Saturday, January 24, 2009

Updated Contact Information for Stopping the EPA from Regulating Colloidal Silver

Updated Contact Information for Stopping the EPA from Regulating Colloidal Silver

We’ve just heard from our good friend Ralph Fucetola, JD, also known as the Vitamin Lawyer, that EPA has put up a brand new page for public comments regarding the petition to regulate silver nanoparticles as “pesticides.” They have also assigned a brand new docket number to the petition.

The new public comments web page is located at this link:

The new docket number, which you must refer to in all correspondence with the EPA, is:


What to Do Now…

There are now five simple but absolutely vital steps you need to take to help win the battle to stop the EPA from regulating silver nanoparticles as “pesticides,” which would result in the removal of just about every brand of colloidal silver on the market today, and give a handful of big corporate interests the monopoly on the use of silver particles.

Step #1: Go to the brand new EPA public comments page at the link above (or click here) and register your comments. Explain why you do not want the EPA to regulate silver nanoparticles as “pesticides.” If you need verbiage for your comments, the blog post directly below this one has a sample letter you can pull from. They are in blue italic type, so you can find them quickly.

Step #2: Email your comments opposing the petition to regulate silver particles as “pesticides” to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson. His email address is:

Step #3: Fax your comments to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, at his Washington DC fax number: (202)-501-1450.

Step #4: Send a personal letter to the Washington DC office of EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson. His address is as follows:

Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory Public Docket (7502P)
ATTN: Administrator Stephen Johnson
Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20460-0001

Important Note: All comments to the EPA – whether you make them by email, fax, snail mail or through the public comments section of their web site -- must reference the “Petition for Rulemaking Requesting EPA Regulate Nanoscale Silver Products as Pesticides,” and must also reference the new Docket #: EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0650-0506

Step #5: Finally, go to the Health Freedom blog of the Ralph Fucetola, The Vitamin Lawyer, at
and read his brief but highly pertinent comments about the battle to save colloidal silver from EPA regulation.

Then, go to the special web page link set up by the Natural Solutions Foundation, read their brief, four-paragraph comment asking the EPA to reject the petition to regulate silver nanoparticles as “pesticides,” and e-sign their comment. They will forward your e-signed comment to the EPA en masse with hundreds of others.

Why All 5 Steps?

I know this is a lot of work. And I know your time is extremely valuable. So is mine. I would much rather be writing about how to save lives with colloidal silver, rather than battling whacko environmental organizations and fending off bureaucratic groups who want to regulate colloidal silver into oblivion.

But as I mentioned in the longer blog post on this subject directly below, health freedom battles are never easily won. Our opponents are some of the biggest special interest groups and corporate interests in the world. And they have literally millions of members they can call on to support their position.

Nevertheless, right now we are actually winning this battle, thanks to the many hundreds if not thousands of individuals and organizations who answered the call when we first exposed the petition to regulate silver nanoparticles in early January. Once we demonstrated through the words of the petition sponsors that they are actually out to force EPA to regulate colloidal silver into oblivion, people who love their health freedom went into action.

But once we began winning the battle, the EPA suddenly agreed to extend the comments period deadline, giving the whacko environmental organizations like Friends of the Earth and special interest groups like ICTA an extra two months to garner comments in favor of their petition!

In other words, EPA saw the tide of battle turning against the petition to regulate silver particles as “pesticides,” and gave the petition sponsors a new lease on life. Why? Because EPA desperately wants to be able to regulate silver particles as “pesticides” under their antiquated FIFRA regulations, which allow them to ban any substance they deem to be “harmful to the environment.”

Therefore, we absolutely must keep up the pressure on the EPA.

Between now and March 20, 2009 (the new deadline for registering public comments on this issue) the rabid environmental organizations and special interest groups are going to flood the EPA with a host of new comments in favor of the petition, garnered from their millions of collective members. We must outgun them tit-for-tat – and then moreso -- with our own comments asking EPA to reject the petition.

During WWII, when General George S. Patton’s troops were outnumbered ten to one, Patton boldly told his troops, “This is not a problem. Each of you must simply kill ten of the enemy.” And they did!

Similarly, I must tell you in all earnestness, though we are vastly outnumbered by those who want to see silver particles regulated as “pesticides” (and who ultimately want to see colloidal silver banned) this is not a problem. All we have to do is take each of the five simple steps enumerated above, and thereby neutralize all of our opponent’s comments in favor of the petition.

For every one of their comments in favor of the petition, we must send in five of our own against the petition, and from all different directions, i.e., email, fax, snail mail, the online public comments system, and the special comments system set up by the Vitamin Lawyer at the Natural Solutions Foundation web site.

At the very least, start posting your comments to the new EPA public comments page for the petition.

This is how health freedom battles are won. Let’s double our efforts, and get this job done, so we can get back to the noble work of showing people how heal themselves the safe, natural way.

S. Spencer Jones for

P.S. Don’t doubt for a minute that they are out to regulate colloidal silver into oblivion. Even the addendum to the petition to have EPA regulate silver particles as “pesticides” names the top four brands of colloidal silver products on the market today as being products that need immediate EPA regulation as “pesticides.” It also names many other lesser-known brands of colloidal silver as being in need of regulation. And it proclaims that the list of 200+ products in the petition addendum constitute “only the tip of the iceberg” of what they are out to regulate.

P.P.S. Learn how to make your own safe, natural, high-quality colloidal silver with a brand new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from That way, you’ll never be subject to a bureaucratic ban on colloidal silver products. You’ll always be able to make your own fresh, pure, high-quality colloidal silver quickly and easily, in the comfort, security and privacy of your own home, and for only about 36 cents a quart.

Important Links:

Friday, January 23, 2009

Special Update on the Battle to Save Colloidal Silver From Regulation By the EPA

Special Update on the Battle to Save Colloidal Silver From Regulation By the EPA

I have some good news and some bad news regarding the petition by extremist environmentalists and other special interest groups to have silver nanoparticles (read: colloidal silver) regulated by the EPA as a "pesticide," which would ultimately result in a ban on the sale of colloidal silver products.

First the good news:

I’ve just been to the EPA web site and discovered that whereas public comments about the petition had been running ten to one in favor of it during the month of December when only the extremist environmental groups who sponsored it knew about it, the comments have been running a hundred to one against it ever since the colloidal silver and natural health communities have caught wind of this insidious plot.

That’s phenomenal. Obviously, the colloidal silver community and the natural health community have pulled together as one, standing in unison against this onerous and heavy-handed petition to regulate “silver nanoparticles.”

We are grateful to have been able to play a key role in alerting the colloidal silver and natural health communities to this stealth campaign to have the EPA regulate, and eventually ban, colloidal silver.

The outpouring of opposition to the petition has allowed the colloidal silver and natural health communities to overcome the advantage held by the extremist environmental groups like ICTA and Friends of the Earth who had been quietly stacking the EPA online comments system with “canned” comments from their members in favor of their own petition. They solicited these comments through slick email campaigns designed to scare their members into believing that “silver nanoparticles” pose an imminent and dire threat to the environment and need to be immediately regulated as "pesticides."

If you helped in this campaign by posting your comments against the ICTA petition to have the EPA regulate silver particles as "pesticides" through the EPA online comment system, or by sending emails or faxes to the EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson as we requested (see below), then please take a moment and give yourself a nice, big pat on the back. You are helping turn the tide in favor of colloidal silver by taking such an active part in this battle to stop the impending EPA regulation of so-called “silver nanoparticles.”

Now, here's the bad news:

Back in December, several of the extremist environmental organizations sponsoring this petition -- including ICTA and Friends of the Earth -- had formally requested the EPA to extend the comments deadline, so they could buy more time to muster up additional aid and support from the membership rosters of other like-minded environmental groups.

But as of early January, the EPA had basically ignored this request. After all, there was simply no reason to extend the comments deadline when the comments were already running ten to one in favor of the petition. It looked like a slam-dunk sure-thing that the EPA would easily be able to approve the petition, and begin regulating silver nanoparticles out of existence for all but the largest of corporate financial interests who could afford the millions of dollars worth of environmental impact reports required by EPA in order to sell products containing silver nanoparticles.

Then, thanks largely to our efforts to alert the colloidal silver community and the natural health community to this plot, the tide of public sentiment turned dramatically against the petition. Suddenly public comments on the EPA web site were running over 100 to one against the petition. And the EPA saw their slam-dunk sure-thing disappearing right before their eyes. After all, without broad public support, it would be very difficult for the EPA to approve the petition giving the agency the broad new powers to regulate silver particles.

So within a matter of just a few short days after hundreds of new comments starting pouring in against the petition, the EPA rapidly switched gears and approved the earlier request by ICTA and Friends of the Earth to extend the comments deadline.


It is obvious that the EPA had witnessed how the colloidal silver and natural health communities have pulled together in a massive show of opposition to the petition to have silver nanoparticles regulated as a "pesticide."

EPA knew that with public comments suddenly running more than 100 to one against the petition, they were going to have to give their environmentalist cronies more time to reach multitudes of like-minded environmentalists worldwide, so they could come to the EPA web site to comment in favor of the petition. After all, what the EPA wants is to become the sole arbitrator of who gets to sell products containing silver particles, and who doesn’t.

Unfortunately, if the rabid environmentalists are allowed to regain the upper hand by soliciting tons of additional comments in favor of the petition from their fellow environmental groups worldwide, it will be a disaster for anyone who wants widespread availability of colloidal silver to continue.

Why Freedom of Consumer Choice Will Be a Distant Memory

Indeed, freedom of consumer choice will be all but a distant memory in regards to colloidal silver products. After all, once EPA begins regulating silver nanoparticles as a "pesticide," their next step will be to require colloidal silver manufacturers to prove that their product cannot harm “ecologically sensitive microbes” in the environment, as documented on this web page.

There are probably only a small handful of colloidal silver manufacturer on the face of the earth – if any – who can afford the millions of dollars in testing and environmental impact reports the EPA will require. So without a doubt, your favorite brand of colloidal silver will probably be gone forever if the EPA approves this petition and begins regulating silver nanoparticles as “pesticides.”

Here’s the key to understanding this whole scheme: If this petition is granted by the EPA, only the wealthiest corporate interests that are willing to kow-tow to EPA regulatory demands and spend millions of dollars on “environmental impact” reports will be able to sell products that contain silver nanoparticles.

Do you think these big corporate interests will sell colloidal silver? Not on your life. Once safe, natural and relatively inexpensive colloidal silver is taken off the market by the EPA, the big corporate interests will patent products containing engineered silver nanoparticles, and you will only be able to get therapeutic silver products by doctor’s prescription.

Exactly What The EPA Wants

This is exactly what the EPA wants, i.e., to transfer control of the sale of silver nanoparticles from the hundreds of colloidal silver vendors in existence today, to a small handful of big corporate interests.

And, of course, the EPA will become the sole arbitrator over who can sell products containing silver nanoparticles and who can't. Public access to safe, natural colloidal silver will be a thing of the past. It's that simple. That's their game-plan.

So What’s Happening Right Now?

Right now the extremist environmental and special interest groups like ICTA and Friends of the Earth are gearing up to have their like-minded environmental groups begin pouring their support behind the petition to have EPA regulate silver as an environmentally “dangerous pesticide.” They are claiming that if silver isn't immediately regulated by EPA as a "pesticide" the ecology and the environment as a whole will face irreparable and permanent damage.

That is of course a total crock. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that silver nanoparticles can’t harm the ecology when returned to the environment. Why? Because the tiny silver particles rapidly bond with other natural elements in the environment, such as minerals, mineral salts and other substances. This bonding, also known as “agglomeration,” destroys the nano-scale properties of the tiny silver particles and renders them essentially inert.

In other words, the silver simply returns to the environment it originally came from as another harmless mineral substance. The idea that it can somehow "harm the environment" or poses an “imminent threat to the environment” is ludicrous at face value. It is the worst kind of junk science imaginable. But like most junk science, it serves Big Corporate interests very well.

Nasty Tactics?

Worse yet, the EPA has apparently resorted to using some nasty tactics in order to stop the tide of public comments coming in against the petition to regulate silver as a “pesticide.”

While theEPA has indeed extended the public comments deadline on the petition to March 20 at the behest of the environmental groups behind it, they have simultaneously disabled the direct link to allow comments on the EPA web site – a link which we had discovered and were instrumental in having posted on numerous colloidal silver and natural health web sites during the first week of January after we began alerting the colloidal silver community and the natural health community to this insidious plot to regulate silver nanoparticles as a “pesticide.”

By disabling the direct link to the EPA comments section for this petition, hundreds if not thousands of new public comments from the colloidal silver community and natural health community have effectively been prevented from being posted.

Meanwhile, the rabid environmental groups are busy collecting additional public comments in favor of the petition. They are using a slick email and web site-based campaign that allows them to collect and hold onto the comments for later dispersal.

Our best guess is that once the public comments link on the EPA web site is restored, probably sometime just before the new deadline of March 20, these nutcase environmentalists intend to bombard the EPA comments system with a massive new barrage of comments they've collected in favor of the petition to regulate silver particles as “pesticides.”

Their goal is to turn the tide of comments back in favor of the petition. And then the EPA can legitimately say that they have fairly and carefully weighed public opinion, and have decided to regulate silver nanoparticles as “pesticides.” That will be the beginning of the end for the public commercial sale of colloidal silver.

What We’re Doing and What YOU Can Do to Help Right Now…

First, we are demanding that the EPA restore access to the public link that allows everyone to post comments on the EPA web site RIGHT NOW, rather than waiting until the rabid environmental groups gather enough new comments to stack the deck in favor of the petition once again, just as they did in the beginning.

Second, we are requesting that everyone in the colloidal silver and natural health communities continue to put massive pressure on the EPA through every means possible with polite and respectful comments letting them know that you are not happy about the petition to regulate silver particles as “pesticides,” and would like them to reject it.

How to Call The EPA to Help Get the Public Comments Link Restored

If you would like to help us in demanding that the public link be restored for comments on the EPA web site, you can call the toll-free EPA “Help Line” at 1-877-378-5457, and politely and respectfully request that they restore the comments link for Docket #EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0650, also known as the “Petition for Rulemaking Requesting EPA Regulate Nanoscale Silver Products as Pesticides.”

Special request: Please, as soon as anyone reading this article finds out that a public link to the EPA comments system for this petition has been restored, or that a brand new link has been instituted, let us know by emailing us the specific link at That way, we can get the word out to the rest of the colloidal silver community and natural health community that a new public comments link is available.

Also, if you call the EPA “Help Line” number above and find out that the comments link has already been restored, or that a new link has been put up, be sure to thank them. Then start posting comments on the EPA web site right away, as well as following through with the three crucial steps outlined below. It is absolutely essential that we act decisively and yes, even relentlessly at this point. We must make sure the EPA knows that the public is against this petition to regulate silver particles as “pesticides.”

How to Help Us Continue Putting Pressure on the EPA to Reject the Petition

In the meantime, while we are continuing to put pressure on the EPA to restore the public comments link on their web site for the petition, you can help us put additional pressure on the EPA to reject the petition by taking the following three simple but vital steps:

First, email EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson with your comments against the petition to have silver regulated as a “pesticide.” His email address is:

If you have already emailed him in the recent past, please do so again. And tell all of your like-minded friends to do so, too. This is critical.

Secondly, fax your comments to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, at his Washington DC fax number: (202)-501-1450. Again, if you have already faxed him, do so again. And again. And again. We need a flood of emails and faxes going to this man, telling him politely but in no uncertain terms that he needs to reject the petition to regulate silver particles as “pesticides.”

Third, send a letter to the Washington DC office of EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson. His address is as follows:

Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory Public Docket (7502P)
ATTN: Administrator Stephen Johnson
Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20460-0001

Don’t Forget To Include the Following Vital Information:

All comments to the EPA – whether you make them by email, fax, snail mail or through the public comments section of their web site once it is restored -- must reference the “Petition for Rulemaking Requesting EPA Regulate Nanoscale Silver Products as Pesticides,” and must also reference Docket # EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0650.

What to Do If You Don’t Know What to Say…

If you don’t know what to say in your comments, here’s some suggested text:

Dear EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson:

I am writing in reference to Docket # EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0650, also known as the “Petition for Rulemaking Requesting EPA Regulate Nanoscale Silver Products as Pesticides”

I respectfully request that you reject this petition, for the following three reasons:

One: There is no documented evidence of any harm having ever been caused to the environment from silver nanoparticles

Two: Several valid studies by reputable science-based organizations have already documented that no harm to the environment from silver nanoparticles can occur at present or projected future levels (1,2)

Three: ICTA’s entire case for the petition is based upon nothing more than raw and sensationalistic speculation extrapolated from a few spotty laboratory studies whose data was apparently skewed to produce the results they wanted.

Since only lab studies have been used to justify ICTA’s flimsy position that silver nanoparticles are harming the environment, and since no true environmental studies have demonstrated such alleged harm, there is simply no reason to allow ICTA and their cohorts to continue this charade against products containing silver nanoparticles.

As the recent study by Dr. George Maass has demonstrated (3), silver nanoparticles simply cannot harm the ecology when returned to the environment because the tiny particles rapidly bond with other elements in the environment. This in turn destroys their nano-scale properties, rendering them inert. In short, silver nanoparticles simply return to the environment as another harmless mineral substance.

Since EPA is supposed to be an evidence-based agency and there is no evidence whatsoever to demonstrate the erroneous and shrill claims of ICTA and its counterparts against products containing nanosilver, please reject and dismiss this petition and stop wasting taxpayer monies on this issue.

EPA already has sufficient authority under FIFRA to regulate substances demonstrated to cause harm to the environment. This additional proposed regulation is superfluous and unnecessary, and a complete waste of taxpayer funds.

(sign your own name and include the below cross-reference numbers)


1.) Environ Sci Technol. 2008 Jun 1;42(11):4133-9.
2.) Environ Sci Technol. 2008 Jun 15;42(12):4447-53.

Saying It In Your Own Words Is Always Best

Of course, comments in your own words are always better than “canned” comments like the one above. So please express yourself in your own words if time permits and you have the unction to do so. Otherwise, be sure to send the above comment, with your own signature. Or feel free to derive your own comments from the above letter.

By the way, if you own a company or belong to a natural health-related organization, please be sure to make your comments in your own name as well as in the name of your company or organization. Adding your company or organization name to your comments gives credibility to your response. And that will help offset some of the comments from the "heavy hitter" organizations the environmentalist groups are currently lining up in support of this disastrous petition to have silver nanoparticles regulated as “pesticides.”

It’s Up to You…

The ball is in your court. Whether or not colloidal silver will be regulated into oblivion at the behest of rabid environmentalists who want the world to believe that silver particles represent some kind of imminent threat to the environment is in your hands.

Please do your part and help us flood the EPA over the next few weeks -- in fact, all of the way up to March 20 -- with an even greater barrage of comments against this petition than we managed to generate during the first few weeks of January before the EPA so suddenly and unexpectedly extended the comments deadline at the behest of their environmentalist cronies.

If we fail to continue to act at this point, it will give EPA and the environmental groups exactly what they have want, i.e., enough time to stack the public comments with additional requests to have the EPA regulate silver particles as “pesticides.”

We must continue to act quickly and decisively. This is how health freedom battles are won.

I won’t kid you. It’s not going to be an easy battle, because the organizations we are up against are large and well-organized, and have huge membership bases. And the EPA already favors them, and has purposely given them more time to solicit comments favorable to their own petition to have the EPA regulate silver particles as "pesticides.

But we have already shown that we can shake them to the core with a barrage of our own public comments. And just as little David slew Goliath with a single smooth stone, we too can take down the environmentalist “Goliaths’ with our individual comments against the petition to regulate silver as a “pesticide.”

We simply must continue to act in unison and with deliberation and determination, straight through to the new deadline of March 20th. To help, just follow the simple steps outlined above.

Finally, be sure to pass this information along to your like-minded friends and colleagues, so they can help, too.

S. Spencer Jones,

P.S. While I truly believe we can win this battle, please keep in mind that once you own the means of colloidal silver production, no one can ever take your colloidal silver away from you, no matter how many onerous regulations they pass.

That’s why I strongly urge you to purchase a Micro-Particle Home Colloidal Silver Generator as quickly as possible. With your own colloidal silver generator, which is smaller than a coffee pot and easier to use, you can make all of the safe, natural colloidal silver you want, any time you want, in the comfort, privacy and security of your own home, for about 36 cents a quart.

Read more about the new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator at:, or at

If you are new to colloidal silver usage, you may want to further educate yourself. There are dozens of extremely helpful articles about colloidal silver usage on this very blog site (i.e., And it’s all FREE. So dig in and start reading today.

Or, for additional in-depth information on colloidal silver usage, you can purchase an inexpensive copy of our brand new 60-minute, studio-quality Colloidal Silver Secrets video at

Finally, for colloidal silver usage information that is absolutely encyclopedic in scope and content, learn more about our newly updated 547-page book, The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, at

Important Links:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Colloidal Silver Cures the Deadly MRSA Superpathogen (So Why Are the Bureaucrats Trying to Destroy Your Right to Use It?)

Colloidal Silver Cures the Deadly MRSA Superpathogen

(So Why Are the Bureaucrats Trying to Destroy Your Right to Use It?)

CNN has finally reported on the MRSA superbug epidemic (see CNN news video at this link).

They’ve revealed to viewers that a new study published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association says there are now more than 94,000 potentially deadly MRSA infections per year in the U.S., and that MRSA now kills more people every year in the U.S. than AIDS.

What they have not told their viewers is that the safe, all-natural cure for MRSA has been known for over 20 years. Of course, it is colloidal silver.

The (All-Natural) Cure for MRSA : Known for 20 Years

Of course, the cure for MRSA has been known for over 20 years. It was discovered by Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD during his groundbreaking research on electrically generated silver ions at Syracuse Medical University back in the mid-1980’s. But because the cure – tiny particles of mineral silver known as colloidal silver -- is completely natural, the FDA has quashed any mention of the findings.

In fact, the FDA has even gone so far as to pass a ruling in 1999 stating that colloidal silver is “ineffective” for infection-fighting purposes, and is “misbranded” if its infection-fighting powers are mentioned on labels or in advertising. This, even though colloidal silver has a bona-fide 90-year history of medical studies going all of the way back to the 1920’s demonstrating its startling effectiveness against infectious illness and disease.

New Medical Studies Prove Colloidal Silver Works

Thankfully, four brand new studies from medical universities in different parts of the world have demonstrated that colloidal silver is the flat-out, no-holds-barred cure for MRSA.

You can read about these little-known studies here, along with fascinating information on how colloidal silver is already being used in European hospitals to prevent surgery patients from contracting MRSA infections while hospitalized.

You’ll discover that European hospitals are light years ahead of the game when it comes to preventing and treating MRSA infections. For example, they give hospital patients special gowns made out of a newly invented cloth material that has tiny particles of silver woven into it. And they even have a machine that sprays a fine micro-mist of colloidal silver throughout hospitals, thereby killing colonies of MRSA before they can infect humans.

Protecting the Turf of Big Pharma

Why won’t the FDA and the AMA let the American public know about this astonishing cure for MRSA, even as 90,000 Americans a year are becoming infected with this potentially lethal flesh-eating pathogen?

The answer is simple: They are protecting the turf of Big Pharma.

You see, the pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar a year industry that is completely dependent upon the vast majority of people being brainwashed into the idea that only prescription drugs can help them cure their illnesses. And the FDA and AMA are the enforcement arms of Big Pharma.

So the FDA makes war against natural cures, while the AMA makes war against natural health care practitioners. Between the two of them, they make sure the multitudes remain fixated on the orthodox medical community as their sole source of help for their health and medical problems.

What’s truly sad – nay, pathetic -- is that these organizations would rather allow people to die in agony from a disease that orthodox medicine can’t cure – such as MRSA -- than to let the public know there is a safe, natural cure available.

MRSA now infects over 94,000 Americans each year and kills nearly 20,000 of them, surpassing even deaths from AIDS! You would think the medical bureaucrats would be shouting from the rooftops, telling the public about colloidal silver’s astonishing ability to decimate the MRSA pathogen.

But no. Instead, their blind loyalty to big pharma overrides every human (and humane) consideration, and they work to relegate colloidal silver into the ashcan of history, instead.

Enter the EPA…

To make matters worse, the Environmental Protection Agency has now entered the fray, claiming the right to regulate silver products – including colloidal silver -- as “pesticides.”

They claim that if colloidal silver gets into the nation’s waterways and eco-system, it could wipe out “ecologically sensitive” microorganism the environment depends on. Therefore, they say, colloidal silver manufacturers need to register their products with the EPA, which requires lab testing and environmental impact reports costing hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

In essence, EPA is angling to put colloidal silver distributors out of business for good by making it too expensive to legally make and sell colloidal silver.

Of course, in spite of EPA rhetoric to the contrary, silver has been abundant in nature for millions of years. And it has never been shown to harm the environment. Even when silver that has been taken from the environment and sliced into tiny particles through the process of electrolysis in order to make colloidal silver, and then returned to the environment through sewage systems or other means, it has never been demonstrated to cause any harm.

That’s because, when returned to the environment, the tiny, electrically charged micro-particles of silver found in colloidal silver tend to very rapidly bond with other substances in the environment, such as minerals, salts and other natural substances (this process is called “agglomeration”). This bonding process in effect neutralizes silver’s toxicity to microbes, and essentially returns the silver to its natural state.

EPA ignores this simple, high school science, and claims the right to “protect the environment” from imminent doom by regulating silver under its archaic FIFRA pesticide regulations. (For more on this issue, see the blog posts at this link, and this link, and this link.)

If you’d like to help in the battle to save colloidal silver from EPA regulation, you can let the EPA know what you think about their plan to regulate silver products – including colloidal silver – at this link.

Attacked from Many Angles

As you can see, colloidal silver is under attack from many different angles today.

The news media won’t even mention it, except derogatorily from time to time. The FDA passes regulations claiming it is “ineffective,” and threatens huge fines against anyone who touts its well-known antibiotic qualities. The AMA persecutes natural health care practitioners who use it. And now the EPA now claims it is so effective against microorganisms, they need to regulate it as a “pesticide” to prevent it from harming “ecologically sensitive” microbes in the environment.

Amazing, isn’t it?

One has to wonder why this is happening, considering colloidal silver phenomenal, proven ability to decimate many of the most infectious superbugs such as MRSA that now plague our nation and the world at large.

But you don’t have to look much further than big pharma and the drug industry if you truly want to understand why this safe, simple and often miraculously healing substance is under such vicious attack.

Learn More…

You can learn more about colloidal silver’s astonishing effectiveness against MRSA by reading the in-depth report at

If you are just beginning to learn about colloidal silver and it’s incredible infection-fighting properties, you might want to look into obtaining a copy of the brand new, studio-quality 60-minute Colloidal Silver Secrets Video (comes in both DVD and VHS formats) while it is still available inexpensively. Just go to

For more extensive information on colloidal silver – including three full chapters of colloidal silver dosage information -- check out the newly updated, 547-page colloidal silver usage guidebook, The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual, available at

Finally, to learn how to make your own safe, pure and completely natural micro-particle colloidal silver – quickly and easily, and in the comfort and privacy of your own home for only pennies per batch -- check out the following web site:

Considering the fact that the bureaucratic attacks against colloidal silver are growing stronger by the day, and that colloidal silver may therefore soon not be available commercially, owning the means of colloidal silver production is probably the smartest thing you can do right now. That way, if the bureaucrats succeed in taking colloidal silver off the market, you can always make your own, quickly, easily and inexpensively. It’s extremely easy to do, as this short, three minute video demonstrates.

Take Back Your Power!

Dr. Bob Beck, Ph.D, was one of the world’s most ardent advocates of colloidal silver usage. Before he died from heart failure at the age of 77 in 2002, he tirelessly lectured around the country on colloidal silver and other natural healing modalities, urging audiences to “Take back your power!” from the perverse medical Gestapo that has become so deeply entrenched within the orthodox medical community over the past twenty years.

Today, it is more important than ever to learn how to “Take back your power!” After all, the orthodox medical establishment has finally lost control of serious infectious illness and disease. Indeed, studies show you are now more likely to contract a deadly infection inside of a hospital while surrounded by doctors than outside of one. Yet the orthodox medical community continues to insist they are the only ones capable of taking care of your health and medical problems. And they have the entrenched bureaucracies of the FDA and AMA at their beck and call to enforce their will upon you.

But the fact that more than 90,000 Americans each year are now being infected by the deadly MRSA superpathogen -- and that there is that there is a safe, natural way to put an end to this deadly epidemic and the medical bureaucrats won’t even tell you about it -- should be a clarion call to any thinking individual. It is clearly time to start taking matters into your own hands, for your own protection.

You can start by visiting some of the web sites above, and educating yourself. Learn how to protect yourself and your family. Learn how to start “Taking back your power!”

Important Links:

Friday, January 9, 2009

Act NOW to Help Save Colloidal Silver From EPA Regulation!


As of today, there are only 11 days left to voice your opposition to the proposal for the EPA to regulate nanosilver products -- including colloidal silver -- as "pesticides."

As it stands, the main petition sponsor, the International Center For Technology Assessment (CTA) has drawn up a list of nanosilver products it claims needs to be regulated by EPA. Among that list are the four top brands of colloidal silver (Sovereign Silver, Meso Silver, ASAP Silver, Utopia Silver) as well as many lesser known brands.

This is clearly a ploy to regulate colloidal silver as a "pesticide" under the EPA's revised FIFRA regulations, which require you to prove your silver product causes no harm to beneficial microorganisms or other creatures in the environment.

Putting Colloidal Silver Manufacturers Out of Business

If the EPA begins to regulate colloidal silver as a "pesticide" under its revised FIFRA regulations, this will, in effect, unjustly put every colloidal silver manufacturer out of business.

The costs of proving that a colloidal silver product causes no harm to “ecologically sensitive” microorganisms in the environment would be prohibitive (environmental impact reports can cost millions of dollars), and the regulatory burden on colloidal silver manufacturers would be unsustainable.

EPA is taking public comments until January 20th, after which they will make their decision.

How to Stop Them From Regulating Silver As a "Pesticide"

We need hundreds or even thousands of people to let the EPA know that colloidal silver should not be included under these new regulations.

If you have a natural health advocacy organization or a health freedom organization, or an email customer list of colloidal silver users, or an email list of natural health users, please, please let your membership base know about this dire situation, and the short time we have left to stop it.

Direct your members or email recipients to post their comments against regulating silver as a “pesticide” on the EPA comment system (see web address and further instructions below).

Or have them email the EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson directly (see below) and let him know that there is no compelling need to regulate nanosilver products such as colloidal silver as “pesticides,” since there is no evidence whatsoever of any environmental harm having taken place.

How to Contact the EPA

Anyone who wants to post to the EPA comments system can do so at this web address:

Anyone wishing to email EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson with their comments against the petition to have silver regulated as a “pesticide” can do so here:

Additionally, faxes can be sent to EPA, addressed to Administrator Stephen Johnson, at:

Fax: 202-501-1450

All comments must reference Docket # EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0650.

Also, comments should reference the “Petition for Rulemaking Requesting EPA Regulate Nanoscale Silver Products as Pesticides.”

To Learn More

To learn more details about this important issue, please read the two blog articles preceding this one at if you have not done so already.

Don't Fall for the False Claims

As a last minute dodge to mislead the public, some organizations backing the petition to have EPA regulate nanosilver products as “pesticides” are claiming that the petition has nothing to do with colloidal silver. That is definitely wrong.

I repeat what I stated earlier: The main sponsor of the petition to have EPA regulate silver as a "pesticide" is the International Center For Technology Assessment (CTA), and they have attached a list of nanosilver products to the petition requesting the EPA begin regulatory oversight of these products immediately under the revised FIFRA regulations.

Among the products listed on this attachment to the petition were the top four brands of bottled colloidal silver products on the market today (Sovereign Silver, Meso Silver, ASAP Silver, Utopia Silver) along with numerous less well-known colloidal silver brands.

I wrote CTA and asked why the top four brands of bottled colloidal silver were on this petition, and their lawyer, Mr. George A. Kimbrell, responded. Here is his response:

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your interest in our legal petition to EPA. I’m one of the attorneys who drafted the action and your question was forwarded to me.

To clarify and answer your question: the only consumer products that were included in our product appendix attached to our legal petition were those products that in our research we found were actively marketing their products, through labeling or advertising, as “nano” (i.e., containing manufactured or engineered nanoparticles) and that made health claims based on that “nano” ingredient.

So if there are silver colloidal solution products in the appendix, they must be marketed (or were, as of May 2008, when we filed the petition) as nano-silver and we have documented evidence of such marketing claims.

The appendix was illustrative not comprehensive. We only highlighted these products for the agency to investigate; we did not test the products ourselves. The product appendix included only those self-identified nano-silver products we could find.

No doubt there are more nano-silver products available that are unlabeled and we are calling on the agency to investigate and apply its statutorily entrusted oversight to those products as well.

If said products in the appendix are not “nano,” then they need to remove the misleading and illegal claims on their advertising and marketing. If the products are composed of nano-silver, then yes, they are different than other larger particles of silver and need to be regulated separately.

As we explain in the petition, engineered and manufactured nanomaterials like nano-silver are new types of materials that required new forms of toxicity testing and data to properly assess their novel properties and associated potential risks. In our petition we are requesting that EPA properly analyze the health and environmental safety of these materials before permitting them to go to market.


George A. Kimbrell
Staff Attorney,
The Int'l Center For Technology Assessment & The Center For Food Safety
660 Pennsylvania Ave., S.E. Suite 302
Washington, D.C. 20003
202-547-9359 fax 202-547-9429

Please note that he did not in any way, shape or form deny that his organization includes colloidal silver as a "nanosilver" product. He was very clear that as long as a colloidal silver product meets the standards for nano-silver, then he intends to have EPA regulate it.

Note also his comments, “No doubt there are more nano-silver products available that are unlabeled and we are calling on the agency to investigate and apply its statutorily entrusted oversight to those products as well."

In other words, they are petitioning EPA to go after any colloidal silver product that fits their overly-broad definition of "nanosilver."

The Clincher

Now here's the clincher: In other literature, CTA and its supporting coalition of organizations claim “nanosilver” is defined as silver particles of “100 nm in size or smaller.”

This effectively brings just about every brand of colloidal silver on the face of the earth under the “nanosilver” umbrella.

Is EPA Regulation of Colloidal Silver It a Foregone Conclusion?

I think the EPA has already decided in advance that they are going to take on this "regulatory oversight," which means they are ultimately going to stop production and sales of anything containing silver "nano particles" (under their definition of 100 nm or less) until it can be proven these particles won't cause harm to "ecologically sensitive" microorganisms and other creatures in the environment, which is basically impossible.

The only way to stop it is by a massive outpouring of opposition from the American public. The EPA does strongly take into account public comments in their decision-making process. We must turn up the heat and let the EPA know we are not happy with this ruse to destroy the colloidal silver market by regulating nanosilver as a “pesticide.”

The Anti-Silver Propaganda Machine

This ridiculous petition to the EPA was preceded by months of propaganda against "nanosilver" in the online "science news" media, such as at and, both of which carried numerous stories about the alleged "dangers" of allowing "nanosilver" to get into the environment.

These “the-sky-is-falling” science news stories were then re-translated for the popular media, resulting in articles like "Nanotechnology sparks fears for the future" and "Scientists Think Small to Find 'Nano' Dangers," and the worst of all of the chicken little articles "Nanosilver fad poses 'serious risk to health'" – and dozens like this, all of these appearing in various popular online news media.

These guys are pretty smart in how they go about building justification for their position over a period of many months before unleashing their campaigns for "regulatory oversight." I'm afraid they have us out-maneuvered. We really need to swamp the EPA comments system on this petition to regulate “nanosilver” as a “pesticide” with rational, well-constructed comments against the idea.

Right now, the environmental groups and fake "consumer protection" groups have been stacking the EPA comments system with comments favorable to the idea of further EPA regulatory oversight of "nanosilver." They've done this by emailing their membership bases, and asking them to send in anti-silver comments to the EPA.

Get On the Ball and We Can Win!

The various natural health organizations and the health freedom community at large has been woefully behind on countering this massive anti-silver propaganda campaign.

That’s why we need you to get involved in this right away.

If you belong to a natural health advocacy group or health freedom organization, please contact the membership base and let them know what's going on. Give them the EPA contact information above. Urge them to email, fax, or post comments on the EPA web site, urging the EPA to reject the petition to regulate nanosilver products.

If you are in the natural health business and you have an email customer base, email your customers and explain the situation to them, as well as the dire need to act quickly. Give them the contact information above.

If you are simply a natural products user, go to the EPA web site above and post your comments in opposition to the petition to regulate nanosilver products as "pesticides." And pass this information along to all of your like-minded friends right away.

Anything you can do to help get the ball rolling in this direction will be a huge benefit. Unfortunately we have so little time. But that is the hand we’ve been dealt.

S. Spencer Jones

Important Links:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Emergency Alert: Stop EPA From Further Regulating Colloidal Silver as a "Pesticide"

Emergency Alert: Stop EPA From Further Regulating Colloidal Silver as a "Pesticide"

We have only until January 20th to submit comments to the EPA against the proposal by radical environmental groups that want the EPA to immediately begin regulating nanosilver (read: colloidal silver) as a "pesticide" -- an action that would completely take colloidal silver off the market at some point in time.

Apparently, radical environmental groups and fake "consumer advocate" groups have joined hands to accellerate the ongoing campaign to have the EPA regulate all commercial forms of nanosilver, including colloidal silver, as a "new pesticide."

We received today an email from our good friend George Foss, a top nutritional supplement formulator and natural health watchdog, explaining that the Center for Food Safety (an elitist, pro-regulatory group masquerading as a "consumer advocacy" group) is now urging their readers to send comments to the EPA supporting the "Petition for Rulemaking Requesting EPA Regulate Nanoscale Silver Products as Pesticides.”

This petition -- if accepted and acted upon by the EPA -- would essentially allow the EPA to regulate colloidal silver into oblivion, on the grounds that it could potentially cause harm to the environment. (See more on this issue below.)

Public Comments Soon to Be Closed

We also learned that public comments on this petition have been open for some time. But apparently only the rabid environmental groups and fake "consumer advocate" groups supporting the proposal have been told about the comment period, which ends January 20th. These pro-regulatory groups have been sending emails to their thousands of readers, urging them to go to a special web page they have set up where an automated system exists for submitting comments to the EPA en masse.

Unfortunately, this comment submission system only allows for comments from people who favor futher strict regulation of nanosilver by the EPA. Even if you use the system to send a comment against the proposal to regulate nanosilver as a "new pesticide," the system overrides your comment by superceding it with a "canned" favorable comment.

This means virtually all of the comments going to the EPA have been in favor of further regulation of nanosilver products.

Since EPA depends heavily upon public comments when deciding upon new regulatory action, it is vitally important that they get to hear the views of those who do not want to see nanosilver further regulated by the EPA as a "new pesticide."

Comments to the EPA will be closed as of January 20, 2009, so we have only a short time to act on this issue in order to save colloidal silver from being regulated into oblivion.

My Contact with the EPA

I picked up the phone this afternoon and called the EPA at the number under “Contact Us” on their web site (202-564-4700).

A very nice gentleman named “Peter” answered and I asked him how I could submit a comment on the nanosilver regulation issue, as their web site appears to offer no easy way to take and deliver such comments from the public.

He said to send comments by fax or email directly to the EPA Administrator, Mr. Stephen Johnson:

Fax: 202-501-1450

Be sure to reference Docket # EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0650.

Also, be sure to state that you are commenting in regards to the “Petition for Rulemaking Requesting EPA Regulate Nanoscale Silver Products as Pesticides.”

I also found a page on the EPA web site that says comments can be sent by mail to the following address:

Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) Regulatory Public Docket (7502P)
Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20460-0001

Additionally, after much searching, I was able to figure out a way to post a comment to the EPA web site regarding the proposed regulations. I used this link, which I hope works for everyone else, too:

Must Act Quickly and Decisively!

As quickly as possible we need to get the above contact information posted on as many relevant natural health internet forums as possible, and also circulated by email to all relevant people in the natural health industry.

Please do your part to help by referring as many "natural health" people as possible to this blog post.

The rabid environmentalists have had a huge head start on this issue, since they are the only ones who knew where to send comments to. And there is only a very short period of time left between now and January 20th to submit further comments.

Wild and Invalid Claims

As you may already know, the environmental groups and fake "consumer advocate" groups have been making wild and invalid claims about nanosilver for some time now, stating that it is in immediate need of EPA regulation due to its alleged potential to harm the environment.

Through deception and chicanery these groups have managed to convince the EPA to re-classify nanosilver as a "pesticide" under an obscure set of regulations known as FIFRA.

Now they are pressing the FDA to strictly enforce those regulations under the supposition that nanosilver products represents a dire threat to the environment.

Yet not one study to date – I repeat, not one study -- has ever demonstrated nanosilver to have harmed any part of the environment. Instead, only test tube and lab studies extrapolating its alleged negative effects on the environment have been conducted.

And for the most part, those studies have been conducted by researchers who were either hired by the environmental groups to demonstrate nanosilver’s alleged harmful environmental attributes, or by researchers specifically working to forward the agenda of these groups.

In other words, the so-called studies have been conducted by researchers who are predisposed to believe nanosilver is somehow harmful, or somehow represents a dire threat to the environment. They have been paid to demonstrate exactly that. This means the study outcomes are decided upon in advance, before the studies are even started. This is junk science at its worst.

Re-Defining NanoSilver to Include Colloidal Silver

What’s more, the environmental groups behind this drive to have nanosilver regulated into oblivion have re-defined the term “nanosilver” to include just about any commercial form of natural silver available on the market today, including ALL colloidal silver products.

In one of their petitions to the EPA demanding the regulation of nano-silver products, these groups have even named some of the top commercial colloidal silver brands on the market today (including Sovereign Silver, Meso-Silver, ASAP Colloidal Silver, Utopia Silver and more) as being in dire need of “regulation.”

So the whole thing reeks of a stealth campaign to have colloidal silver banned.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that silver has been in the environment for millions of years. In its natural state, bonded to other minerals and natural substances, it causes no harm to the environment whatsoever.

As commercially produced nanosilver returns to the environment it is very rapidly degraded as it agglomerates (i.e., bonds together) with natural minerals, salts and other natural environmental substances that in effect eliminate its commercial nano-scale attributes, as well as effectively neutralizing its so-called “potentially harmful pesticide qualities” (i.e., its ability to kill pathogens on contact).

So in reality, there is no threat to the environment whatsoever from nanosilver products.

Rigged Studies

The researchers who have ostensibly demonstrated harmful attributes of nanosilver on environmental life forms such as bacteria or tiny minnows used extremely high quantities of pure commercially produced nanosilver products in their lab studies.

In other words they used levels of nanosilver that would simply never be found in the environment, due to silver’s propensity to bond rapidly with a multitude of other minerals, salts and other substances and return to its natural state once back in the environment.

In short, the studies are bunk. They prove nothing. The reason the studies were conducted in the laboratory rather than in the actual environment is because it was already known what would have been demonstrated in an true environmental study. No environmental harm whatsoever would have been found.

But by doing lab studies under rigged conditions that could never be found in the environment itself, the environmentalist researchers were able to demonstrate exactly what they set out to demonstrate. In other words, these studies were a “fix” from the beginning, in my opinion.

My Comments to the EPA

Here is what I posted through the EPA web site comment submission system earlier today. Whether or not these comments actually get posted to the EPA web site is another story. We shall see. Nevertheless, I also intend to submit my comments through the EPA’s email and fax systems noted above, as well as through the U.S. mail at the address noted above.

Folks, we need to bombard EPA with comments against the proposal to further regulate nano-silver as a “pesticide,” just as the environmentalists have been bombarding them with comments in favor of the proposal. Here’s the comment I submitted:

To the Honorable Mr. Stephen Johnson, Administrator:

The idea that nanosilver needs to be regulated by EPA due to ostensilbe harm to the environment is ridiculous at face value.
No study has ever demonstrated nanosilver to have caused harm to the environment.

The only studies conducted have been laboratory studies that have extrapolated nanosilver's alleged environmental impact. These studies have completely ignored the fact that once returned to the environment nanosilver rapidly bonds with minerals, salts and other natural substances, forming non-nano scale conglomerate particulates, essentially returning the silver to its natural harmless state.

In other words, once returned to the environment it is no longer nanosilver. And it no longer has the attributes deemed harmful by the white coat lab researchers who have conducted their laboratory studies using nanosilver in its purest and most non-adulterated commercial form rather than looking at what actually happens to nanosilver once it returns to the environment.

By promoting lab studies that assume nanosilver somehow remains in its nano-scale commercial form once returned to the environment -- which is so demonstrably false as to be ludicrous -- the environmentalists behind the push to regulate nanosilver as a new “pesticide” have done EPA and the American public a grave injustice. They have created an environmental "crisis" where none exists.

If you carefully read the petitions and press releases put out by the environmental groups now petitioning EPA in regards to regulating nanosilver, you will see they are so full of unsupported speculations and weasel words (i.e., "might cause harm" "could impact the environment," "may be highly destructive") as to be laughable.

We respectively submit EPA ignore the rabid calls to regulate nanosilver being made by neo-Luddite environmentalist groups. It is simply and conclusively a non-issue, in terms of potential harm to the environment.

Silver has always been in the environment and always will be. And when commercially produced nanosilver is returned to the environment it does not in any way, shape or form retain its commercial nanosilver properties. This issue is therefore moot; it is the proverbial "much ado about nothing."

Respectfully,S. Spencer Jones

Positive Impact

Hopefully we can make some positive impact against the proposal to have EPA regulate nano-silver as an environmental contaminant. But we have only a short time to act. And if we fail to act we will likely see the demise of the entire colloidal silver market.

So please be sure to help us get this vital information out to the natural health community.

Put the Means of Colloidal Silver Production
Into Your Own Hands While There Is Still Time

For anyone wishing to put the means of colloidal silver production into your own hands, please consider getting a colloidal silver generator right away. With a colloidal silver generator you can produce all of the colloidal silver you'll ever need, any time you want, in the comfort and privacy of your own home, for only a few pennies per quart.

Owning the means of colloidal silver production is the only way to make sure you will always have access to this powerful natural healing substance, especially if the EPA bows to pressure from the environmental groups and follows through on their plans to regulate nanosilver it into oblivion.

Learn More...

You can read more about the new Micro-Particle Home Colloidal Silver Generator by clicking here.

You can read about the astonishing ability of colloidal silver to kill antibiotic-resistant superpathogens such as MRSA at the web site by clicking here.

And you can read more in-depth information about the many benefits of colloidal silver generators by clicking here to visit our good friends at


For beginners, you can learn everything you need to know to get started using colloidal silver by watching the brand new, studio-quality, 60-minute Colloidal Silver Secrets Video, described at this link.

And for those who would prefer more in-depth information about colloidal silver usage, including three full chapters of in-depth dosage information, check out the newly update, 547-page edition of The Ultimate Colloidal Silver Manual by clicking here.

S. Spencer Jones

Important Links: