candida albicans and others.  See Colloidal Silver Beats Fungal Infections Fast for additional information. 

So it would come as no surprise to learn that colloidal silver, or perhaps a specially prepared nanosilver solution such as the one India’s Dr. Sironmani is proposing, would be effective against the rabies virus. 

Unfortunately, we’ll have to wait until the medical authorities relent, and allow the testing to take place, before we’ll ever know for sure, one way or the other.

Learn more…

You can learn more about colloidal silver’s astonishing ability to heal infections and disease, through the following recommended resources:

  • Hundreds of first-hand accounts and testimonials by experienced colloidal silver users explaining how they healed their own infections, at this link.
  • Over 100 clinical studies demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of colloidal silver and other forms of antimicrobial silver, at this link.
  • Hundreds of quotes from bona-fide medical experts and others, regarding the safety and effectiveness of colloidal silver, at this link.
  • Over 100 news reports and articles on the safety and effectiveness of colloidal silver, at this link
  • Plus, check out these over one dozen colloidal silver “how to” videos demonstrating how experienced colloidal silver users heal their own sinus infections, ear infections, eye infections, skin infections, and much, much more!
And if you’d like to learn how to make your own high-quality colloidal silver, quickly and easily, in the comfort and privacy of your own home, for less than 36 cents a quart (rather than paying up to $30 for at tiny, four-ounce bottle at health food stores), simply click the link in this sentence. 

Meanwhile, I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver…

Yours for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,

Helpful Links:
Important Note and Disclaimer:  The contents of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Information conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof.  The author, Steve Barwick, is a natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing professionally about natural health topics.  He is not a doctor.  Therefore, nothing stated in this Ezine should be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.  Nothing reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  The author is simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17 years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage.  Therefore, the information and data presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached with caution.  Readers should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein.  All important health care decisions should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable and experienced health care professional.  Readers are solely responsible for their choices.  The author and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information included in this Ezine. 

Copyright 2014 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box 1239 | Peoria AZ 85380-1239 | All rights reserved.