again, science proves it’s the silver ion that’s responsible for silver’s
astonishing effectiveness against some of the most hardy and
difficult-to-eradicate pathogens on the face of the earth.
you’ll learn what clinical researchers discovered when they treated one of the
world’s most difficult-to-kill pathogens – Bacillus subtilis – with silver
a hint: Researchers discovered that it wasn’t
the metallic silver nanoparticles that killed the pathogen. It was the silver ions
released by the metallic silver nanoparticles that caused the fatal damage.
proves once again that ionic silver is the active, infection-fighting form of
colloidal silver, and that all other forms of silver are effective only to the
extent they release silver ions in the presence of pathogens.
the story you won’t hear anywhere else…
Hi, Steve Barwick here, for The Silver Edge…
In a clinical study with
the lengthy title “The Antimicrobial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles in Bacillus subtilis Are Mediated by
Released Ag+ Ions,” researchers discovered that silver nanoparticles exhibit profound
antimicrobial action against the Bacillus
subtilis bacterium – one of
the world’s most difficult-to-kill microbes.
But here’s the clincher:
That effectiveness was due largely to the release of silver ions from
the metallic silver nanoparticles used in the experiment, and not due to the metallic silver
nanoparticles themselves.
Although Bacillus
subtilis is a relatively benign soil bacteria, scientists know that it’s
extremely difficult to kill due to its ability to produce endospores -- a kind
of “armor plating” which makes the microbe virtually impervious to a variety of
disinfectants and toxic chemicals including antibiotic drugs.
Thanks to this “armor plating,” the pathogen is also
virtually immune to temperature variations, desiccation, ultra-violet light,
and even to starvation since it can go dormant for months or even years at a
time, hiding within its tough endospore shell whenever it feels threatened by
antibiotic drugs or other substances.
But the researchers behind the above-mentioned study found
that silver ions busted right through the tough outer shell of Bacillus subtilus, just as previous
researchers have discovered that silver ions bust
through the bacterial biofilms used by colonies of drug-resistant super-pathogens
to protect themselves against antibiotic drugs.
to Anthrax
Because of its unusual characteristics, Bacillus subtilis is often used in clinical testing as a
substitute for its first-cousin Bacillus
anthracis – yes, the deadly anthrax
pathogen, which has similar qualities that make it just as difficult to eradicate.
for decades Bacillus subtilis has been used by the U.S. Army as a
“simulant” in germ warfare studies of the anthrax pathogen. When the
military wants to know if a substance can kill anthrax, they first test that substance against Bacillus subtilis. If the substance can kill Bacillus subtilis, then the military
researchers can be relatively certain it can kill anthrax as well.
In the above-mentioned clinical study, researchers treated Bacillus subtilis cultures with 0-50 ppm concentrations
of silver nanoparticles, and found that while a concentration of only 5 ppm
inhibited bacterial growth for 12 hours, concentrations of 10 ppm and higher
were lethal to the otherwise
difficult-to-kill bacterium.
The researchers found that reactive oxygen species triggered
by the release of positively charged silver ions from the silver
nanoparticles contributed to the breakdown of the tough “armor plated” cell
membrane of the microbe, and that the ionic silver then penetrated the cell
membrane and disrupted the integrity of the microbe’s chromosomal DNA causing
it to die.
The researchers concluded:
“To the best of our
understanding, this is the first study to directly analyze silver particles
present within bacterial cells treated with silver nanoparticles, and the
results indicate that positively charged silver ions are primarily responsible
for silver nanoparticle microbial toxicity…
…our results support the theory
that silver nanoparticles exert microbial toxicity through the release of
positively charged silver ions that subsequently penetrate into bacterial
Once again, this is very
important to understand:
The researchers treated the
microbes with relatively low levels of metallic silver particles (i.e., silver
nanoparticles). But they discovered that
the metallic silver particles didn’t kill the hardy microbes.
Instead, the silver ions being
released by the metallic silver particles did the killing, first, by releasing
reactive oxygen species (much like hydrogen peroxide) that essentially
“softened up” the tough outer microbial shell of the pathogen, and second, by
penetrating that damaged shell wall, entering the microbe, and binding to its DNA.
This proves, once again, that the
silver ion (i.e., ionic silver) is the active, infection-fighting form
of silver, and that metallic silver (i.e., silver nanoparticles) is only
effective to the extent it releases silver ions in the presence of the pathogens.
This is why smart colloidal
silver users always choose the superior ionic form of colloidal silver
over the metallic silver nanoparticle form.
They know the metallic form must first be converted into the ionic
form inside the human body in order to work – a process which is both slow and
inefficient compared to utilizing pure ionic colloidal silver
Indeed, in one laboratory study the ionic form
of colloidal silver was demonstrated to be up to 10,000 times more potent than metallic
To learn more, see the following
related articles:
How to Make Your
Superior Ionic Colloidal Silver
Whether you use colloidal silver
to help ward off colds, flu and other upper respiratory infections (learn more,
here)…or for more serious and
potentially life-threatening infections (see here)…or for its many other healing and immune-boosting benefits
(see here)… one thing you likely know for
sure is that it’s quite expensive to buy from health food stores.
Indeed, in most major health food stores colloidal silver in the superior ionic form usually costs between $25 to $30 for a tiny, four-ounce bottle – an amount that’s barely enough to help fend of even a mild cold or flu.
But owning a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge allows you to make your own superior-quality ionic colloidal silver for less than 36 cents a quart. Yes, I said 36 CENTS per QUART.
fact, compared to health food store prices of colloidal silver, your very first
one-quart batch of micro-particle colloidal silver virtually pays for the
entire cost your new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator!
see, a full quart of ionic colloidal silver consists of eight of those tiny four-ounce bottles you
can buy at health food stores for around $30 a bottle. That means you’d
have to pay up to $240 for a full quart of colloidal silver in a health food store.
But you
can spend about that same amount of money on a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge – the
world’s #1 best-selling colloidal silver generator -- and make quart after quart after quart of superior-quality colloidal silver
for the rest of your life, for about 36 cents apiece!
Do you
know of any other product that pays for itself virtually the very first time you use it?
It’s quite literally as close as you can come to enjoying free colloidal silver for the
rest of your life, because you’re making it yourself for the same tiny cost the big
colloidal silver manufacturers make it for before distributing it to health
food stores where it’s marked up by a whopping 60,000%! (Learn more here.)
your own high-quality colloidal silver this inexpensively allows you to use
colloidal silver any time you
need, or even give it away to family members, friends or loved ones who
need it, without giving cost a second thought.
Silver Particle Size
It Up to 1,000x More Bio-Available!
more, the tiny, sub-microscopic silver particles produced by this amazing
breakthrough in colloidal silver-making technology are as low as .8 nm in
size. That’s a fraction of
a single nanometer.
most conventional health food store brands of colloidal silver contain silver
particles as large as 200 nm to 1,000 nm in size (see here for a photographic comparison of
the size differences between ionic colloidal silver made with a Micro-Particle
Colloidal Silver Generator, and conventional colloidal silver particles found
in health food store brands.)
This is
critically important to understand, because even the FDA admits that the smaller the silver
particles are, the more bio-available they are, meaning the body is better
able to absorb them, utilize them, and afterwards safely excrete them.
it’s now known that tiny silver micro-particles are able to kill off entire
colonies of pathogens with far greater effectiveness than conventional-sized
colloidal silver particles.
because of the “zombie effect” described in this recent article about brand new research
out of Hebrew University in Jerusalem. As you’ll see, the effectiveness
of ultra-small, sub-microscopic silver particles against colonies of
disease-causing microbes is absolutely astonishing.
bottom line is that the tiny, submicroscopic silver particles produced by a new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from The Silver Edge are up
to 1,000 times more bio-available than conventional silver
the human body is able to absorb 90-100% of the tiny silver micro-particles,
sending them throughout the body to kill pathogens, and then afterwards excreting
them with ease, thanks to their small size.
But the
human body is only able to absorb and utilize as little as 20% to 40% of the
silver particles found in many health food store brands of colloidal silver
which contain silver particles as large as 200 nm to 1,000 nm or even
larger. Clearly, making
your own micro-particle colloidal silver is hands-down the smartest way to
that’s why so many thousands upon thousands of people absolutely rave over the
effectiveness of the colloidal silver made with their Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver
Generator, as you can see at this web page full of real-life colloidal silver success
How Easy It Is…
you’d like to learn more about making your own high-quality colloidal silver
for just pennies per quart, you can…
Read how unbelievably simple it is to make your
own high-quality colloidal silver for less than 36 cents a quart, here.
Learn why the Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator is the
world’s #1 best-selling colloidal silver generator, here.
Find out how to save a whopping $100 on a brand new Micro-Particle
Colloidal Silver Generator, here.
I’ll be back next week with another great article on colloidal silver….
for the safe, sane and responsible use of colloidal silver,
Barwick, author
The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual
The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual
Helpful Links:
Note and Disclaimer: The contents
of this Ezine have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. Information
conveyed herein is from sources deemed to be accurate and reliable, but no
guarantee can be made in regards to the accuracy and reliability thereof. The author, Steve Barwick, is a
natural health journalist with over 30 years of experience writing
professionally about natural health topics. He is not a doctor. Therefore, nothing stated in thisEzine should
be construed as prescriptive in nature, nor is any part of this Ezine meant to be considered a substitute
for professional medical advice. Nothing
reported herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any
disease. The author is
simply reporting in journalistic fashion what he has learned during the past 17
years of journalistic research into colloidal silver and its usage. Therefore, the information and data
presented should be considered for informational purposes only, and approached
with caution. Readers
should verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, from other
knowledgeable sources such as their doctor, the accuracy and reliability of all
reports, ideas, conclusions, comments and opinions stated herein. All important health care decisions
should be made under the guidance and direction of a legitimate, knowledgeable
and experienced health care professional. Readers are solely responsible for
their choices. The author
and publisher disclaim responsibility and/or liability for any loss or hardship
that may be incurred as a result of the use or application of any information
included in this Ezine.
Copyright 2016 | Life & Health Research Group, LLC | PO Box
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